#64860990Saturday, March 24, 2012 3:57 AM GMT

Vampire CS- Name: Fiona "Fee" Menne [E is silent.] Gender: Female Ag.e you Look: 17 Ag.e you Are: 192 years. Personality: Thinks highly of myself. I treat guys with sweetness, then I nab them at the least possible minute and kill/or take them into custody where I use my power of Enthrall to make them do what I want. Appearance: Tall, blonde hair with icy green eyes. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): Was turned when War World two was happening by a vampire named Greta Murr. Had to go into hiding when her parents died before her, but she was still alive. Items: Wears a diamond bracelet to show that she's rich to lure guys in. Other: Purple Dotted Zebra I wanna try being evil. Maybe it'll help in my story.
#64867967Saturday, March 24, 2012 7:59 AM GMT

(Sorry 'bout not joining for ages, I fell asleep again...) Human CS- Name:Grey Gender:Male Ag.e:14 Personality:Grey is a shy and lonely person, and tends to stay away from anyone he meets. As a result, vampires tend to pick on him more, so he stays near forests so that he can get a blood leaf as quickly as possible. Grey often looks at the moon for guidance, staring at it for hours on end. He has nothing better to do... Appearance:He wears a black, skater boy beanie and ginger tufts of hair sticking out of the sides of the hat. It's his favourite hat, one he bought himself before the vampires came out of hiding. He also wears a black T-shirt, brown zipped jumper and ripped jeans. The hems of the jeans hang over his white and red striped trainers. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): He had a kind and loving family, who were on holiday from London. They died during a car crash, which Grey came out of without a scratch. The images of his dead family still haunt him today, but he still has a father somewhere in England. Because he is English, Grey should not be trusted with a map, he doesn't know any street names, and the layout of the roads is new to him. Items:Knife, spare blood leaves. Other:Green Dotted Zebra
#64871316Saturday, March 24, 2012 12:04 PM GMT

[ :3! Accepted. The time is in the evening, around sunset. ]
#64883451Saturday, March 24, 2012 4:50 PM GMT

(Your using Grey again Council?) Angel "Stupid vampires," I muttered as I walked around the city, glancing at the sky now and then. It was getting darker. And that means the vampires will be stronger. It is hard enough to fight them during the day! I walked into a large neighborhood. There were many large houses and most looked to be empty. "I should probably stay in one of these houses tonight,' I thought as I ran over to the smallest one. I tried to look into the windows, making sure no one was there, before running to the front door. That door was locked so I ran to the back, scrambling over a kind of high stone wall. The back door was unlocked and I walked inside, hand on my knife. I really thought I was to young to have to worry about vampires and hybrids and such. Raine I was walking around the city, not really bothering to be careful. I didn't need to. Some humans might try to kill me but it wouldn't be hard to get away safe and sound. Others would think I was another human or a hybrid on their side. The vampires wouldn't make that mistake. Most vampires would think I was on their side though. So I thought I would be safe.
#64885416Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:25 PM GMT

Arianna The streets looked to be deserted. The neighborhood was quiet and no one was around. Silently, I wondered where everyone was. Surely the vampires haven't scared everyone off. Fiona After draining the last human boy dry, I licked my lips in satisfaction. I've been having good feeding for the past week. Being a brautiful vampire really pays off for feeding.
#64890099Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:56 PM GMT

