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#65142441Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:54 PM GMT

>I'm going to say.. just treat it as a formality maybe, as the draft is unlikely to be restored. --I understand that it's very unlikely for me to actually be used in a draft or if there will even be another draft. If there is one, and I'm chosen, I will certainly object to it. However, I seriously need to know why men in the U.S don't have the right to not sign up in the first place.
#65145278Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:43 PM GMT

"A conscientious objector (CO) is an "individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service" on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion." Source:wikipedia I don't know what it takes to qualify as conscientous objector, but you should become one. I will be drafted the next winter and i'll have complete boot camp before im 29. Conscious objectors are generally frowned upon and have hard time looking for a job. Atleast in the states you don't have to actually do anything.
#65145465Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:50 PM GMT

I know, I'd be a conscious objector if I decided to stay in the states. I get that part... I just don't understand why I don't have the right to not sign up in the first place (and only if I'm a man).
#65145637Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:55 PM GMT

One should not be victimised and told to 'Get Out' from their place of birth, which they were unable to choose and is completely random.
#65194945Friday, March 30, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

Creatant, Let me resay: 90% of them are not fit. Okay, Lets list a set of examples, I apologise for this being offtopic: My friends uncle was in Korea and his company was ambushed by a Chinese division, He had to lift nearly 200 pounds and a buddy of his to get to safty which was nearly 2 miles away, Do you think most Women can do that? Another example, Imagine the effects of screaming 18 year old women+Men fit in there, Imagine the morale of that person who is suppose to bring all those people during a fight back to base? They need to be able to focus, Not break down. Another example, Imagine if the girl I liked in the military got shot and shes bleeding everywhere, How do you think you would react? You would break down. Once again, A morale problem. And finally, If a female got shot, You'd need to cut open her shirt, etc.. Which could prove another huge problem as well.
#65194985Friday, March 30, 2012 3:55 PM GMT

>If there is one, and I'm chosen, I will certainly object to it. I would join up, I would not want a 17/18 year old kid taking my place. I'd feel horrible.
#65195015Friday, March 30, 2012 3:56 PM GMT

Lets not forget what would happen to a Women if captured as well.
#65198691Friday, March 30, 2012 5:46 PM GMT

So say if you had a best friend or a boyfriend and they were 'bleeding everywhere' - is that different? Are men somehow just slaves without consciousness who can somehow cope with every emotional event, while women cannot?
#65202074Friday, March 30, 2012 7:23 PM GMT

>My friends uncle was in Korea and his company was ambushed by a Chinese division, He had to lift nearly 200 pounds and a buddy of his to get to safty which was nearly 2 miles away, Do you think most Women can do that? -- Do you think most men could do that? Of course, we have all these scientific facts of different bodily growth levels, where men typically become "stronger" physically, but you'd be surprised at what some women with lots of adrenaline are capable of. Not all women are weak, and not all men are strong. >Another example, Imagine the effects of screaming 18 year old women+Men fit in there, Imagine the morale of that person who is suppose to bring all those people during a fight back to base? They need to be able to focus, Not break down. --Women can swallow tears just as well as men. Even as a man, I have to admit that I broke down a little after my mother died, and since then I've seen many close friends die, but it's almost like I've lost the ability to cry. I still feel strong negative emotions when I think about it, but I don't "break down" anymore, and neither do the friends and family of those lost ones who happen to be female. >Another example, Imagine if the girl I liked in the military got shot and shes bleeding everywhere, How do you think you would react? You would break down. Once again, A morale problem. --How would you react if your best friend was shot and bleeds everywhere, regardless of gender? What if you aren't hetero______ and your lover dies? >And finally, If a female got shot, You'd need to cut open her shirt, etc.. Which could prove another huge problem as well. --Surely if the men of the United States military aren't shallow and immature, I'm quite certain that the person having to cut open her shirt isn't going to automatically turn into a little kid and start giggling. A person has just been shot, they aren't really going to be caught up with something as stupid as like that.
#65202322Friday, March 30, 2012 7:28 PM GMT

"Do you think most men could do that?" >Yes, we are built for that type of stuff. And mental strength is independent of gender, it's dependent on who it is. And I think they have female meds for such events with women.
#65202988Friday, March 30, 2012 7:39 PM GMT

>"Do you think most men could do that?"-Yes, we are built for that type of stuff. -- Think about it. Can the average man do that? Just because they are a man, does not make them able to do something like that. A person, man or woman, who goes through the proper physical training and conditioning can do that, even if it's typically more difficult for a woman, they still have the ability, especially under the influence of an adrenaline rush.
#65203174Friday, March 30, 2012 7:43 PM GMT

Women require more training to do it. And they have their own special skills, why not stick to them? It's better to work on what you're already good at then to try to fill a niche that somebody else can fill better. Generalization? Yes. Based on biology? Yes.
#65204333Friday, March 30, 2012 8:03 PM GMT

>Women require more training to do it. And they have their own special skills, why not stick to them? It's better to work on what you're already good at then to try to fill a niche that somebody else can fill better. --Doesn't matter, women CAN do it. Also, not everyone who is part of a military is guaranteed that they will have to do that. It's a random scenario, which, once again, under the large influence of adrenaline, you'd be surprised at what anyone could do. What I just said isn't even that relative to my real top priority thoughts. + Women aren't required to sign up for the Selective Service (just a hat with names in it), yet men are. However, instead of requiring the women to sign up as well, I believe that the men shouldn't be required to either. If someone wants to join a military, fine, let them. If someone wants to sign up for Selective Service because they aren't necessarily wanting to join that military right now but feel it would be good to put their name in the hat, fine, let them.
#65204406Friday, March 30, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

I think you're forgetting that the military isn't just another job that you can sign up for because you want to. It's to fight/protect your country. You're treating it like any other job. It's not.
#65204800Friday, March 30, 2012 8:12 PM GMT

Awful how awful. I am so glad I live in a country where joining the military is completely optional.
#65205296Friday, March 30, 2012 8:20 PM GMT

--I'm sorry, but you're kind of implying that military service should be mandatory. We're talking about the names in the hat. >I think you're forgetting that the military isn't just another job that you can sign up for because you want to. --People shouldn't be forced to join anything. Look at all the people who joined because they wanted to. >It's to fight/protect your country. --"Hey, you, kid standing at his locker. There's a group of kids here from another school and you need to punch them in the face because I said so. If you don't punch them in the face, you will get detention for a month and be forced to pay the school two hundred dollars." You're treating it like any other job. --It should be optional. Since when was mandatory military service humane? It's not. --People join because they feel they need to or want to. Sounds like a job.
#65205378Friday, March 30, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

Many countries including the US has and has had women on combat duties. They have performed just aswell as men.
#65206447Friday, March 30, 2012 8:41 PM GMT

"the military isn't just another job that you can sign up for because you want to." You sound like a fascist dictator.
#65206791Friday, March 30, 2012 8:47 PM GMT

Nobody should be forced to fight for a politician - really, that's all war is.
#65328211Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:33 PM GMT

It's to fight/protect your country. --- Country you didn't even choose to live in and which is completely random. I would rather be born in Norway, because there's fish and potatoes.

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