#65361013Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

Lavanya I look at him embrassed because I fell as my face blushed. My nose was bleeding and looked misshaped. I should stood there staring at him because I was a little too shy to respond.
#65364838Sunday, April 01, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

Phoebe I sit down at a table and start eating, playing on my iPhone while I ate.
#65365789Sunday, April 01, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

Anna I watched as a person tripped and thought of going to see if she was okay. I was going to when I saw someone else going over to her so I assumed she would be okay. I looked around, feeling a bit lonely. I wanted to talk to someone but... Well I was shy and I didn't think I could.
#65366164Sunday, April 01, 2012 11:14 PM GMT

Naomi "My..." I start to say quietly. "My nose is just broke." I smile an innocet smile, trying to be friendly.
#65370634Sunday, April 01, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

(Let me fix that: "My nose is just broken.")
#65373224Monday, April 02, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

Connor I kept eating, and pulled out my math textbook, and began working on the homework pages
#65377187Monday, April 02, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

(joining! But I am confused about the schedule and things like that)
#65377449Monday, April 02, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

what confuses you? like what part does...)
#65377799Monday, April 02, 2012 12:43 AM GMT

(well the parts about the angle/demon stuff. i don't understand how all the killing or all that stuff works)
#65378278Monday, April 02, 2012 12:46 AM GMT

Lavanya I grip my nose and twist to the right place. I grab a few napkins to whip the blood up. Then I grab a lunch tray put just an egg on it and have water. I don't eat much, and that is why I am very skinny but I am also very short, which leads to me looking like a 7th grader but I am a Sophomore.
#65401123Monday, April 02, 2012 10:49 AM GMT

-Apollo- Knowing that she is ok I leave the canteen and head to the training grounds. Nobody was there so I continued on walking. Once I had reached the oak tree I saw when I first arrived, I noticed a few other students, they where older than me but I'm trained to handle things like this if the attack me. As I approached them one of them tripped me up. "What was that for?" I asked him. He never replied to me but he gave me a smirk. "Sure that's wise?" I say to him in warning. He replys "Apollo is it? Well if we happend to be in the same weapons class, your going down." He says that and then walks off. I think to my self "What a jerk," as I climb up the oak tree. Once i reached the top I started to snooze off. (Sorry if were not allowed to make up Npcs...)
#65401686Monday, April 02, 2012 11:03 AM GMT

(you can... I really don't care if you do.....) Anna I had finished my breakfast and pulled out my cell phone. I realized that there was still time before school started so I got up and left the cafeteria. I decided that I would have time to explore part of the school. A few minutes later, after wandering around, I found myself at the park.
#65403382Monday, April 02, 2012 11:43 AM GMT

-Apollo- As I start to wake up from dozing off, I notice a girl down at the park. I wondered I she is "friendly,". So I jump down from the oak tree and start to walk towards he. I raise my hand in a friendly gesture and say hi.
#65446491Monday, April 02, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

Lavanya I sit alone in a table by myself. I was a very nervous and shy person. I didn't have any friends in this world and I believe I never will. I mean really, I am 15 and I haven't had a single friend. I eat my egg and drink my water in a few minutes. I throw away my cup and tray before I walk out the lunchroom. I make my way to the library, maybe I can read a good book there.
#65449840Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

Anna When the boy came over and said hi I didn't reply back right away. I was shy and really hated talking to people I didn't know. 'I guess I should try and be friendly though. It can't really hurt right,' I thought as I replied with a simple and quiet, "Hi."
#65452181Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

Cs: Name: AnnaMae Rose (Her first name is Anna, her middle Mae, but she prefers being called Anna-Mae) A.ge (10-18): 12 Grade (5th-12th): 8th (She skipped a grade) Grade Average: A's and B's Gender: Female Personality: She usually calm and collected, and she is usually able to stay calm and sort things out when times turn bad. But she has a limit and if she evntually snaps she'll go nearly insane. Most of the time she shys away from people and is very quiet. What are you (mostly demon, mostly angel, a balance between the two): She's a balance between the two. Any talents or skills that you have: She's very good at writing and artwork. Appearance: She's about 4 ft. and 8 in. She has curly silver hair that goes down to her shoulderblades, but she often wears it in a sloppy pony-tail. Her eyes are a strange yellow color, and her skin is very pale. She thinks she is an albino, but she's not sure. Usually wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but never anything fancy unless it is a special occasion. Elective: She has art as her elective. Bio (At least a sentence or two about your life): Her mother died when she was three, in a devastating house fire. Her father had been very abusive, and he makes her do all of the housework and pay the bills even thouhg she's only twelve. Items (no weapons): A bit of money. Always carries around a tan shoulder-bag with her school work and other random things in it. Has a cell phone and an I-pod. Room Mate (they must agree): Anybody need a roomate? :D Other: Purple Pancakes Sample post (this will be your first post): -Anna-Mae- I looked at the doors, extremely nervous. I had never been to a school before. I've just been home schooled. "Go on, honey, you'll be fine!" my father scolded. I think he just wanted me to go away. I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk, and tentavely opened the front doors. I was greeted by a lady in very formal clothes, who told me to give her my name. "Anna-Mae Rose." I said, my voice quivering. She gave me my room key, and I started up the stairs.
#65452296Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

(Oh My gosh, Ranger! I didn't even notice your name was Anna! Lol, Do you want me to change mine?)
#65452820Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:37 AM GMT