Human CS- Name: Samuel Jones is on his birth cirtificate, but Xander Isarah is what he goes by. Gender: Male Ag.e: 17 Personality: A bit rude to new people, not very trusting. He's got a hot temper that makes him want to just break things if it's bad enough. Litteraly 'Sees red.' Appearance: Tall - ish, good looking. He has shaggy brown hair, and had wanted to cut it, but never got the chance. He has dark green eyes. Red/white/black shoes, and a black shirt with a sports logo on it. He has dark jeans with deep pockets, and has two birthmarks next to eachother on his neck, jokingly calling them 'Vampire bites'. Dark bags under his eyes for days without sleep and lots of energy/soda drinks/cans. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): His entire family were made of mortals. His mother went off to go join some resistance off in another country of 30 or so humans, with a few hybrids, and never came back. His father and him live in a deserted city with few neighbors, and he comes and goes. He steals things from shops that are no longer running. They have a cardboard box filled with the food, and bags ready to gather everything and flee. They've changed locations twice. Items: A few arrows and small broken bow. The wooden bit is snapped in two. In his pockets... a switchblade, a few dollars ($8.34, to be exact), bits of led, dried up pen, half - dru.nk bottle of soda, crumbs, pencil snapped in half, old bag of fruitsnacks and a flashlight. Other: Green Dotted Zebra Hybrid CS- Name: Genevieve Rose, calls herself Jen. Gender: Female Ag.e: Turns 15 in a day. Personality: Kind, suspicious of new places. Appearance: Often ties my long black hair in a pony tail. It goes down to my waist. Pale skin, dark brown eyes. Nimble and thin, just a bit shorter than a 13 year old. I wear a black tee-shirt with loose fitting sleeves. My dark jeans are worn out from fights and several rinse cycles. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): My mother was a human, my father was a hybrid. My grandmother was a vampire. I had been in hiding. My mother is dead. My father left me to go join a larger group of rebel humans in another country, and I haven't heard from that group of 30 or so adult humans, and a few hybrids, since. I live wherever I can find shelter. Side (Vampires' or Humans'): Humans, they're more accepting of me. Most vampires dislike me for helping humans before his other kind. What type of Hybrid: ??? Vampire/human? Items: knife with a small crack in the side. It has three sharp teeth towards the hilt/handle, sharp and curved towards the top. a hole towards the broader part of the blade. It's kind of flimsy, and has duct tape on the handle. Relativley (<- Spelling?) small. Backpack with some fruits, a loaf of bread, and can of pudding in it. No can opener, and I don't feel like ruining my knife trying to get it open. Other: Green Dotted Zebra
#64890145Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:57 PM GMT

(I forgot to make Xander's father. :One second.)
#64891216Saturday, March 24, 2012 7:18 PM GMT

Human CS- Name: James Jones, uses the last name Isarah to make my son happy. Gender: Male Ag.e: 37 Personality: Forgiving, takes care of his son no matter what. I would happily sacrifice myself for Xander, and support him and his silly names no matter what. Intelligent, and usually helpful. Always ready to form an alliance. Appearance: Tall, unsuccessful in growing any kind of facial hair. Long brown hair that really needs to be cut. His shirt is plain gray/grey. I have black jeans and old workboots. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): Rosalie went off to go help some resistant group. It died off after two attacks on them. My wife was brave, but not foolish, even if I did call her that before she left. Right before I told her I loved her. Items: Switchblade, apple. Useless checkbook that serves as a journal. I also have a wallet with around 400$ in it and used credit cards. Photos of Rosalie and Samuel/Xander. My wedding day photo. An old friend. Other: Green Dotted Zebra. It's not easy, bein' green...
#64891309Saturday, March 24, 2012 7:20 PM GMT

(accepted) Angel After looking around the house to make sure no one was there I went up to one of the small second floor bedrooms. I really wished that my parents were here. I wouldn’t need to try and fight against vampires. I wished they didn’t leave me when they ran.... I placed my bag and bow on the bed and went down to the kitchen. After searching through the kitchen I found that there was some fresh food. I didn’t have any money.... I grabbed a small cardboard box, placing it on the counter. While I cooked an easy mac in the microwave I placed some apples and pears into the box, along with a few bottles of lemon flavered water and a small box of crackers. After the mac and cheese finished cooking I placed it in the box and walked up to the small room I had chosen. I sat on the bed, eating the mac and cheese as I looked out the window. I really hoped no vampires were nearby. Raine After a while I walked into one of the few stores that were still open. A sandwhich shop. I walked inside, looking at the workers who seemed a bit scared. I quickly ordered a ham and cheese sandwich and then walked outside, sitting at one of the tables outside. I took out one of my blood bottles and started to eat the sandwich, sipping at the blood like it was a normal drink, like juice.
#64894305Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:14 PM GMT

