#64305909Wednesday, March 14, 2012 3:55 AM GMT

@Shobo Read my reply to visious; I'm tired of explaining it.
#64305992Wednesday, March 14, 2012 3:57 AM GMT

That doesn't take away the fact that we already have a foolproof method of making virtual money, which is places.
#64306114Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

Shobo, stick to the point of the thread.
#64306277Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:05 AM GMT

Hey OP look, I don't have BC. Unbiased opinion here: ROBLOX does NOT need another way for NBCers to make money. Why? NBCers don't pay. NBCers already get enough that quitting would be their loss. Few to no NBCers quit because they don't get enough, because they get a TON. If you can't make copius amounts of money, then you are lazy, unskilled, idiotic, and/or physically impaired in such a way that you can't even play ROBLOX. Since I don't believe you would admit to any of those things, I think we are done here. P.S. I make about 200-10,000 tickets a day depending on whether or not my place hits the high pages. If I felt like it, I could make around 20,000 tickets a day in the currency exchange. There are plenty of ways. I never used the ambassador program.
#64306372Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:08 AM GMT

The point is that you think that just because Roblox removed a feature which allowed users to make virtual currency, that Roblox needs to make another one. That is an opinion, and I am expressing my opinion as to why they don't need to add another feature to make tix.
#64306400Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:09 AM GMT

@Fire Oh, I see. You think ROBLOX only wants money? There's a reason why it's not BC-Only.
#64306595Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

No... When did I say that? Money is a huge factor, yes, but that's beside the point. The reason it's not pay to play is so people can try the game before buying BC. It results in more BC buys, and therefore is a worthwhile investment. Giving even more to NBC is not. That would result in LESS BC buys.
#64306616Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:15 AM GMT

@Shobo They removed it because people used it to spam. Without the AP, I'm making 10 tickets a day. That doesn't seem fair, does it?
#64306700Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:18 AM GMT

@rushour3 I didn't even ask about why it was removed, that wasn't even what my post was about. Making 10 tix a day seems fair considering you're doing nothing. Make a place that other people think is fun, one that you put you're effort into, and advertise it. That is how games get popular, they are fun to the players playing them and well advertised. That is how you earn tix.
#64306759Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

Rushour, that seems more than fair. You are getting 10 tickets more than you deserve. Be grateful.
#64306788Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:21 AM GMT

@Fire 1. It's not P2P because ROBLOX is about fun, not money. Yes, it is a job, but the.purpose of it being a game is because they want their customers to enjoy it. 2. They're not giving more to NBC with compensation; they're giving the same as about two weeks ago.
#64306844Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:22 AM GMT

@Shobo I can't make places; I don't have a computer.
#64307047Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:29 AM GMT

"1. It's not P2P because ROBLOX is about fun, not money. Yes, it is a job, but the.purpose of it being a game is because they want their customers to enjoy it." It's always about money. A company cannot run without money. Sure, ROBLOX would like their customer to enjoy the product. That's their dream, but they need MONEY to keep the company going, and to keep paying their own bills. "2. They're not giving more to NBC with compensation; they're giving the same as about two weeks ago." Two weeks ago NBC were stealing money. ROBLOX wasn't giving it. The whole point of the ambassador program was to bring in more people that could potentially buy BC, making it worth it for ROBLOX to pay the NBCers. However, they just abused it so they took it away.
#64307169Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:34 AM GMT

STEALING money? ROBLOX gave it to them. Do you want to read my thread?
#64307337Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:41 AM GMT

ROBLOX provided them with an opportunity to steal, yes, but they still stole. The deal was they put a ROBLOX link on a real site that would advertise to real people. Most people put them on fake sites just to get the money. That's stealing. I already did. It sucks. You didn't give an idea, you just made a vague suggestion.
#64307564Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:51 AM GMT

If you're going to mock my thread, then I'm not going to bother continuing this. I wasn't talking about this thread.
#64307699Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:56 AM GMT

I support this because bc rights compared to how little they pay is unbelivable. NBC actually probably makes more money for roblox because of advertising which the BC don't see. If all the NBC quit right now and roblox did nothing about it theyd probably shut roblox down though this is all hypothetical and almost certainly wouldn't occur. So I think NBC should at least have a right to make more money.
#64307769Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:58 AM GMT

callofrobloxiamw3, I tear apart that very wrong point in this thread. Enjoy.
#64307907Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

@Fire Who are you to call someone's viewpoint wrong? Are you that arrogant? Are you that conceited? Something that cannot be proven right or wrong is an opinion, which is his "viewpoint". Something that can is a hypothesis. That's why this argument is going nowhere; I have this knowledge. Read this:
#64308003Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:09 AM GMT

how does that completely tear apart my point? there was 0% evidence there and im not asking for all bc rights but getting such a reduction in earnings from bc just isnt fair. And so what if people dont have to suffer to earn roblox money? all it does is make everyone but the advertiser happy and lets face it the advertisers probably a multi million dollar corporation anyways. and if you think roblox isnt making money from ads just scroll down this page and count how many ads there are on each page.
#64308107Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:14 AM GMT

I give up on this pointless arguing its all just theory unless roblox decides to explain some stuff.
#64308295Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:24 AM GMT

It's not a viewpoint, it's a fact. BC is fair. NBC is fair (at least to the players). Why? By definition. Fairness is getting back as you put out. How does my opinion of myself matter in this case? I read your thread. I never said ROBLOX was greedy, in fact, I spent days arguing with imnota10 that ROBLOX isn't. If you want to see that, it's RecruitSoldier's "It's time to end your superstition" thread. I don't see why you linked to it. To impress someone? callofrobloxia, please use grammar. It is extremely hard to read what you're saying without any organization. It tears apart your point because the ads do NOT make NBC eligible for more benefits. They still don't deserve them. BC PAYS!!!! That's the DEFINITION of fair. Give and receive! NBC doesn't give anything but their presence in front of a computer screen. That is not worth extra benefits. Yes, that was an opinion, but an opinion like an asymptote. The line comes so close that it's almost fact, and can pretty much be accepted as fact for a discussion like this.
#64308521Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:36 AM GMT

First paragraph: I'm sorry, but you're too conceited to continue to argue with. You've resorted to name-calling out of contex, and not even understanding me. Second: You honestly don't get why I made you read that thread?
#64308569Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:39 AM GMT

I'll just take that as an admittance of defeat then. I never called you a name in that paragraph, let alone one out of context. And no, I honestly don't.
#64308678Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:47 AM GMT

Admittance of defeat? No, I'm giving up because you don't get what I'm saying; you haven't from the start. And not in that paragraph, you called me a "retard" earlier. Then I'm done here. It's pointless if you don't understand.