(I was just going to point that out... If you don't mind please change it....) (Oh accepted and I am going to make a new character. If you want she can be your characters roommate.)
#65453972Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:46 AM GMT

(Okay. Just change my name to Amanda Rose. Manny for a nickname. I'll be your characters' roomate.)
#65454425Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:49 AM GMT

(kay. Let me make my new one.... ugh... I need to figure out who she is first.....)
#65513088Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Cs: Name: Ebony Lemures A.ge (10-18): 12 Grade (5th-12th): 7th Grade Average: She does not do very good academically. She is lucky if she gets C's. She is good with anything that is somewhat athletic. Gender: Female What are you (mostly demon, mostly angel, a balance between the two): She is mostly demon, with a bit more angel blood then most people like her have. Any talents or skills that you have: She is very agile, fast, and she is extremely sneaky. Some people compare her to a ghost. She considers herself a very good actress. Personality: Ebony seems a bit quiet and shy to most people. Most people don't seem to notice her or if they do they usually forget she exists. Ebony used to find it annoying but has become used to it and even likes it sometimes. She isn't actually very quiet or shy. She isn't exactly friendly either, but she can be. Ebony doesn't really like people and likes to be alone most of the time. She doesn't really try to be nice, but she doesn't try to be mean. She usually does or says what she wants without thinking first. She is sometimes careless and is always extremely curious and stubborn. She doesn't usually trust people easily. Ebony seems to enjoy arguing and often starts useless arguments. She usually can't stand to see people who need help in any way. She also hates to see people hurt. She can be very helpful. Appearance: Ebony is extremely short and skinny for her age. Most people think she is about 9 or 10 years 0ld. Ebony has pale, seemingly white, skin. Her dark brown hair falls down to her knees in gently waves. Her hair is streaked with purple and pink highlights. Usually her hair is worn up. Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown. She usually wears dark or dull colors and she is rarely seen without her favorite black boots. Ebony is currently wearing some jeans, a white t-shirt with black flowers painted on it, and her black boots. Elective: Gymnastics Bio (At least a sentence or two about your life): When Ebony was a baby she was put up for adoption. She never knew her parents. She knows she had a twin sister but she never met her. Ebony was never adopted, but that may be because no one really knew she existed. Some people who worked at the orphanage never even noticed her. Ebony was, and still is, a bit of a thief. She doesn't need to be but she considers it a challenge, even though it isn't really a challenge for her. She also finds it an amusing pass time. When she turned 10 she came to this school. Items (no weapons): She never really carries around anything specific. The only thing she always has with her is her iPod and cell phone, even if she may not use them a lot. Room Mate (they must agree): Amanda Rose Other: Purple Pancakes Sample post (this will be your first post): I looked at the new students coming onto campus, from my perch in a tall oak tree. No one noticed me, thankfully. I just really didn't feel like talking to anyone. Unlike most students I wasn't in the cafeteria eating breakfast, or in my room unpacking. I started to climb higher and higher, until I couldn't climb anymore unless I wanted to risk falling.
#65531329Wednesday, April 04, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

Amanda I looked around, and took in my surroundings. I often did this when I was worried or confused. I just go into some sort or trance like state, and am able to process whats going on. Like meditation. The first thing that popped into my head was that I shouldn't be here. I sighed, and turned the key to my room. I wondered what my room-mate would be like. Would they be quiet? Talkative? Funny? Mean? The possibilities swarmed in my head. One of the beds were already set up with bedsheets and whatnot, so I took to opposite one, and started unpacking.
#65578766Wednesday, April 04, 2012 9:16 PM GMT

Ebony I quickly climbed down the tree, frightening a few kids who were sitting around it. "Sorry Sorry," I muttered as I ran to my room and inside. I noticed a girl there. I ignored her, because I didn't need to be friendly. I ran around the room, doing random things. After a few minutes I sat on my bed, brushing a few snarls out of my hair. "So you are my new roommate," I said to Amanda.
#65594506Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:18 AM GMT

Cs: Name: Cecillia "Ceci" Amelia Parker A.ge (10-18): 15 Grade (5th-12th): 9th grade Grade Average: AB student Gender: Female Personality: Bubbly, nice and friendly. Enjoys meeting new people, and helps them in anyway that she can. She loves making friends, and is always thinking of someone else before herself. What are you (mostly demon, mostly angel, a balance between the two): mostly demon, but doesn't act like it. Any talents or skills that you have: Has excelent ninja skills and can fight pretty well. Appearance: 5'2, tanned skin with dark, brunette hair. Naturally curly, and cut short. Spiked in the back, green eyes. Elective: Choir Bio (At least a sentence or two about your life): Ceci's name comes from her grandma, who died when she was young. Her mom and dad said they couldn't support her, and sent her to Scarlet Academy. Items (no weapons): Some personal items she kept with her, purse, a locket she keeps around her neck. Room Mate (they must agree): No one yet. Other: Purple Pancakes Sample post (this will be your first post): "Sorry honey," Dad murmured, not really sounding sorry, "We have too." He said as he kicked me out of the car. I then watched him speed off, my suitcases by my side. He was probably laughing in his head, saying "Yes! She's gone!' I grimaced, walking up to the boarding school and sighed. Well, goobye modern world, hello weird, high school.
#65594799Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:22 AM GMT

Lavanya I search the library for a book, I found "Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes." I loved the Roman beliefs. i found them interesting. I sat down shuffling through the book finding a good story.