Fiona I heard something walk into the house and I perked up, looking around. Some more feeding, I hear. I grinned, walking out of the room featherly lite.
#64895148Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

(do you mean angel... cause she searched the house... and found no one.....)
#64895391Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

[Well, I was going to have her find her, but not do anything. Just act like a sweet girl and let her in. I can change that if you want me too.]
#64895624Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:36 PM GMT

#64895876Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:40 PM GMT

[Never mind. Fiona's in a different house...] Fiona Walks out of the abandoned house silently, still licking my fingers clean from the blood. I was having great feeding. I'd be good for the rest of the day, so I could always shop for more clothes at the best vampire clothes store. I shrugged, walking that way towards the shop. Arianna Enters an abandoned house, looking around. I could stay here for the day, but then have to set out the next. I still had human blood, so vampires would try and attack me. Even if I was half vampire. I blew out a sigh, swiping my bangs from my face. I'd have to find or start some kind of risistence soon.
#64907370Sunday, March 25, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

Angel I quickly finished my little dinner, and continued to look outside, sipping one of the bottles of lemonade as I did. It wasn’t exactly dark yet but it would be soon. Then I would need to hope for the best. I really didn’t want to be found. Then I would either be killed or taken to be one of their “snacks.” I didn’t think any vampire would care if they killed me. I went down to the kitchen and threw away the trash. On the way upstairs I grabbed a few blankets off the couch and went back to the bedroom I had claimed. I pushed one of the comfy chairs to the window and sat down in it, curling into a tiny ball and pulling the blankets tight around me. I was facing the window. I would see if someone came from the front entrance since this room was right above the front door and looked out into the neighborhood. Raine I knew it was getting dark so once I threw away my trash I swung my backpack over my shoulder and started to look for a place to stay tonight. I was aware that many houses were empty so maybe I would find an empty house. Or I could try and see if there was a hotel that was open. I didn’t think there would be one though..... (O.O I keep posting more for Angel....)
#64908016Sunday, March 25, 2012 12:15 AM GMT

Arianna I sighed as I laid on the bed in an empty house. Who knew this post apocalypic world could be so boring. I was half human, so I needed more sleep than the average vampire did.
#64909608Sunday, March 25, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

Human CS- Name: Vincent Jandalour Gender: Male Ag.e: 18 Personality: Vincent is a brave, intelligent, friendly and respectable individual. Though when faced with a vampire, he is usually cold, calculating a merciless. He has a passionate hatred for all vampires. Due to his upbringing, his social skills aren't great. Appearance: Vincent is 5 ft 11 with medium length blonde hair and fair skin. He has an athletic build. He usually wears dark skinny jeans, black trainers, a white polo shirt with a black jumper over that and a trench coat which goes down to his knees. He also wears a necklace with a cross on it and a pair of square lensed glasses. Biography (At least a sentence of your past): Vincent, part of the catholic family Jandalour, who are one of the few human families who knew about the vampires existence and had made it their cause to exterminate them for centuries. Working close with the Vatican city in Italy, the Jandalour's would often be sent out on missions to kill Vampires. From the moment Vincent was born, the Catholic church controlled his upbringing and education. His education varied from basic maths to combat training. He learnt methods to kill vampires and how to overcome the huge disadvantage humans were at when facing the physically superior vampires. Thanks to the catholic church, Vincent is at the peak of his physical condition being both strong and agile at the same time. Vincent's parents were killed by vampires when he was aged 15 which fuelled his hatred for them. Items: 2 hand guns, 2 daggers, a cell phone, pass port, money Other: Comes from Italy, can speak English fluently though.
#64913281Sunday, March 25, 2012 1:34 AM GMT

