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#63528953Monday, February 27, 2012 6:36 AM GMT

This is a professional procedural & informational handbook to successfully creating a 5-star movie production on Roblox with or without using Roblox filming software. This easy-to-use instructional pamphlet shows how to create a: -Movie Screenplay -Movie Description -Opening Credit Formation -Photographical Filming Procedures -Movie Editing Procedures -and Finalizing Closing Credit Formation This contains the proper basic elements needed to produce a high-class film. However, this is not a movie editor helper. That part is what truly decides great films from poor directors. This model simply allows you to mold an idea into the format and come out with an A+ Pre-Productional Project. This is the EXACT GUIDE used by The Mafia Films Corporation. SECTIONS: -Screenplay Outline -Movie Description Format -Plot Development -Advanced Filming Location Doctrine -Applicable Model-User Citation Acknowledgement Document -Play Format -Photographical Filming Procedures -Movie Editing Procedures -Organizing Folders -Post-Production: Opening Credits -Post-Production: Closing Credits -Copyright Information/Infringement Roblox Screenplay Outline: I. Title a. Abbreviated Title II. Movie Description: [see Movie Description Format] III. Cast of Characters a. Main Characters b. Major Characters c. Minor Characters d. Cameo Scenes 1. Mostly Important Robloxian/Real-Life Figures e. Category Roles IV. Plot [see Plot Development] V. Script a. Scene # b. Title of Scene c. Cast of Characters 1. Alphabetical/Sequential Order d. Events 1. Written in Play Format [see Play Format] VI. Credits: [see Credit Format] VII. Copyright Information [see Copyright Information/Infringement] Movie Description Format: I. Title: [Full Title of Movie] II. Directed by: [Name] III. Produced by: [Name] IV. Screenplay by: [Name] V. Story by: [Name] VI. Based on: [Name of where Idea came from] a. If original, then no “Based On” in description VII. Starring: [Names of Main Characters & Their Roles] VIII. Music Selection by: [Name] IX. Cinematography: [Name] X. Editing by: [Name] XI. Studio: [Name of Company/Person who filmed] XII. Distributed by: [Name of Movie Company/Person Uploads to YouTube] XIII. Release Date: [MM/DD/YY when movie is uploaded] a. If unsure then put TBA (To Be Announced) XIV. Language: [Language filmed in] XV. Budget: [How much R$ you spend to buy clothes/props for actors] a. Actor salaries and other salaries are not put here XVI. Gross Revenue: [How many people would view your video~Guestimate] Plot Development: The Plot Development is the steps that show you how to create a plot summary. This doesn’t help you make the plot to a movie idea, but makes your movie idea more orderly and in plot format. I. Theme of The Story a. The main idea for making the movie II. Important Sequences a. Summarized events of the movie III. “From The _[Director, Producer]____ of _[Movie Title]____” a. Don’t use if not a Director, Producer, or Writer. Advanced Filming Doctrine: This is a doctrine that allows a more organized filming schedule to be crafted based on the number of scenes in the movie production and how many locations are being filmed at. Additionally, this will also give accurate recognition to other people’s places. I. Title a. Abbreviated Title II. Filming Locations a. # of Locations b. Name of Location 1. If other person’s location, add: “Username-Place Name” c. Scenes Filmed in Location 1. Scene(s): _[Scene #’s]_ Roblox Applicable Model-User Citation Acknowledgement Document: This states that any major model used in a production must be accurately recognized in the credits. This shows how to properly cite what models were mainly used in your movie, according to model-making company, not owner. IN THE CREDITS: I. Models Used a. [Company Name] ex. Pinewood Builders, HatHelper, etc. i. [Name of Model] ex. Clock-Desk, Working Computer, etc. Play Formatting: Play formatting is basically where actions and people talk, as seen below. IN THE SCREENPLAY: I. Events a. (Character Name): So forth, how art thou a Noob? b. (Character Name): [Turns Around] Just liketh your mother! [They fight] c. END OF SCENE I d. [Opening Title Sequence Starts] Photographical Filming Procedures: Depending at what company you work, there are many procedures that those companies create. However, mostly it’s the Cameraman with the vision to film the movie. Here are The Mafia Films Photographical Filming Procedures: I. Attempt to get The 3 Angles a. 1st Camera Angle i. This is where you are completely in first-person view. b. 2nd Camera Angle i. This is where you are in first-person view to where you see your avatar c. 3rd Camera Angle i. This is where the camera is placed completely away from you and where it is seeing your actions like someone else is watching you. ii. There are 2 3rd Camera Angles 1. Where you center on your character walking, but the camera stays in place 2. Where you are set in one area and the character isn’t the center of the screen II. Removing the Arrow a. Basically using Camera 4 out of the Camera Tool Pack to remove the annoying Roblox arrow III. Remove the Name a. Basically getting rid of the names of people in the movie IV. Remove the Chat a. This means to not use the chat bubbles OR use the normal chat in the film or show it V. Use The Official The Mafia Films Movie Tools [Filming] a. A pair of instructions is inserted into the model in a script in free models. Movie Editing Procedures: For each type of movie editor, there are many types of creative techniques and tools you can use the make your film class A film. However, The Mafia Films mainly follows these very specific techniques. We only utilize Windows Movie Maker and Sony Vegas Pro. But here are some very basic procedures we follow to ensure the movie is good. I. Crop The Video a. Also trim it down II. Analyze the genera the video is supposed to be a. Ex. Horror may want more dark/reddish overtones; War may want some darker/gold colors. III. Insert The Music AFTER the sound effects are added a. This just makes the video sound better IV. Sync all audio together a. So it’s not so choppy V. Border the video a. For some reason, this makes people focus on your film. Works great with War/Survival films. VI. Add Introduction/Credits at the very end. Organizing Folders: At our company, we organize our products VERY specifically. Here is the outline. I. Movie Name a. Clips i. Other Web Videos ii. Video Clips b. Images i. Posters ii. Screenshots iii. Still Images iv. Title Cards c. Parts i. Complete Parts ii. Projects d. Places; Models i. Places ii. Models e. Trailers f. Unrendered Footage i. Unrendered Images ii. Unrendered Clips Post-Production: Opening Credits: At the beginning of the movie, you may want to add specific opening credits after the main title credits. Well at The Mafia Films we don’t usually do that, but if there is a case where we do, this is what it would follow: Produced By: Starring: [Main Actors] Script Supervisor: Soundtrack Selected By: Costume Designer: Art Director: Script Writer: Directed By: POST PRODUCTON: Closing Credits: This is how we organize our closing credits at the very end of our films. Directed By: Script Writer: Produced By: Cameraman: Art Director: Actors: [Character Name/Roblox Name] Stunt Actors/Replacement Actors: Music Selection: Costume Designer: Script Supervisor: Set Director: Prop Builder: Models Used: [See Roblox Applicable Model-User Citation Acknowledgement Document] Music Used: [Title, Composed By] Filmed At: [Location, Made By] Special Thanks To: Inspired By: Copyright Information: (See Below) Copyright Information/Infringement: First, here is legal mumble-jumble: “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ---- DISCLAIMER The content within these recordings are property of their respective Designers, Writers, Creators, Owners, Organizations, Companies and Producers. I do not and will not profit from making and uploading these recordings, they are for fun & archival purposes only. This Disclaimer applies to all uploaded recordings within my account unless stated otherwise in videos' description.” Basically this is telling you that you can criticize, use this in a news report, report in general, teach this, and research and scholarship on this. In a better since fair use by all. The disclaimer is telling us that this video is not made for profit and he acknowledges that their recordings are respective property of their owners Fun and hobby purposes in a more common sense. I would highly recommend just copy-and-inserting this into your video description once uploading the video. Now down here is a common outline that I do to give a professional look, even though it probably carries no legal backing realistically. You just put this on the last part of your credits as the credit format explained. I. Copyright Information a. Title 1. In Quotation Marks b. Is a registered trademark of __[Movie Company]_____ c. Any [Misc.] is property of __[Movie Company]_____ d. ©_[Year]___ Well thanks for reading this entire guide. This took about a year to finally figure out for me, and a long time to type this all out. Thanks for Reading this, bye. Post Your Opinions or another option that could be better.
#63530642Monday, February 27, 2012 10:12 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#63533036Monday, February 27, 2012 2:03 PM GMT

