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#64869022Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:22 AM GMT

Hello, I'm going to create a game based on movie "Sylwestrowy Armagieda". Do you think should I do this? If you want to see the movie first, so type Sylwestrowy Armagieda or NOBASISTUDIO on You Tube. But language is polish. But it's only first part nad first part will be intro ingame. Next episode of movie will be action of the game. Changed to be better, but really the same. Ok, that's the story. An Polish army base reported lock on by an nuclear missile from Cambodian amy base "Area 1500" Poland sended a pilot Fiut Jebski to bomb the enemys base. He get info from brother, Kazik Jebski. He got caught by air secuirity camera. Cambodian general Anagolf Wasiksoher ordered to blow him up with SAM sites. Fiut lost left wing, he lost control of plane and crashed. Kazik reported this to admiral and he sended spec-op four peoples group called "Pink Team" to stop the missile. They have to do it fast. If you'll be interested, i'll write about that, what will happen in that, or it'll be shown in movie. And if it'l be good, I'll need: -naval army base/shipyard, -base like Area 51 (without UFO xD), -something like Sherman's Dam, -some forrest, -desert, terrorist city at it, -maybe San Francisco, best - infected city, -desert and road, -air carrier at Naval Shipyard, -maybe some water, -fog nad clouds, -day and night system, -cutscenes, -training and view area, -something like lottery - it'll select at most 4 players, at least 1(if only one will be on) -voting reaction select (vote, etc. "Surrender? 1.Yes, 2.No" - and then they'll surrender will be cutscene, but when no, they'll fight, easy to understand, right?) -Auto oppening parachute, -autopilot to plane, -ragdoll and maybe some gore, but not for kids :), -Possibility to watch Pink Team action online, -youtube vid player, -good NPCs - like helper bot from Roblox Building, Can someone get for me maybe just one of these? If you'll get it to me, I'll write about at desc and in intro.
#64925793Sunday, March 25, 2012 5:15 AM GMT

If you could do it, go for it
#74561855Saturday, August 04, 2012 11:42 PM GMT

Map is in construction now :)

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