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#63311638Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:28 AM GMT

This thread is based on Bobbysayhi who is always putting down everybody and eventually making htem quit on their idea/movie. I'm sick and tired of this! He's not only ruined people's ideas on WHAT to make, he's ruining their creativity and likeness of the subject movie making too! I've always been "critizised" by him. He has always put me down, but know I'm putting HIM down. HE is the one who isn't helping at all. He isn't critizising. He's cyber-bullying and it needs to stop! He isn't helping anyone, he's HURTING everyone who he tries to "help". I'm going on strike. Who else agrees Bobby should stop? P.S. This isn't againt his videos. This is against how he tries to "help" or as he calls it, critizising.
#63313969Thursday, February 23, 2012 5:47 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#63314936Thursday, February 23, 2012 6:28 AM GMT

He did it to me. But he is right. What he says is right!
#63316443Thursday, February 23, 2012 8:45 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#63339895Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

*Chuckle* Spreading this on the ROBLOXiwood section of the forums. I think you should've re-thought of posting this piece of spam here. :/ Almost every one I see is posting off topic threads here and there. Kind of annoying.
#63340049Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

it is absurd that because he is very famous, everyone sucks-up to him. It is true, he is harsh. But he means well and he does speak the truth.
#63344146Friday, February 24, 2012 12:46 AM GMT

What if people don't WANT the truth? What if they still think they can do it? This isn't spam, btw. This is where most people would see it. But critizising isn't meant to be harsh. The critizising that most people want is NICE and POLITE. HE just stomps on your movie idea, tears it, and then puts it in a shredder and sets it in flames.
#63344611Friday, February 24, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

If they dont want the truth then they shouldn't be posting in the first place.
#63344964Friday, February 24, 2012 1:01 AM GMT

Then he should mind his own business! If he wants to critizise, critizise HIS OWN VIDEOS. I even said "I don't want critics" on one of my ideas. HE STILL POSTED. He needs to stop.
#63345104Friday, February 24, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

If you dont want critisism, get out of Robloxiwood.
#63345182Friday, February 24, 2012 1:04 AM GMT

I want critisism, just not how HE does it. He isn't critizising, he's virtually slapping them in the face.
#63346253Friday, February 24, 2012 1:24 AM GMT

The only thing that bugs me about critics is when they flat out say "This won't happen." I'm not sure if I've seen Bobby do that, I think I have...
#63350318Friday, February 24, 2012 2:34 AM GMT

P.S. This isn't againt his videos. This is against how he tries to "help" or as he calls it, critizising. Woah. You know NOTHING about what I say. You say I put people down? Wrong. I tell them facts based on my experience and other's. I make them quit their video idea? Wrong again. Their mistakes make them not make their video. Not me. When I say, "You have too many actors to your video." People don't say OMG HE BROUGHT ME DOWN I QUIT! No, they are like you. They deny, and then they don't make the video for the same reasons I state. Saying I make people "quit" their video is just trying to find a scapegoat. Also, please explain how I "ruin people's ideas" their poor ideas crumble do to them not thinking before they say. Also, I put you down by saying quote, "Eh. This won't be a good video. You won't pull any of the effects needed off, and it will look nothing like Jumaji." How does that bring you down and make you quit your video? It doesn't.
#63350529Friday, February 24, 2012 2:38 AM GMT

I made a whole new post for this because this is VERY important to say. *I also forgot to delete a sentence of your that I copied and pasted in my post on the top* Woah, woah, woah, your saying I'm cyber bulling? Do you even know what that is? I'm just giving you useful information do to my personal experience in video making. When you say MAKING A JUMANJI MOVIE! I will tell EVERYONE with this idea that they can't pull it off due to their lack of editing skills. I'm not a hypocrite, I couldn't do it. Saying I CYBER BULLY is RIDICULOUS! Cyber-bulling is this... It is me using technology to cause GREAT, GREAT harm to you emotionally by following you, making rumors about you or just plain out trying to cause TONS of damage to you emotionally. This includes me using vulgar language towards you, insulting you just to hurt you and break you down, sending many, many rude messages making fun of you. In summary, IT IS ME TRYING TO MAKE YOU SCARED FOR YOUR SAFETY! I can not stress how dumb you sound for saying I cyber bully. Saying that me saying "I don't like this idea" is CYBER BULLING is STUPID! Grow up and please use terms you know.
#63350648Friday, February 24, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

all i think is that your mad boby posted on your thread and you got mad because he was right and you were wrong. can I ask what bobby said that brought you down and made you call him a cyber bully please? Id like quotes too.
#63357783Friday, February 24, 2012 5:31 AM GMT

"He did it to me. But he is right. What he says is right!" I don't want to battle for the sake of robloxiwood anymore... NOT EVERYTHING HE SAYS IS RIGHT. Even complete geniuses make mistakes and you must know it.
#63357838Friday, February 24, 2012 5:33 AM GMT

Okay, now I seriously do not want to fight for the sake of robloxiwood. Because of bobby and because of you guys who surrender for cyber bulling that never was. *hands on table, gets up and leaves through the door*

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