A manual that tells too much can actually reduce creativity... The National-Socialism made their soldiers get creative, and they got creative. Why? They never said any details. (I still do not support that movement.)
#63543499Monday, February 27, 2012 9:24 PM GMT

Well right now people can't get their creativity because the Robloxiwood Market is very hard down on people who simply cannot figure out the kep to making movies, and that is ultimately strategy. The creativity is the idea, the people that work on a film project, the reviews, and the sucess of the hard work. PS. That Socialist "creativity" failed in the 1980-1990s
#63543918Monday, February 27, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

@CosimoValuta Are you talking about Russia or very strict ideaologies? Anyway, robloxiwood was never a market. None of the producers ever made their films, and if they did, only a few did. If reviewers were to change their ways we could maintain the rules of making a movie, but also maintain creativity. Also Creativity is something that makes an idea. It is a tool for success which results by hard work, but it is not any of the process, it's just the starting blueprints of everything. PLUS Robloxiwood is not a market or business, it was meant to be a community forum with people that make movies, DO NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE! And apperantly none of the critics I've met believe in this. Maybe a couple of exceptions I can't recall.
#63544332Monday, February 27, 2012 9:38 PM GMT

Also when you go like "Proffesional guide", people tend to follow it strictly than get creative about it. If I were to tell the reader how to organize their resources I would do it like this: 1) Call the guide "for starters". No matter how much you follow a proffesional guide, you would not understand it, or it may be too strict. 2) I will put examples, not dictation. If I were to tell the reader to organize their resources, I would not even get to examples unless I couldn't explain. Like: You SHOULD organize your resources in seperated folders: Sounds into one folder and footage to another. I will never give my way of doing so, because I want the reader to follow his own mind, not follow my steps. The reader could never be like me, and never will. Each person has their signature in every piece of art. THAT INCLUDES MOVIES, especially Directors, Actors, Editors, Cameramen and Producers. The rest of the crew doesn't contribute so much of themselves, therefore not much of their personality is put: like Microphone holders don't put mind into it, but physical strength.
#63544463Monday, February 27, 2012 9:40 PM GMT

