#64998311Monday, March 26, 2012 4:19 PM GMT

Isabel pulls her feet up onto the chair and sits crisscross to think about it for a moment. "It is a psychology experiment. Perhaps we're showing how to react to certain situations, even near death or death experiences. Scientists do enjoy covering up the truth," she points out.
Top 25 Poster
#64998363Monday, March 26, 2012 4:21 PM GMT

Myles gave a mixture of a shrug and a nod, before pausing as a revelation struck him. He gave a snicker. "Wouldn't it be something if those shots... Weren't really anything at all? Like, just something to mess with our heads, an experiment within an experiment and all that?" he asked, his voice carrying mirth once more.
#64998496Monday, March 26, 2012 4:26 PM GMT

"Thaaaat would be something." Isabel happens to glance out the window and her expression scrunches to one of doubt since the outside looks completely unfamiliar. "Where are we exactly?" she asks out loud when she moves over to the window. "Do you recognize any of this?"
Top 25 Poster
#64999949Monday, March 26, 2012 5:16 PM GMT

"Wha'?" Myles asked, standing up and casually moving to peer at the window as well. "Oh wow. No, not at all." he replied, returning to scratching his beard. It was a bit of a tic of his; A sign that he was contemplating, or just bored. "Guess we've already gone pretty far." he murmured.
#65000212Monday, March 26, 2012 5:24 PM GMT

"Going at least 200 mph, I don't doubt it. They seriously wanted this thing secluded...." she sighs, setting her hand on the glass while she continues to look outside.
Top 25 Poster
#65000571Monday, March 26, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

"Well, I guess they don't want anybody interferin'." Myles theorized lazily, stepping back and falling into his seat.
#65000736Monday, March 26, 2012 5:41 PM GMT

"Indeed." She looks at him for a moment and spins around when the compartment door opens. A scientists walks in and walks over to her, wanting her arm and she puts it out. He jabs a needle into her arm and she winces slightly before he pulls it out. "What was that...?" she asks when he goes over to Myles. "Tracking device," he replies plainly and I rub my arm, being able to feel a lump where the tracker was.
Top 25 Poster
#65001146Monday, March 26, 2012 5:53 PM GMT

"But dawctah, I don't wike neddles." Myles replied, giving puppydog eyes and puckered lips as he extended his arm for the shot. He ceased his shenanigans with yet another jovial chuckle.
#65001300Monday, March 26, 2012 5:57 PM GMT

Isabel smirks and the scientist ignores his actions before jabbing his arm with the needle and then leaving the compartment. "You're such a dork," she replies.
Top 25 Poster
#65001697Monday, March 26, 2012 6:11 PM GMT

"Ey, can a dork do this?" Myles asked, wearing the most serious face he could as he flexed in various melodramatic poses, grunting excessively.
#65002001Monday, March 26, 2012 6:20 PM GMT

Isabel chuckles again and shakes her head in amusement. "Oh wow."
Top 25 Poster
#65002199Monday, March 26, 2012 6:26 PM GMT

Myles breaks into laughter once more, relaxing into his seat. "But yes, I may or may not be a dork." he stated matter-of-factly, grinning.
#65002785Monday, March 26, 2012 6:44 PM GMT

Name: Andrew Ferris A.g.e.: 39 Gender: Male Appearance: Andrew Ferris is of an average height, standing at around 5'8", with a moderate, almost squarely normal frame, consisting of a balance between muscle and puppy fat, from a combination of comfort eating and casual exercise from an early age. His skin is a very dark brown, and always seems to have a sheen of sweat, especially around the skin of his flat, almost concave cheeks, and large forehead, which sports a buzzcut of black hair. His eyes are a swampy green, his nose long and wide nostriled, and his lips thin and wide, set in a stony monotone on default. His nails are immaculate, resting on long fingers and squarish hands. Andrew wears a plain dress; a red and white check shirt, neatly tucked into his pants, and it's only offsetting feature being a silver colored, but brass made crucifix hanging from a chain around his neck. He wears light brown cord jeans, and black slip on shoes, almost like one would wear to school. Personality: Andrew Ferris, even without talking to him, can come across as slightly off, just from his body language. His social ability is almost nill, and although he tries to please with conversation, he ends up coming across fake and artificial, and sometimes all together unskilled, as if he is only just learning how to react to certain things; which in some cases, he is. Otherwise, Andrew is a boy who is quick minded, and swift to argue in the case of his christian religon, and stubborn to end it without getting the last word. Specialties: Andrew simply has a knack for mechanics. Whilst definitely not an electrician of any sort, Andrew can often fix simple mechanical devices is minutes. He is also a fast learner when it comes to physical skills (instead of say, conversational) and can quickly learn from a good teacher just about anything, from picklocking to the correct way to lift a certain object. If Given a Weapon, What Would You Choose?: If at all, Andrew would go for the practical, whilst being most useful in any situation. A multi tool with a knife large enough to cause at least GBH would suffice. Bio: Andrew grew up with both of his parents, Marge and Gareth Ferris. Both were extremely religous, and grew Andrew up in the same environment; a small, secluded village, where most of the people living there were either very young children, or the elderly. Because of this, and the fact that both Marge and Gareth were very private people, only really leaving their home to go to Sunday Mass, and also that there was no TV or computer within Andrew's home, he has not learnt how to react properly in social life, and therefore stumbles through with less then normal conversational and social skills, quietly learning or just generally becoming frustrated and confused.
#65002926Monday, March 26, 2012 6:48 PM GMT

