#69979574Friday, June 15, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

#69980206Friday, June 15, 2012 12:24 AM GMT

K ill ignore.
#69980244Friday, June 15, 2012 12:25 AM GMT

8/10, would read again Everyone mad
#69984382Friday, June 15, 2012 1:26 AM GMT

Naomi I sighed as I flipped off my DS and shoved it in the small pocket of my back pack. I am not one to feel guilty when I do something wrong, but it poured upon my head like burning coils. I wanted to confess but I didn't want to let go of what I toiled for. I started to feel hot maybe I should go in, AC? I arrive inside and I see Fae with her meal. I glanced at her, but then I turned my head. I thought maybe she didn't see me. I didn't want to drink the energy beverage until we arrive back at the hotel because if I do it now who knows how hyper I will get with one of the world's most caffeinated drink. I slowly tried to make my way to the trying to look causal bathroom, hopefully no one would notice me. But my face was pinkish turning red from the worry and guilt. If I make it to the bathroom I can stay there until it is time to go. Stay in the bathroom and calm down.
#69984712Friday, June 15, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

#70034077Friday, June 15, 2012 8:09 PM GMT

>Incorrect grammar >Not saying anything including the thread >Not following rules >Says childish words Annabelle I look outside and see the bike riders. In the distance, I see the Eiffel Tower. "How grand," I smile. I get out my notebook and start to make notes about it's looks.
#70034204Friday, June 15, 2012 8:11 PM GMT

They still butthurt. ISN'T THAT SOME SORTA CAR BRAND?
#70034510Friday, June 15, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

No. It sounds immature. Annabelle I watch outside as two kids start to fight. "Looks like even Paris isn't perfect," I murmur. "Their kids are immature,"I add on, "And uncontrollable." I watch as a french mother come over to them and grab them by their hands, but the kids kept fighting. I sigh and read the book I was reading.
#70036231Friday, June 15, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

of course a city isn't pefect. What would you ex[pect? Heaven? Perfect fools.
#70038128Friday, June 15, 2012 9:04 PM GMT

I hope all you trolls are happy. People aren't posting and a thread that I worked really hard on died once again. Both of my threads that I really cared about got trolled by you and then they died. You win, red! I hope this satisfies you. Now you can go and spend the rest of your life trolling like you have been doing... I just hope soon you can straighten up your life. You prob just bully everyone online because everyone bullies you in real. I hope that changes for you.
#70038221Friday, June 15, 2012 9:05 PM GMT

#70038609Friday, June 15, 2012 9:10 PM GMT

I agree that this thread could look like it is promoting ODing, and you have all been extremely dedicated in pointing this out to the people on the thread. However, I believe they are possibly a lost cause and there are other threads that would be better worth your time and you wouldn't be wasting your efforts like here.
#70041208Friday, June 15, 2012 9:46 PM GMT

Padrona, this actually advertised: >Romance(etc. ODing) >Emo actions (etc. cutting one's self, thinking about pain and death) > Multiple Attempts of Suicid.e) >Powers (Etc. this turns into a fanstasy Roleplay)
#70041525Friday, June 15, 2012 9:50 PM GMT

I hope all you trolls are happy. We are happy, as this cesspit is dead. People aren't posting and a thread that I worked really hard on died once again. Good. Both of my threads that I really cared about got trolled by you and then they died. Good. You win, red! Good. I hope this satisfies you. Yes, as this abomination of school RPs are dead. Now you can go and spend the rest of your life trolling like you have been doing... Or something's else, etc. Playing Minecraft, vacationing to Germany, etc. I just hope soon you can straighten up your life. Who are you? My crackjob mother? You prob just bully everyone online because everyone bullies you in real. Nope. Actually, I go to a Private school, etc. everyone has to be smart or kicked out of school. not like those pathetic public schools with mixes of everything. I hope that changes for you. No, I am going to stay in that school for a long time.
#70044057Friday, June 15, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

(nope aint dead while pures here) Mani- "..." I dont get my food as ordered so the waiter takes it back, "..."
#70044709Friday, June 15, 2012 10:39 PM GMT

Dead. Unless you are moronic enough to continue, it's dead.
#70045606Friday, June 15, 2012 10:54 PM GMT

•Yes, as this abomination of school RPs are dead. -Actually, there are always going to be school RPs. So even though you won this rp, you will never win the whole thing of trolling all school RPs :D •Or something's else, etc. Playing Minecraft. -Figures, you do spend all you time on the computer. You must be very obsessed with Minecraft and spend all your time doing that. •Who are you? My crackjob mother? -Okay so you might not get bullied all the time, but I never knew you had problems with your mom... Maybe that is why you have a life of trolling. •Nope. Actually, I go to a Private school, etc. everyone has to be smart or kicked out of school. not like those pathetic public schools with mixes of everything. -Okay? Like I care about your life... You go to a private school and you have to be smart or kicked out? And public schools actually aren't that bad. Atleast they don't have stuck up snobs everywhere that are so arrogant. •No, I am going to stay in that school for a long time. -Like I said before: I don't care... I mean you are very good at correcting do that school must be dry good for you.
#70046387Friday, June 15, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

You get the dots from messletters. This one was an ODing plague. And you twilight lovers are sick. Minecraft is minecraft. A game. And this is also a game. My mother is not a crackjob, it's called being a real estate agent. LOL So, first you say my mother is a crackjob, then you say everyone there is snotty? How did my "crackjob" mother get the money? Yet again, going to an international college at Hardvard, and gettign alot of school credits is dry good? Yes it is.
#70055694Saturday, June 16, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

Hey! Hey hey! You won! What a win.... and this is how you celebrate? STILL trying to make a champion? How pathetic.
#70056804Saturday, June 16, 2012 1:30 AM GMT

You get the dots from messletters. This one was an ODing plague. And you twilight lovers are sick. -excuse me? I just got the dots off my iPhone and your saying all the ODers use that? Sorry I'm not so obbssesed with ODing like you are. Also, eeeeeewwwww I dont like twilight. My mother is not a crackjob, it's called being a real estate agent. LOL -oh I never knew being a crackjob meant you were a real estate agent. So, first you say my mother is a crackjob, then you say everyone there is snotty? How did my "crackjob" mother get the money? -oh I think you know how she could earn some money....
#70060230Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

I lol at the argument.
#70065150Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

(Just ignore them. We did good for a week. I don't understand how you guys just can't resist feeding the trolls.)
#70065279Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:38 AM GMT

@kirby, Exactly. That's why I find the trolls funny, This thread is not very troll able.
#70065329Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

(I don't understand how these guys find it so difficult to not respond the trolls. It's so EASY.)
#70065699Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:46 AM GMT

Exactly. I am immune to them, They just get annoyed. Ololo