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#63292740Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:34 PM GMT

~ THE SHARDS OF LIFE ~ STORY- There once was a shard that could revive one life and it was kept by Albardon, The royal paladin Gardon went to battle with Albardon only to get the shard and revive his friends life, Gardon suffered badly in the battle and got himself killed Albardon was able to survive, Sadly during the battle Albardon's elbow hit the shard of life off the tower and it fell into the portal leaving to another world so heros started searching for it and they never found it, but soon they will find the shard of life and revive Gardon............ ACTORS Good Gardon {No one} (By the way you wont appear until the end of the movie when you get revived) Halestorm {Fargey1} Anvun {No one} Bad Cain {no one} Albardon {no one} Sealzor {no one} CAMERA MAN i need 1 cameraman you must be SUPER skilled and know how to make stuff appear on the youtube video screen {No one} ABOUT CHARACTERS Gardon- A royal paladin and has extreme power Halestorm- The warrior who will end the power of Albardon Anvun- A brave warrior who follows Halestorm on his adventure to revive Gardon Cain- Cain works for himself killing anyone he sees including Albardon, Cain is more of a hating person and wants nothing but the world to end in flames of terror under his chaos Albardon- The most powerful and evil knight alive the owner of the shard of life and Albardon is more of a cool dude but when you meet him he will do nothing but slash you in half Sealzor- The evil knight who follows Albardon's orders Sealzor only helps Albardon because Gardon had once killed his brother and Sealzor wants revenge on all the heros
#63293140Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

I could be camera man if you specify "SUPER skilled" a bit.
#63293390Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:43 PM GMT

i mean you are very skilled at the camera and have used it many times before
#63293599Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

Yes, i am skilled with a camera. So sign me up.
#63301133Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

Also i can take care of any editing.
#63311753Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:31 AM GMT

#63340613Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

#63355652Friday, February 24, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

I say this to every video like this. It won't be made. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO IDEA that has been posted on ROBLOXiwood asking for a cameraman has NEVER been made. Yes you will tell me how you will defy this like others, but most of the time it doesn't happen. I don't see this as being different.

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