TRIPLE POST FOR THE WIN! I shall post a full review later when I'll get to view this one deeply. Who knows, maybe I'll show how to make a GOOD guide, because none of the "proffesional" guides I've seen helped me out. RTFM is one rule that should not be obeyed when you can't understand why and what exactly.
#63544808Monday, February 27, 2012 9:46 PM GMT

Well the whole reason ther eisn't a market is because people are not succeeding with films! Sure If I tell them it is a professional guide, they will take it professionally, but if they actually READ IT, then they will figure out our goal. The language may seem complicated, but if you read or re-read it will make sense. It is the sense that because it has failed before, it is doomed to fail forever as an absolute. Creativity is achieveable anywhere, and clear cut example are under eras of dictatorships, no freedoms, yet people under those condidtions made Art thrive. This is a simple guide to not direct, guide people into learning how to make a film.
#63545483Monday, February 27, 2012 9:58 PM GMT

@CosimoValuta Yet I still wouldn't say how to do certain things, I will just give them a general direction. Also re-read? C++ "proffesional" guide told me how to do a "hello world" command. Flaws: It told me how to do it, but never explained why this line is important and what a certain commands means which did with justa few major commands but not the as-important minor ones. And I failed because it kept returning me errors and told me "FIX IT" next chapter, but never gave guidance to why and what therefore couldn't get to a logical direction. Now you can use it against me saying "exactly that I meant" but I know what you mean, even if it's just for those who are learning, I would just give them a general direction and give them the puzzle of producing the film with those directions, I have no idea what they wanna do. Also about failing before adn never be success again is something that a weak guy would do. It's either them or their weaker personality to be lost in the business, and believe. Sure I never made successful movies, but I progressed and that's what's important in the first steps, not the success. Giving a general direction maintains the vehicle on the road, but it also leaves the guy with his own desire to ride with it to anywhere he wants to.
#63571547Tuesday, February 28, 2012 7:33 AM GMT

And 99% of the time he flew off the road. That is why you direct them to go straight for .4 miles, then turn right at a Yeild Section We need to guide them to the car, then tell them how to even drive before they actually move. This guide is mainly for that technical direction that nearly anybody wants, and the imagination is where you will drive.
#63572498Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:35 AM GMT

Just posting to save to MyForums as I might want to read this later. No spam intended ^_^
#63574256Tuesday, February 28, 2012 1:44 PM GMT

@Cosimo If somebody was to tell you to use a certain format for something that you put a personality into, don't you think it would kinda block your way of learning? There is more than one road and there is more than one car, and I think it's up to the person to choose his road(format) and his car(Tools). Also about: "99% of the time he flew off" does have something in it. However in Driving lessons and Flight school do not teach you exactly everything, they teach you the general format, not the strict one. The strict one is available, most of the time, for only one plane and pilot. The general one teaches you how to fly the basic plane, which demonstrates everything that every plane has. Gauges, Shapes, Engine startups etc. I've actually read some of it a little bit deeper and I think I've said nothing that have made any context with this. So whoever noticed that may want to lay down with this comment. However what makes it nonsense is that like almost every "proffesional" guide. It teaches how, but doesn't go into particular spots in everything. However if I was to make a good guide, I would make it for people that actually WANT to learn how to make a movie. Then I wouldn't give too much generalazation or too much strict orders. This has both: It's too strict with the formats of making the hiring posters and saving resources. It is also too generalized in describing what is what. It's eaxtly like that C++ guide I had. It explained too generalized and gave a good that is too strict and never gave a base to anything. In the first chapter you may want to put a base for everything, or else everything is mixed up together in a way that you can't understand what is what.
#63587113Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

I say we agree to disagree here gentlemen.
#63609520Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:10 AM GMT

@DonCurrency Apparently we all disagree with each other. ;P Well by 'all' I mean those who put their side on this.
#63619152Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

I support Cosimo in this after reading his arguments.
#63620424Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:48 PM GMT

@Don Each and everyone's opinions when it comes to arguments. ;P
#63670845Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Yep I agree.
#64132097Sunday, March 11, 2012 2:31 AM GMT

Well I feel this is important for people, so Ima bump it
#64853635Saturday, March 24, 2012 1:53 AM GMT

#64910934Sunday, March 25, 2012 1:00 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#64971178Sunday, March 25, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

Since a lot of [people are asking for movie tips, here is a guide.
#64997761Monday, March 26, 2012 3:59 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#65218511Friday, March 30, 2012 11:49 PM GMT

Your Welcome. Soon in time, I will re-update it for minor errors and some new stuff. ~"Go to the moon, you ain't got no problems" Newt 2012~
#66312042Saturday, April 14, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

Soon I will re-edit this stuff next year. ~"Go to the moon, you ain't got no problems" Newt 2012~
#66538836Wednesday, April 18, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

READ THIS ~"Go to the moon, you ain't got no problems" Newt 2012~

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