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#63778211Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:31 PM GMT

(Yes, this is a huge tl;dr. Just skip to the bottom of the post if you want a summary. If you're interested in how companies like Roblox make money, though, grab a coffee and read it. And yes, I posted this on RT a little while ago) (I don't think the sales #s for BC etc. have been published, so the sales #s are just based off of logical reasoning (read: guessing), so don't expect these to be exact, but don't expect them to be too far off ether) okay, so i'm going to say that the total ammount of dollars from monthly charges from BC and TBC together cover up the whole realm of server costs + bandwidth, everything else is pure profit Obviously I don't have my numbers, but I'll take a stab in the dark and say there are around 5,000 purchases of 6 Month BC (which is $29.95) every year, that's $149,750 from that. Now, for yearly BC, I'll just take the logical approach and say there are half the sales of that every year, so 12 Month BC ($57.95) earns Roblox $144,875 every year. Aaand, Lifetime. Lifetime is a very common gift for Christmas/Birthdays, I'm going to point at about 3,000 sales a year. Lifetime is $199.95, so that's $599,850. Okay, so non-monthly BC has gotten roblox a total of $894,475 in profit. Now, to TBC: 6 Months TBC ($44.95) is probably around 2500 a year, so that's $112,375. Again, I'll take the logical step and say that 1 year TBC ($85.95) has half the sales of 6M TBC, so that's approximately $107,437. And now, Lifetime TBC, the ideal gift for the more well-off robloxian. It's $299.95, and I'm going to say it gets about 2,500 sales a year (Christmas and birthdays, remember!), so that's a solid $749,875. Every year, Roblox makes $979,687 off of non-montly TBC. And finally... OBC. OBC gets a LOT of sales (considering the price), and that really does make sense, because a majority of Roblox players are American, and internet bills in the US are insane; therefore, there are a lot of well-off kids playing this game. Monthly OBC has approximately 6,500 subscribers. It costs $19.95, so that's... $129,675 every MONTH. Multiply that by 12 and we have $1,556,100 every year from monthly OBC. 6 Months OBC ($69.95) likely gets around 4,000 purchases every year, so $279,800 right there. Still following the approach that 12 months (T)BC took, 12 Months OBC ($129.95) is at around 2,000 sales every year. Obviously the marker saying "MOST POPULAR" is untrue. 12 Month BC makes Roblox $259,900 yearly. And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: LIFETIME OBC! Lifetime OBC ($349.95) gets an insane amount of purchases if you consider its price: with a deadly mix of tons of rich children playing this game and the fact that 'it is da besst BC!!', I'm going to assume that it has a lot of buys. Heck, maybe even 3,500 buys a year. Before you freak out from my probably inaccurate guess, it's a guess calm down. Based off my guess, that's $1,224,825. Oh god. Roblox makes a total of $3,320,625 every year from OBC. So, from all the BCs... that's $5,194,787. Remember, we're only talking about profits. The average American makes about $50,000 a year, 1/100th of what Roblox is getting. Does it stop there? Nope. Roblox has a ton of trackers on its site that basically spy on what you're typing and looking at for advertising. Every page you view with these trackers (spoiler: they're on every page) is getting Roblox money. Consider how many pages you go on on http://www.roblox.com every day. Every post you view, every thread you make, every game you look at, every hat for sale. Every tracker depends, so it'd be really difficult to total up how much money Roblox is garnering from them, but believe me: They are making a king's ransom. I'm almost sure that it's somewhere above 5 million a year from just the trackers. Oh, and ads. On the forum they added that obnoxious feature where there are ads upon ads upon ads as you scroll down; all those ads you see just gave Roblox money. Yes, getting BC and seeing only user-made ads makes it so they aren't making money from advertisers, but guess what: they're making money from you getting BC. Of course, you could just get Adblock. Also, get Ghostery; it lets you block & deny access from all those pesky trackers, and you get the privilege of seeing what ones are on what page. The roblox front page has way too many. Again, it'd be extremely difficult to calculate how much Roblox is making from ads, but believe me; they're making a lot. PS: After some afterthought and the notion that trackers + ads blanket server + bandwidth costs, I'll update this later to include Monthly BC and TBC to see how much Roblox is really making. TL;DR: Roblox is making bajillions of dollars, and is only getting richer. Also, BC isn't what is keeping Roblox alive; trackers and ads definitely cover bandwidth, server costs etc. and are probably getting a little extra profit on the side, too. BC and all of its colorful variants are there for profits and profits only.
#63778294Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:33 PM GMT

