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#64376306Thursday, March 15, 2012 8:46 PM GMT

Afghanistan was run by an extreme government that shot people for not obeying Muslim law. If anything I doubt they're patriot's fighting for freedom.
#64408074Friday, March 16, 2012 5:46 AM GMT

@Pwnzer Afghanistan used to be run by the Soviet Union which was doing a pretty good job. But then the US came because the USSR didnt obey them.
#64409016Friday, March 16, 2012 6:52 AM GMT

How would you know people were being executed for not followed Shariah law? Heard of Syria Danny? How do we know it's not the same thing? As I said. If the people of the invading country were only told the enemy did all these horrible things they'd only believe the enemy did all these horrible things and support their destruction. As if the news is honest in any way.
#64586029Sunday, March 18, 2012 9:17 PM GMT

@Pwnzer Afghanistan used to be run by the Soviet Union which was doing a pretty good job. But then the US came because the USSR didnt obey them. ____________________ I loled. Here is a timeline of all the event's in the 21st century. 1901 1 October Habibullah Khan, son of Abdur Rahman, became emir of Afghanistan. 20 February 1909 Habibullah was assassinated. His son Amanullah Khan declared himself King of Afghanistan. 1919 May Third Anglo-Afghan War: Amanullah led a surprise attack against the British. 19 August Afghan Foreign Minister Mahmud Tarzi negotiated the Treaty of Rawalpindi with the British at Rawalpindi. 1929 Amanullah was forced to abdicate in favor of Habibullah Kalakani in the face of a popular uprising. Former General Mohammed Nadir Shah took control of Afghanistan. 1933 8 November Nadir was assassinated. His son, Mohammed Zahir Shah, was proclaimed King. 1964 A new constitution was ratified which instituted a democratic legislature. 1965 1 January The Marxist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) held its first congress. 1978 28 April Saur Revolution: Military units loyal to the PDPA assaulted the Afghan Presidential Palace, killing President Mohammed Daoud Khan and his family. 1 May Saur Revolution: The PDPA installed its leader, Nur Muhammad Taraki, as President of Afghanistan. July A rebellion against the new Afghan government began with an uprising in Nuristan Province. 5 December A treaty was signed which permitted deployment of the Soviet military at the Afghan government's request. 1979 14 September Taraki was murdered by supporters of Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin. 24 December Soviet war in Afghanistan: Fearing the collapse of the Amin regime, the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan. 27 December Operation Storm-333: Soviet troops occupied major governmental, military and media buildings in Kabul, including the Tajbeg Palace, and executed Prime Minister Amin. 1988 14 April Soviet war in Afghanistan: The Soviet government signed the Geneva Accords, which included a timetable for withdrawing their armed forces. 1989 15 February Soviet war in Afghanistan: The last Soviet troops left the country. 1992 24 April Civil war in Afghanistan (1989-1992): Afghan political parties signed the Peshawar Accord which created the Islamic State of Afghanistan and proclaimed Sibghatullah Mojaddedi its interim President. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hezbi Islami, with the support of neighboring Pakistan, began a massive bombardment against the Islamic State in the capital Kabul. 28 June As agreed upon in the Peshawar Accord, Jamiat-e Islami leader Burhanuddin Rabbani took over as President. 1994 August The Taliban government began to form in a small village between Lashkar Gah and Kandahar. 1995 January The Taliban, with Pakistani support, initiated a military campaign against the Islamic State of Afghanistan and its capital Kabul. 1996 26 September Civil war in Afghanistan (1996-2001): The forces of the Islamic State retreated to northern Afghanistan. 27 September Civil war in Afghanistan (1996-2001): The Taliban conquered Kabul and declared the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Former President Mohammad Najibullah, who had been living under United Nations protection in Kabul, was tortured, castrated and executed by Taliban forces. 1998 August Civil war in Afghanistan (1996-2001): The Taliban captured Mazar-e Sharif, forcing Abdul Rashid Dostum into exile. 20 August Cruise missile strikes on Afghanistan and Sudan (August 1998): Cruise missiles were fired by the United States Navy into four militant training camps in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
#64586109Sunday, March 18, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

Yeah the USSR was doing a great job and it's all the U.S fault.
#64608773Monday, March 19, 2012 2:29 AM GMT

Serves him right.
#64610172Monday, March 19, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

This isn't a isolated event, not at all. Every time, EVERY SINGLE ONE for the most part, this happens; they always say it was a rouge. Most of them are not rouge, not at all. It serves this man, and all others who commit these crimes; more who ordered it, than committed it, need to be punished. How can you even defend this?
#64612926Monday, March 19, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

