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#64816332Friday, March 23, 2012 4:54 AM GMT

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#64817787Friday, March 23, 2012 6:02 AM GMT

i believe all groups should have the same number of ranks available so try to change
#64818564Friday, March 23, 2012 7:12 AM GMT

OBC'ers get to join 100groups.. a bit too much,eh?
#64820059Friday, March 23, 2012 10:33 AM GMT

No support. @blaze, Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're just raising the higher people with more money, and not thinking of the NBC's. 9 is enough. Who will even use that many ranks? Fail bro. It's also a way for people to waste R$, because it's 25 R$ PER rank you create. And don't try to make another thread about lowering prices, cause if you do, you're gonna be right back in this situation, looking a dictater across the entire Roblox world. Just no.
#64865970Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:14 AM GMT

@pchoo I happen to disagree with what you said. Ranks can be useful for all purposes. For starters, let's get the fact out of the way that you are NOT FORCED TO PURCHASE extra ranks, and therefore if you believe 9 is enough, you don't need to buy anymore than 9. Now, ranks can be used for everything. In a war group, for instance - you might want a rank for temporarily banned people, or perhaps a rank people who need to be sorted into a different rank, or if you need ranks for subterfuge and sabotage, but also for direct warfare, and for builders. Those were just examples. The point is, perhaps people will not need 20 ranks, but they might need one extra, or two extra (which is also why I consider it a bad idea that BC gets less, TBC gets more, and OBC gets even more), and spending 25-100 extra ROBUX for those ranks is really no big deal, since group owners must be BCers. BCers can recover 100 ROBUX (4 ranks) in a week or less. TBCers can recover 100 ROBUX in 3 days or less, and OBCers can recover it in 2 days or less. The money is not a problem. The fact that it is not forced, but is an optional feature, also means its not a problem. And the general fact that this is an idea that won't hurt also means it isn't a problem. That is why I support this idea.
#64868489Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:37 AM GMT

Recruit, open your eyes. The entire world is greed. Roblox wants to make that level go down, and by limiting the amount of ranks, it's making a difference. For now, let's just continue outta shutty lives, then suicide in 50 years, when the sea level is so high, th entire city of New York is below water.
#64926280Sunday, March 25, 2012 5:27 AM GMT

@pchoo So that's all you have to say? "Open your eyes?" I've done so a long time ago. It's time you open yours. There is a reason behind every feature, whether it has to do with money, organization, or customer happiness. Not every update has to do with money. If you believe that, provide an explanation for the terrain generator. Or the stamper tool. Or the Backpack. Or the new(ish) Playerlist. Or the Video Camera. Or the ingame Menu + Reset Tool. Or the offline chat. Or the contests. ROBLOX makes many free things that you guys take for granted, and the rest of the stuff they make, the ones that target BC or money, that's where your attention goes. Which is why you need to open your eyes and simply take a look at the "proof" that ROBLOX is indeed a very greedy company. Oh yes, before you say, "But every update is made for money - customers are made happy FOR money," I know that that is true. But that doesn't mean every update COMPLETELY revolves around the aspect of gaining money. Fact: A company needing money has nothing to do with greed. It needs the money for wages, and in ROBLOX's case, the servers, new software, etc. So next time, if an update comes out that seems purely to revolve around money, think about how it might be needed to keep ROBLOX up and running, and not to fill the wallets of the staff.
#64932180Sunday, March 25, 2012 10:38 AM GMT

Tell that to Roblox.
#64932333Sunday, March 25, 2012 10:49 AM GMT

Nice idea. I officially support this.
#65033993Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

@orobeast O_O Whats up with your avatar? >.> I can't see him lol
#65034352Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:44 AM GMT

I agree on this.
#65035357Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

Support why not?
#65035383Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:07 AM GMT

Full Agreement.

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