If you think this is TL;DR refer to VAK's rules thread Respect my authority
#63778325Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:33 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#63778404Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:35 PM GMT

@Straw yeah, but that's VAK. half the post is probably just 'bow before your eternal, glorious and endlessly arrogant leader vaktus, also vaktus DID join in 05 and if you disagree then you're a noob LOL'
#63778504Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:36 PM GMT

i just read the whole thing? did my hot chocolate with vanilla extarct keep me going. i guess it was a sub for coffee
#63778553Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

Shorter version: All in all, roblox makes $5,194,787 from BC alone.
#63778571Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

tl;dr = Too long; didn't read.
#63778590Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

#63778674Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

i think there is a lot more than 6k buys a year
#63778700Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

@Xyou $5,194,787 every year. The calculations were based off of what I saw through 2011, as Roblox continues to grow in size, it's going to be hitting the 10m marks _very_ soon. Oh, also, Roblox has very few employees, so that means that most of the 5 million dollars are still in Roblox's hands without the worry of 'oh no my money is leaking into my slaves' pockets'
#63779051Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

>the average american makes 50,000 a year >1/100 of what roblox is making roblox isn't just one person, it's a corporation a corporation with at least 100 people
#63779214Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:49 PM GMT

@Hyph olollololo Roblox has a _very_ small staff, don't deny that. Also, I doubt they're just giving away all their money to their employees; Stealth Pilot has openly discussed having a 2nd job because the money he gets for moderating is unable to hold him up.
#63779223Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:49 PM GMT

actually, 100 is a bit high let's say about 50, including engineers, administrators, moderators, interns, etcetera and the fact that the administrative positions(not roblox admins, things like CEO etc) have a much higher paycheck that's about average
#63779275Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

@Fl4sh you posted that while I was correcting, and I think the actual number of staff is somewhere in the 30 reigon obviously a lot of it is going to the higher up positions
#63779305Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:51 PM GMT

@Hyp Ya, my original thread on RT was titled "I'VE ESTIMATED TELAMON'S NET WORTH". At the very least3/4ths of those 5 million dollars are going to Telamon, Builderman and Erik.Cassel
#63779637Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

I would say about three of the estimated five million the rest is spread out amongst the subordinates and server costs
#63779810Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

@Hyph i thought we already agreed that trackers + ads cover up the whole server costs and bandwidth issue 2 mil going all to employees is a little excessive, i'm going to say that about $500,000 of their garnered profits are being put on paychecks.
#63840243Sunday, March 04, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

bro, if telamon was a millionaire instead of showing us his whiteman's ghettohouse on youtube it would be a loop of him swinging a cane and resting his feet on women
#63919482Tuesday, March 06, 2012 6:49 PM GMT

@1999 he has so much monies that he bought a ghettohouse so he could simulate poor life. DUH.
#63919667Tuesday, March 06, 2012 6:58 PM GMT

@FL4SH's post about VAK's rules: here You get a cookie for being the most correct person on Roblox.
#108670974Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:08 PM GMT

#108671099Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

and it all goes to the mods weekly poker game ~ If you're reading this, you can read. XxasheindoodxX's alt account ~
#109580496Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

yes it does?
#109580573Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#109580892Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:12 PM GMT

you're right an average american citizen doesn't make anywhere NEAR as much as a huge silicon valley corporation with millions of monthly consumers

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