Afghani patriotism is deeply routed in their religious heritage. Big deal. We came into Afghanistan and sent Al-Qaeda running into Pakistan, then dilly dallied with supposed Al-Qaeda in Iraq (Who only hit the scene after we caused Iraqi border security as well as their stable government to collapse which allowed for Syria and Arabian nutjobs to come in), then dill dallied with the occupation of Afghanistan (Something Bush promised not to do!), and then dilly dallied with the Arabian penninsula before going to Pakistan where we knew he was at all along...And after we had chopped and bombed Al-Qaeda into non-existance, we decided to go back to where it all began, in Africa, and used stuff like Kony to justify our presence. Whoo go US government. Please leave me out of it in my home in Liechtenstein. What if we had stayed out of World War II? German victory? - There wouldn't of been a WWII had we not of been r-tards and invaded Spanish territory on the grounds of freedom for the Cubans, and then sent our ships to be 'attack' be Spain in the harbor, thus fueling our need to be world police, which led to us creating a giant fleet to stop nations like Russia and Japan from fighting, which led to the Germans and British wanting a fleet like the Americans, which then led to an arms race, which led to an massive power struggle and alliance system, which led to WWI, which led to us only entering the war on the grounds of the Zimmerman telegraph which would never of needed to of been filed had we not of decided to attack Mexico illegally way back when, and considering the British were actively killing our own citizens by sending them across the Atlantic strapped with explosives, which caused such an outcry against the Germans (Whom most Americans were anyways), which led to us going to fight the Germans, and as we went to fight we brought the Influenza of 1918 to the world, which killed many, as well as us being in the war caused the German Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles which put Hitlol in power, but had the Kaiser of been around, there would of been no such need for far right and extreme centaristic actions. So boom. We all started everything. AND DON'T SAY NAPOLEON DID BECAUSE OUR REVOLUTION BANKRUPTED FRANCE AS WELL AS INSPIRE THE REVOLUTION THAT PUT THAT MAN IN POWER! What if we had just let Gaddafi slaughter his own people? - Sorry some states conduct violent crackdowns. Let's all enforce a no fly zone over Beijing. What if we had just let the Muslims in Bosnia be ethnically cleansed? - Lets put a bunch of pacifists with no legal way of defending themselves in charge of protecting a safe area we declared with the false hope of Serbians honoring it. Lol good one. If anything we made the situation worse by putting all the targets into one big area by promising to protect them. What if we had just let the USSR expand without end? - I think the locals did a fine job of stopping all forms of Soviet expansionism. See Finland and Afghanistan. What if we had just let Iraq keep Kuwait and invade Saudi Arabia?
#64613110Monday, March 19, 2012 3:43 AM GMT

What if we had just let Iraq keep Kuwait and invade Saudi Arabia? -
#64617098Monday, March 19, 2012 5:57 AM GMT

People are supporting these vile acts out of bigotry and hatred too, and it's utterly appalling. People only support wars when they've never been in them, most Soldiers that you see on TV, the patriotic ones are rare cases, or new. From what I've read, most soldiers suffer some sort of trauma from being forced to kill or be killed so often, taking a life has a significant impact on the average human psyche, and even the constant risk of spontaneous death or watching others die causes PTSD and depression in a large group of soldiers, no wonder that man lost it. These people need to be treated, and the US needs to put more effort into diplomatic solutions or people will continue suffering, and it won't be fair to anyone. I used to be agentrok. -It's not easy being cheesy.
#64621044Monday, March 19, 2012 12:15 PM GMT

Remove soldiers from Afghanistan =/= No more terrorism? i have a 5 pack irl no joke
#64621277Monday, March 19, 2012 12:32 PM GMT

@Pwnzer The USSR helped with steel mills, plants, schools and other industries, while Afghanistan now is a hell hole thanks to the US. @North The Taliban doesn't have the means of attacking the US. I don't know how the terrorism will affect you.
#64645658Monday, March 19, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

@Pwnzer The USSR helped with steel mills, plants, schools and other industries, while Afghanistan now is a hell hole thanks to the US. @North The Taliban doesn't have the means of attacking the US. I don't know how the terrorism will affect you. __________ What a joke. 2 months of control is not enough to effect any type of industry or education. Not to mention anything they did do which I doubt they did much was destroyed in the resulting civil war.
#64645832Monday, March 19, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

The Taliban doesn't have the means of attacking the US. I don't know how the terrorism will affect you. _________________ Did the IRA fight a head on slugging match against the UK?
#64650270Monday, March 19, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

If this is worse than Casey Anthony, then the Death Penalty should be given. :P
#64652761Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

Did the IRA fight a head on slugging match against the UK? - Which IRA?
#64662129Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

The terrorist group.
#64664289Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:41 AM GMT
#64670353Tuesday, March 20, 2012 5:41 AM GMT

Did the IRA fight a head on slugging match against the UK? _________________________________________________________________________ The IRA did engage in guerrilla warfare against British forces and took part in bloody massacres against the British.
#64676294Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:11 PM GMT

Did the IRA fight a head on slugging match against the UK? _________________________________________________________________________ The IRA did engage in guerrilla warfare against British forces and took part in bloody massacres against the British. __________________________________ As do the Taliban. The majority of what they do is not a full on slugging match. You know all those silly car bomb's and fun tingz.
#64676565Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:29 PM GMT

But the Taliban is only able to attack US forces because they are stupid enough to go out in the open to fight the Taliban. Would the Taliban be able to reach the US if all US forces were to have withdrawn?
#64677126Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:58 PM GMT

Guys let's not fight about this, I'd say is, they murder somebody, they get the death penalty. Simple. "Knowledge talks, wisdom listens."
#64686596Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:19 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#64687341Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:33 PM GMT

Obama's as stupid as a rock, a dark colored rock. honestly, I think that's good, turn the shooter over to the Afghans. Living in the US, I heard this on the news. I heard that he was supposed to protect the civilians, but what's he do? He goes all spray-matic with his rifle and kills 16 people, maybe he considers himself a hero, in his own mind. A mind which will be dead once his body shuts down from death.

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