(Accepted xP) "I'm glad I met you Myles," Isabel says midst her chuckling before looking out the window and seeing the top of the dome. "Holy mother... They weren't kidding when they said massive." Indeed. When the dome came into full view, it was as vast as the mountains surrounding it.
#65003178Monday, March 26, 2012 6:55 PM GMT

((I'm going to assume that Andrew is just sitting at the very far end of the carriage, and has had all the shots.)) Andrew murmers a thanks as the scientist walks away, carefully inspecting his arm, before going back to his book. He didn't think much of the tag. He realised that this thing was important, and also that, from the muscled man he had seen enter the carriage, some people might want to run away if something bad happened. And that some people might be capable of doing it. He looked down at himself, comparing himself to the hulk he'd observed. He saw quite quickly that he was probably not going to be able to run away. But once again, he was okay with that. He had signed up prepared for something to happen, perhaps even bad; his parents had said that where he was going was a place where hell had risen up from the ground. But this was something that he was determined to do. He clenched his teeth lightly. He was determined to help himself.
Top 25 Poster
#65003234Monday, March 26, 2012 6:57 PM GMT

"Heh, you too." Myles stated, his grin broadening. As soon as his eyes rested upon the dome, he stood up, moving to the window. "Well I'll be damned..." he murmured slowly, rubbing the spot where the needle had been stuck in. He managed to cease staring with his mouth agape. "I mean, I've probably seen things taller than that, but... That is one broad mother." he added, trailing off.
#65003319Monday, March 26, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Andrew's eyes flicker up to watch the muscleman once again. He could hear him commenting on what must be the building from his seat. He opens his mouth, attempting to say something, but forgets what he was going to say mid syllable. He lets out a sound which comes out as a loud 'Eeehh.' Before looking back at his legs.
Top 25 Poster
#65003469Monday, March 26, 2012 7:02 PM GMT

Myles glanced over at Andrew, his attention drawn away from the immense dome. "You alright there, man?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He seemed to enjoy expressing with both his face and his actions.
#65003522Monday, March 26, 2012 7:03 PM GMT

Name: Jason McKenzie A.g.e.: 18 Gender: M@le Appearance: I have a black waist coat with a thin, black t-shirt underneath. I wear dark brown cargo trousers, with large-ish rip on the right knee. I have a bandage on my left shin, and a bandage around my lower torso (waist). I wear black and white sneakers. I have one orange eye, and one blue. Personality: I can be some-what abrupt due to the fact I'm some-what shy, and don't like being around too many people. Specialties: Reflexes, agility, and fast-thinking If Given a Weapon, What Would You Choose?: Something light, but multi-purpose, like an alimunium crow-bar, or a swiss army knife. Bio: (Optional) Physcological Scientific Project
#65003542Monday, March 26, 2012 7:04 PM GMT

Andrew nods quickly, not daring to look away from his legs. He keeps his form tight and contracted, his legs straight together and his arms rested angularly on his knees. The only thing that doesn't look vaguely statue like in it's lack of movement is his mouth, which is quivering lightly.
#65003569Monday, March 26, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

"So we're almost there... This will be interesting." [A few moments later~] The train lurches to a stop, softer then when it started, and the scientists start to file everyone out into what seems like a simple room with cylindrical tubes set in a circle in the middle. Each of them had a number. Isabel noted that there were just as many tubes as there were people and the scientists begin to place every person in front of a tube. Isabel turns to look at the number on her tube and it reads 14, making her eye twitch slightly. A few scientists stand in the center while the others start to hand us coats with our number on them, assuring us that we would most definitely need them through the cold nights.
#65003586Monday, March 26, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

(Oh, I also have a bandage around the top of my left arm, just under my shoulder, and I forgot my hair. Picture the rockstar with side-swept bangs and the sk8r boi cap :P)
#65003647Monday, March 26, 2012 7:06 PM GMT

(DarkKnight, could you maybe be a touch more specific on your physical appearance? Other than that you're fine.)
#65003675Monday, March 26, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

(Nvm~ Lol thank you, you're accepted.)
#65003682Monday, March 26, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

(( I have to go for about an hour or so. The guy is literally just going to follow behind, silently. No need to interact.))