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#64027445Friday, March 09, 2012 2:39 AM GMT

Author's Note: ATTENTION! This is a private thread, if you'd like to join contact me, Warlock274, Ichigo97(McKailey), or Princesszelda7496. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storyline: In Greek mythology there were 12 Go.ds along with hundreds of Minor Go.ds. You are a son or daughter of one of them. You control the elements and powers of your Go.dly parent. Will you use them for good, or for bad? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present: Demi-gods are hunted everyday and exterminated. Only a small group are actively fighting the monsters, Titans, and Kronos back. The rest are in hiding, all around the world. Who can you trust? Who will survive? Will YOU survive? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: ~No Godmodding, ubering, etc. ~No controlling armies, being part of the Army, etc. ~You cannot control the Greek Gods(12 or Minor) unless you're an Admin ~You must listen to me ~I can deny joining for no reason and kick you for any reason at all ~I am allowed to add rules whenever I want ~I will take control of the plot, along with PrincessZelda, Ichigo(McKailey), and Warlock) ~If you want to make a huge plot or a side-plot ask first ~Can't make random things happen(boulder falling, etc) ~If I say something happens, you must obey(No dodging unless fighting, etc) ~You cannot kill another player without their permission ~No cur.sing, (Only in Greek, or a different language :D) ~Anymore questions about rules then you can ask ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Admins: PrincessZelda7496 Warlock274 Ichigo97(McKailey) ~I am also allowed to take away your Admin status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet: Na.me: A.ge: (16) Ge.nder: Appearance: (Hair color, scars, etc.) Go.dly Parent: (Only 1) Powers: (MUST relate to parent's power and only up to three) Backpack: (Money but not like 10,000 dollars) Weapon(s): (Only up to three and no like HUGE bazookas, etc) Personality: Bio: (Optional)
#64027485Friday, March 09, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

Name: Pyer Wells A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Pyer-Wells-item?id=23680833 Son/Daughter of What God: Athena Power(s): War Cry (Temperately can attack faster, and more aggressive, but during that time he cannot think that clearly.), Not really a power, but Strategist. Backpack: 200$, Phone (Rarely uses), Ipod, Greek books, laptop. Weapon: A watch that forms into a sword. Personality: Nice and fun to be around, always there for his friends and family. Has his blonde moments every once in a while even though his mother is Athena. His biggest flaw is he is too loyal to his friends and family, it could sometimes lead him into trouble... Bio: N/A Name: Alice Wells A.ge: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Alice-Wells-Grown-Up-item?id=43792907 Son/Daughter of What God: Athena Power(s): War Cry (Temperately can attack faster, and more aggressive, but during that time she cannot think that clearly.) Not really a power, but Defence Expert. Backpack: 200$, Phone (Rarely uses), books on various subjects. Weapon: Twig in her pocket that grows into a wooden poisonous spear. Personality: Nice, also fun to be around, a lot like Pyer, hates fighting, but isn't afraid to do it. Bio: Pyer's little sister, she's on her own, and doesn't know who Pyer is yet...
#64027505Friday, March 09, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

Name: Kimmi O’Conner A.g.e: 16 Gender: female Child of what G.o.d: Aphrodite Powers: L.o.v.e. K.i.s.s- she gives out an air kiss and the person she sends it to is infatuated and under her charm and does what ever she says Inventory: a small pocket kn.i.fe, $100 for food and stuffs, a gold locket Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/G-C-Kimmi-OConner-item?id=74308204Weapons: Mace Bio: Kimmi growing up as a child was raised by her father all alone, her dad would have g.ir.lfri.e.nds from time to time to fill in the motherless gap Kim has but Kim never really liked them. Living with her father wasn’t all the great either. He was a very heavy d.ri.n.ker and on some nights when Kimmi was asleep he’d come in and randomly be.at her, he was really a.bu.siv.e due to his d.ri.n.ki.ng problem. She’d cover up her bruises and scars with her cover up makeup. As she was in school her class was learning about the Greek Go.ds and someone had to yell out that Kimmi’s mother must be Aphrodite because she was the prettiest in the school. After careful thinking Kimmi had to ask her dad, “Is my mom Aphrodite?” and her dad actually said “Yes, she is.” Kimmi was shocked and the very next day some weird strangers appeared at her house, her dad quickly ran up to her room and told her to run out of the back of the house and don’t look back. She did what her father said and hasn’t seen her father since. Personality: Kimmi is a kind girl by heart but has a dangerous fighting side underneath her good looks. (legit)
#64027562Friday, March 09, 2012 2:42 AM GMT