(Other:Purple dotted Zebra)
#64915841Sunday, March 25, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

Xander: I walked into the eating room. Dad calls it the eating room, since all we do in there is eat. There's not much cooking going on anywhere in this house, or, not when I'm around at least. I looked at the old fridge cardboard box, packed a little less than halfway with food. I would have to go out and get some. Not now. I went over to the heavy curtains and pulled them the slightest bit apart, closing them as soon as I got a glimpse of the outside world. It was almost dark. "Xander," My father calls from the small round table on the other side of the room. "What?" I turn from the curtains. James: "Dinner." I get up to drag the box of stolen and purchased food over, but Samuel is already bringing it. "Thanks," I sit back down and almost fall backwards due to the broken chair leg. He lifts a bottle of soda out for me, and yet another energy drink for himself. I shake my head with a slight frown. He's been awake too much lately, and for what? He sits on the edge of his bed all night, switchblade and flashlight out. He sleeps for minutes before waking up, somehow. Those energy drinks are going to kill him someday, if he doesn't go from exhaustion first. I get a half loaf of bread and sliced ham. That was new from yesterday, the meat doesn't come often. He takes a few slices and the other loaf. Gen: I was hungry, and really wanted something sweet. The dented pudding can called out to me from my backpack, and I wandered around the streets looking for any kind of store. There was a hotel somewhere near here, I knew it. Hadn't I seen the Grand Pinapple somewhere around here? Up this street... no... that way... I walked under dim streetlights until I found the Pinapple sign with missing letters. Quickly I walked up to the glass doors, covered with some kind of sheet. Hiding, probably. Wasn't everyone? I could feel a want for blood rising in the back of my throat. I swallowed, knowing I'd get one tomarrow. At least I can't change people... only hurt them... I shrugged off goosebumps I got from biting a human and opened the door. The place was lit up, a flickering light in the corner. A worker sat in the corner with a pistol pointing at me. I put up my hands, hoping, praying, don't shoot me. He yelled a bit and I answered all these silly questions, and finally got a room. (It's only fair I post a bit more for Gen. The other two are together.)
#64919330Sunday, March 25, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

[@Kru, are Gen and the others together or are they seperate? I know that Xander and James are the same, but what about Gen? Is she just a seperate character?]
#64939393Sunday, March 25, 2012 2:50 PM GMT

(They're seperate, in a different town from anybody else. I'm going to make them move to where everyone else is. Can we control any NPC vampires? Not for a long time just make them attack or something?)
#64942414Sunday, March 25, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

(um... yes.... you can) (and accepted?)
#64950240Sunday, March 25, 2012 6:13 PM GMT

(I might join. Sounds interesting, but it's not the kind of vampires that I'm used to rping with. But I will keep it in mind!)
#64950644Sunday, March 25, 2012 6:20 PM GMT

(okay) (O.O now I want to make a vampire.... Problem is I actually want them to be bad..... And I only have one kind of good idea for a vampire. And when ever I used him he was never evil... He was just annoying....)
#64952145Sunday, March 25, 2012 6:44 PM GMT

Name:Vladamir Kosak Gender:Male Ag.e:32 Personality:A nice guy who offten jokes about the past and will always crack a joke, even in the middle of a battle. Appearance:A 6'6" man with a medium build and some musscle who has short brown hair, blue eyes with a scar over his left eye and a goa-t. He wears a white t-shirt, camo pants and black boots plus a black onyx ring on his right ring finger. Biography:He is mayor of a small but guarded 1 block area in a city called "The Alley. He also runs the Bar/Pawn shop/Gun shop all in one store. He takes currency, but only coins. He also takes anything made of silver, coper or iron plus gun powder, sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter. Weapons and ammo are always accepted. Items:S&W 500, bullet molds, lighter. Other:Green dotted zebra