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#64771519Thursday, March 22, 2012 12:36 PM GMT

Support. -Virtualdarks
#64771831Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:07 PM GMT

'How would you know? You're led by an emperor.' ...Are you seriously bringing the Vaktovian empire into this? You're kidding, right? Vaktovia is 'jokingly' communistic and fascistic. It isn't meant to spread a serious message, it's just people having fun fighting in clan wars on roblox. What the thread creator meant was to ban groups wich are serious about being fascistic and communistic. Please, think before making a statement or don't make one at all.
#64772599Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:06 PM GMT

No support.
#64773243Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:44 PM GMT

whoever doesnt miss the soviet union has no heart whoever wants it back has no brain (vladmir putin) this soviets hated the germans in ww2 ther arch rivals with the us for the space race the US and the USSR are equal they got same power and same responsability america did ther role and people dont say they should be deleted but russia did ther role and people say they should be deleted omg this world is confusing time to go to spyros world then
#64791373Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

#64791747Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

I guess I agree, but we shouldn't go overboard with the censorship of war groups. I just don't like war groups that name themselves after real ones in general, but we should let the kiddies be creative :3. Still. Support!
#64791886Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:12 PM GMT

I agree and i disagree If some one agrees with comunism then why should they not be able to express it? I don;t agree with it but im not complaining
#64792114Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

Agree ☜✪☞ Glory to Venezia! ☜✪☞
#64793713Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:40 PM GMT

Why Soviet? They were allies in world war II! and its not just the Soivet! What about USA for attacking Iraq for NO REASON?! I think its a bad idea!
#64794413Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

But then they might have to ban all country groups then christians no support
#64794849Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:56 PM GMT

Aye... Aye... Aye... Listen, bud. "Soviet" groups aren't all bad. People only know Soviet Russia because of the Cold War. Not WWI and WWII. In fact, last time I checked, Soviet Russia played a vital role in the Eastern Front against the Germans. And for both World Wars, I somewhat respect them for their accomplishments before the Cold War. And lets be happy that it was Cold!
#64820510Friday, March 23, 2012 11:21 AM GMT

Chiristian groups are not soviet groups, nor are country. They are talking about things more of The Vaktovian Empire and brutal clans as such.
#64821212Friday, March 23, 2012 12:05 PM GMT

Im seeing lots of complaints at "soviet" groups. Isnt that racist to russia because not all russians are communist!?
#64822264Friday, March 23, 2012 1:16 PM GMT

Anyone who's your, typical American will support this (The Purpose of the Thread), I find them renown for seeing things only from the 'negative' perspective... Correct me if I'm wrong, but are they just try to 'look' big, they have five Military divisions: Army (Pathetic), Navy (Pointless), Airforce (Decent), Marines (WtF is the point of this?) and lastly Green Beret (Special Forces)... Marines have almost the 'equivilant' training to Spetsnaz, which is I think weak compared to S.A.S... oX-My guns go 'boom boom', your guns go 'click click'-Xo
#64854744Saturday, March 24, 2012 2:09 AM GMT

@Xzues552, I'm a typical american then.But don't get me wrong I don't support but the way you basicly insulted my nation allow me to show you a few facts I found. The soviets where held accountable for millions of deaths,and,while I can't say my country is perfect any 'typical' russian would not support this thread. And don't think it's just americans who see everything in a negative perspective there are good americans,good russians,ect. but there are also bad americans,bad russians,ect. Oh and don't think russia is so perfect either what with their political corruption.And if we are comparing armed forces.... You stated our army is 'pathetic'-yet our army defeated the british empire in the war of independence,and while one could argue that we had french and spainish support let me remind you that it was kept at a minimal level until the battle of saratoga. You stated our navy was 'pointless'-may I remind you russia's navy is rotting in the caspian and black sea and is equally-if not more pointless. Our airforce is 'Decent'-this I would agree on whist russia is known for their airel power I would atleast say it is a tie with russia and the US. You said 'WtF' is the point of this-let me tell you the defenition of a marine-A marine is a member of a force that specializes in expeditionary operations such as amphibious assault and occupation. Marines traditionally have strong links with the country's navy. In operation the commander in the field is usually the commander of the fleet; services are provided by the navy. Historically tasks undertaken by marines have included providing protection from war while at sea, reflecting the pressed nature of the ships' company and the risk of mutiny. Other tasks would include boarding of vessels during combat or capture of prize ships and providing manpower for raiding ashore in support of the naval objectives. Marine elements would also contribute to the campaign ashore, in support of the military objective. With the industrialization of warfare in the 20th century the scale of landing operations increased; thus brought with it an increased likelihood of opposition and a need for co-ordination of various military elements. Marine forces evolved to specialize in the skills and capabilities required for amphibious warfare. You also stated the marines have almost the same training as the spetsnaz,even though they outdated the spetsnaz. In conclusion I found your post sounding as close minded and foolish as the same people you where talking about.Please take careful consideration as to what you post as there are people from all over the world who play roblox so be sure not to offend them and to treat them as you want to be treated.
#64855010Saturday, March 24, 2012 2:14 AM GMT

@ASTUPlDNOOB To spare you a huge rant on views on religon and how stupid it is to act as if everyone of a paticular religon is a murdering monster,lemme just say keep religon out of this.
#64856162Saturday, March 24, 2012 2:32 AM GMT

Religion is stupid; Let's not talk about it here. Oh, and I take back my statement. Yes, while I agree that we need to get rid of those who are SERIOUS about fascism and communism, we don't need to ban the ones who just poke fun at Communism.
#64863885Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

@protomankind: I didn't even right that, My brother did... Sorry for that, my brother's quite, unpredictable, I actually don't even visit the forums very much...
#64863976Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:06 AM GMT

so if you ban ccommunist groups you ban chinese groups the country that makes almost all our stuff
#64864002Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:07 AM GMT

No. Love, Carson.
#64894215Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:12 PM GMT

U are rascist sir
#64904681Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

Support, with the exception of the Soviet Mudkips. ~ Unknown forum post : ~ ~ PostID=64872272 ~
#64905535Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:34 PM GMT

Ban all war groups would be better.

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