(IGNORE THAT ONE!!!!!!!) Name: Kimmi O’Conner A.g.e: 16 Gender: female Child of what G.o.d: Aphrodite Powers: L.o.v.e. K.i.s.s- she gives out an air kiss and the person she sends it to is infatuated and under her charm and does what ever she says Inventory: a small pocket kn.i.fe, $100 for food and stuffs, a gold locket Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/G-C-Kimmi-OConner-item?id=74308204 Weapons: Mace Bio: Kimmi growing up as a child was raised by her father all alone, her dad would have g.ir.lfri.e.nds from time to time to fill in the motherless gap Kim has but Kim never really liked them. Living with her father wasn’t all the great either. He was a very heavy d.ri.n.ker and on some nights when Kimmi was asleep he’d come in and randomly be.at her, he was really a.bu.siv.e due to his d.ri.n.ki.ng problem. She’d cover up her bruises and scars with her cover up makeup. As she was in school her class was learning about the Greek Go.ds and someone had to yell out that Kimmi’s mother must be Aphrodite because she was the prettiest in the school. After careful thinking Kimmi had to ask her dad, “Is my mom Aphrodite?” and her dad actually said “Yes, she is.” Kimmi was shocked and the very next day some weird strangers appeared at her house, her dad quickly ran up to her room and told her to run out of the back of the house and don’t look back. She did what her father said and hasn’t seen her father since. Personality: Kimmi is a kind girl by heart but has a dangerous fighting side underneath her good looks.
Top 100 Poster
#64027579Friday, March 09, 2012 2:42 AM GMT

Na.me: Garrett Wolfe Ag.e: 16 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: Long, silk black hair grown out that hangs over white eyes that change color depending on mood. A small looking innocent looking face with fierceness, curiosity, and mischief hidden behind the eyes. A sly grin that is almost always planted on the face, showing a slight evilness to it, but also scaring most people away. The skin is a ghastly pale, looking deathly. Godly Parent: Hades Powers: Shadowalk, disappear in the shadows, summon the undead and hel.l hounds Backpack: Cash, passport, driver’s license, clothing, bottles of water, flares Weapon(s): Large Black blade with a poisonous tip that turns into a small ring with a skull on it. The other weapons are two daggers embroided with gems and jewels from his father as a gift. Personality: Sly, evil, shy, sometimes funny, and can be very nice, but also very tricky Bio: Not a lot is known. At age ten, he ki.lled his own mother due to her being possessed by a monster let loose from Hades Underworld prison, Tartarus. Soon afterwards his brother, Tiberius tried to take Garrett’s soul to give to Kronos. In response Garrett sadly ended his brother’s life instead. Soon after that he was forced to head out, away from the police. Ever since then he’s been moving from city to city, trying to survive by either stealing or hiding.
#64027751Friday, March 09, 2012 2:45 AM GMT

Na.me: Annie Barnes A.ge: 16 Ge.nder: Female Appearance: Light brown hair, pale skin, VERY blue eyes, indistinct scar on back of neck. In her eyes, there is a crepuscular celestial glow. Her cheeks and forehead light up with any emotion. Go.dly Parent: Ether Powers: Breathes/Produces ether so doesn't require regular air, controls the flow of air and ether, can use her power to float for very short amounts of time Backpack: Water bottles, chocolate bars, $15. Weapon(s): N/A Personality: Quiet, Shy. Bio: TBA via interaction between characters and self.
#64028105Friday, March 09, 2012 2:52 AM GMT

(We gonna start now?)
Top 100 Poster
#64028150Friday, March 09, 2012 2:52 AM GMT

(Si. Who wants to start it?)
#64028191Friday, March 09, 2012 2:53 AM GMT

(All right Im Here! May the odds be eva in yo favor!) Character Sheet Na.me: Amelia Samantha King A.ge: (15-17) 15 Ge.nder: Female Appearance: (Hair color, scars, etc.) cinnamon Brown hair with slight gold highlights. Blue Eyes. Wearing Grey/White skinny Jeans. A Grey Sweater One shoulder top and Black converse. She's tall and skinny. height: 5'11" Go.dly Parent: (Only 1) Aphrodite Powers: (MUST relate to parent's power and only up to three) Charming: such as her words can convince people to do random stuff. Ability to change her eye/hair color at random, but se generally keeps it similar to that of her Dad. Is good with a sword/knife Backpack: (Money but not like 10,000 dollars) $400 from her Dad she got for making it into an artistic school. Spare changes of clothes. Food. A Cell phone. A wallet to hold the money and has pics of her friends in it. Weapon(s): (Only up to three and no like HUGE bazookas, etc) A steak knife from the kitchen table (still in it's sheath so as not to rip anything.) A fish she and her Dad caught a few weeks back and never cooked, it went stale and hard. A gold makeup compact that transforms into a fancy sword when she does a certain color combo. (weird right? Note: She doesn't know it's a weapon yet) Personality: Bubbly, Smart, Sings well, Pretty, Friendly and at the same time guarded. (i've never been good with this question) Bio: Her Dad, Alexander King owns a house in California that He and his brother and sister take care of/watch. Her dad is a succesful movie director in California who after he met Aphrodite and she left him. He then went on to Marry his Highschool Sweetheart Alessandra Samantha Brown. They went on to Raise Amelia as if she were Alessandra's own. Amelia has a step brother and step sister through her step mom (though she doesn't know bout the step part) Out of the Whole family only Alexander (Xander) and Alessandra (Alex) Know that Amelia (Amy) does not share the same mother as Amy's step-siblings. Amy currently lives in New York with her Uncle after Her parents sent her there to "Make it Big" either as a singer or a Model. She speaks French and Spanish fluently. (French from Aphrodite and Spanish from school) Her Step-siblings: Francis (Frankie) and Isabella (Izzy) currently live with their Mom and Dad in California. Amy's Family sometimes visit her and her Uncle or vice versa. At least for Holidays
#64028207Friday, March 09, 2012 2:53 AM GMT

