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#64895880Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:40 PM GMT

(My goal is to surpass or be exactly at 5 pages. Yes you are a animal but mankind isn't at the modern stage.) It seems that your destructive dictatorship past-life is done and you are going on. Since, the owner of this thread is being nice, he'll let you pick a brief description before playing. A. Male, A strong fellow, you have 2 sets of arms, you're strong but slow, walk on 2 feet and have to use more energy to get something to eat. You are a carnivore. Your fur is grey and can't blend into much. Your grey eyes sees everything in full color. You're aggressive and usually has a small pack of around 3 or 4. You live by water. B. Male, a light, sickly creature. You walk on all fours but can walk a few feet on your two feet before falling. You're fast and and dash at speeds that most animals can't. You're an omnivore but eat mostly like a herbivore because you're a lazy species and gets that occasional animal when you're in the mood. You have a dark, dark, reddish, brown fur with a black, broad, V-shape, fur pattern running up your back. You have a big pack of almost 14 and is extremely loyal to them. You live in the mountains, where it rains alot. C. Female, You're taller then your neighboring species. You walk on your two feet. You are a solitary kind who is alone most of her lifespan but can tolerate 2 or 3. You are not capable of holding in the heat during the cold and migrate across the hemisphere. You live in a forest in present day Russia. You have hair, not fur. It's white with orange stripes at the legs and feet. You are a herbivore. You see in black and white. D. Female, If you were in modern earth, you'd look like a vampire, beagle puppy but that's the opposite. You have the longest fangs that are in the savannah. They're 2 and a half inches. The fangs hang outside the mouth. You have the usual beagle fur, white, brown, black. You're a extremely aggressive, carnivore. You have packs from 6-8. There is 3 or 4 kings depending on the amount in the pack. You are a amphibian, and you can sleep, eat and breathe underwater. You have speed but your a small species, (referring back to the puppies) and can die easily from a larger creature.
#64896825Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:57 PM GMT

(Is it a hard choice? Did I write much? .-.)
#64898599Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:27 PM GMT

(Is too much for a Choice RP?)
#64898813Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

#64898839Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

Numero B!
#64899315Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:39 PM GMT

#64899668Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:45 PM GMT

[What's chosen: D. Female, If you were in modern earth, you'd look like a vampire, beagle puppy but that's the opposite. You have the longest fangs that are in the savannah. They're 2 and a half inches. The fangs hang outside the mouth. You have the usual beagle fur, white, brown, black. You're a extremely aggressive, carnivore. You have packs from 6-8. There is 3 or 4 kings depending on the amount in the pack. You are a amphibian, and you can sleep, eat and breathe underwater. You have speed but your a small species, (referring back to the puppies) and can die easily from a larger creature.] You're a newborn. Your mother stays with you but your father and the rest of the pack migrates to the east. You were born underwater. You can see because your species can see in full-color right away. Your fangs barely hang out the mouth. You swim to shore and try to figure out who you are, where you are and every other question on earth. You run and trip alot. You were born with a natural aggressive streak. You hit a rock when you tripped and started crying (which is near silent). Your mother then bumps into you and tells you to stop crying. As your species are, you're required to be tough and never show a sign of weakness or sadness. You're approached by a gentle rabbit but you don't know what it is. What do you do? A. What all your species do...Attack it! B. Talk to it, try to see why is it in your territory C. Run away, you don't know what that creature is. D. Call your mother to help
#64899711Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:46 PM GMT

(Sorry, I posted after I saw briar's. I'll improvise though. You''ll see.)
#64899851Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:48 PM GMT

#64901182Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:10 PM GMT

[B. Talk to it, try to see why is it in your territory] You make up the words to tell him who is he and why is he here. "I hate being a herbivore. I'm a carnivore at heart. But I know your kind will not accept me but it's not fair. I'm as carnivorous and aggressive as any one of you guys." The bunny-like animal, jumps high in the air and bites a bird. His incredible height, impresses you. A. Try to get him into the pack. B. He's not your kind. Attack him. C. Call your mom to make the decision D. Ask him more.
#64901562Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

#64902266Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

[Chosen: D. Ask him more.] "How'd you get here?" You ask. He looks around, getting suspicious and walks past you to talk to someone more grown-up. You wonder who he is going to talk to, given the fact that you don't know who else is with you and your mom is the only one here. You follow him but you trip alot and you lose speed. After falling and walking and falling and walking, you reach up to him who is having a fight with someone who looks like you. You don't know it yet, but it's your father coming to check on your mother because he didn't want to leave you two. A. Help the rabbit-like creature B. Help the one who looks like you C. Attack both D. Run away!
#64902414Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:31 PM GMT

#64902434Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:31 PM GMT

B (Thats just how nature rolls, I wanted to help the bunny too :()
#64903144Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:44 PM GMT

[Chosen: B. Help the one who looks like you] Without a single doubt, you lunge at the bunny-type creature. You bite deep into the leg of this creature who is attacking someone who may be friendly to you. He screams and swings his leg. Your teeth loses grip and you fly into the water. Your father (that you do not know yet) takes car of the bunny-type creature by biting him on each of his legs. He then goes over to you. You're scare out of your mind! You get one question. A. Who are you? B. Who was that? C. What just happened? D. can I trust you?
#64903723Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:56 PM GMT

#64904684Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

[Chosen: A: Who are you?] "I am your father. Chezt." One he said that many questions came up. What's my name? Where are we? But it's no time for that. He picks you up from his mouth and throws you in the air, softly. You land on his back and he tells you to hold on with your paw-like grabbers. You guys run for a long time and you slept off for most of it. You wake up and find yourself in a grassy forest with a huge lake. Your father lets you go and you explore the land. You roll around in the grass then look around. A. Explode underwater B. Explore East Forest C. Explore West Forest D. Explore a hole you see leading underground
#64905732Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

#64907069Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:59 PM GMT


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