-Pyer- I was sitting at a Cafe, drinking some morning coffee... (Heck yeah!)
#64028235Friday, March 09, 2012 2:54 AM GMT

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#64028367Friday, March 09, 2012 2:56 AM GMT

(Let's do this!) Cars honked, barely moving in the New York traffic. "Come on!" A taxi driver screamed at another person. I walked down the left side of the street, waiting to cross the street when I very large gust of wind pulled on my hood, almost pulling it off. (Right across the street from Pyer)
#64028423Friday, March 09, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

~Amy (A.S.K.)~ I'm standing outside the cafe, phone in my hand looking for cell service, under a bus stop. I look up and get water right in my eye. I scowl. "Oh... Please... No rain..." I move my phone around some more. I shrug my left shoulder adjusting my backpack.
#64028469Friday, March 09, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

I looked out the window as the cars honked. Also seeing a teen walking town the street.
#64028708Friday, March 09, 2012 3:01 AM GMT

~Kimmi I was running down the sidewalk, I'd been running for a few days now, away from my house. Once I reached a bench I decided to stop running, 'I'm probably farenough already' I thought catching my breathe. 'Crap I forgot my phone at home...'
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#64028846Friday, March 09, 2012 3:03 AM GMT

I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for the cross-sign to turn Green. "Hurry up!" I cursed rapidly in Greek loudly. I decided to be impatient and took one step forward, onto an oncoming bus which proceeded to honk, but it was too late. (LOL New thread, nah. And no I'm not ruining it, and not coming back from the dead, spicing it up)
#64028897Friday, March 09, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

"YES!" I yell drawing unnecessary attention. I finally got service... I check my messages to see something from my Uncle about school. I frown. "I wasted so much time... for this?" It starts pouring. I walk in the cafe and to the counter. "One Low-fat Caf Latte please?" They fill my order and I sit down at a table by the window and flip through my facebook checking in on old friends. I happen on my best friends page, See her status. "Please no.." I tab over to my Ex's page. I scowl. "I thought so..." They were a couple... I sigh and dig through my bag.
#64029025Friday, March 09, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

I hear a horn honk. And like a "good girl" I rubberneck to see a bus about to hit this kid. I gasp. and to think here I am moping about crummy relationships...
#64029037Friday, March 09, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

(o.o") ~Kimmi In a moments notice across the street from where I was sitting I could see a guy around the same age as me I guess cross the street into on coming traffic. My body frooze I didn't want to see the rest, my hands immediatly covered my face with my fingers opened so I could see a little bit.
#64029064Friday, March 09, 2012 3:07 AM GMT

My eyes widen as I seen the person get ran over with the bus, I quickly jump out of my seat, spilling my coffee and run out the door to see if he was alright, it was obvious he wasn't...
#64029174Friday, March 09, 2012 3:09 AM GMT

I hear the girl talking to herself and scowling at her phone from across the cafe. Kind of obnoxious, and inappropriate to do in public, I think to myself. I keep to myself and keep reading that dumb wizard book that everyone told me to read. This book is really dumb.
#64029272Friday, March 09, 2012 3:10 AM GMT

I see another kid run outside. Well at least im not the only one who cares. I shoulder my bookbag and leave my empty cup at the table. I rush outside after the other kid. I bump into him. "Sorry" I mumble and try to look around him to check on the other kid. (If I fall behind it's cuz i type slow. Sorry)
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#64029351Friday, March 09, 2012 3:11 AM GMT

(IT'S ALL GOOD. Why can't we be friends?!) The bus driver slammed on his breaks and swerved, knocking into and rolling five other cars, and three bike riders. Five feet away from a cafe full of bystanders I walked out of a shadow, cursing like a sailor, an Irish accent in my voice. "You stupid bloody bus driver!" I screamed at the guy, who was being loaded onto a stretcher by an Ambulance. (Wow fast reaction time)
#64029435Friday, March 09, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

I sighed in relief "At least he isn't dead..." I then look around at all the cars that crashed, then back to the guy that got ran over. Something seemed different about him, how could he of survived that?
#64029560Friday, March 09, 2012 3:15 AM GMT

(there're always ambulences in New York around mostly every corner XD) ~Kimmi My body froze I was scared about what I'd just seen. My eyes wide opened, mouth open I looked traumatized, this was one of the most fearful event I'd witnessed in a while.

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