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#65624799Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:28 PM GMT

You and your family won a holiday to a exciting holiday resort in Hungary. You all fly in a first class jet to your holiday, there are loads of other family's there. You have two whole months on your holiday and your already meeting new friends but then something strange starts happening one evening. A strange green gas goes around the resort and knocks you uncounisous. When you wake up your in a metal room with other people around your age, there is one door, its locked. You find a bag with limited supplies at the end of each bed. It's your turn to decide the ending! Each bag contains a bottle of water, a pack of biscuits, a strange object and a smaller bag which is full of salt. You need those on your journey to safety. CS: Name; Gender; Appearance; Personality; Other; Bio; ( optional) Weakness: Strength; ROBLOX rules apply, obviously.
#65625099Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:39 PM GMT

This is mine. CS: Name; Rebecca Gender; Female Appearance; A tall slim figure with silky hazelnut hair. Has big brown eyes, a curved nose and thin lips. Currently has hair down to shoulders but it is tied back. Wearing red converse with small brown shorts and a checkered green shirt. Personality; Very Adventerous and loves danger. Quite annoying and is up for a fight. Has a weird dress Sense also. is a very brave person. Other; Travels a lot and from New York. Bio; Weakness: Parsley Strength; Toasted Bananas
#65639983Thursday, April 05, 2012 6:52 PM GMT

(Joining :3)
#65640387Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:02 PM GMT

CS: Name; Annalise "Anny" Reed Gender; Female Appearance; Anny has jet black hair with dusty red bang that covers her whole forehead. The thickest part of her hair stops just below her shoulders and she has little bit of hair that extends to below her chest area. Most of her hair is combed to the front of her face, that stops at her shoulder. She has a normal overbite and most of her teeth are spaced out. She is shorter for her age at 5'0. She is quite slender. She has faint freckles that dot her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She has a wide nose and small peach colored lips. The bridge of her nose has a small hump on it. She has almond shape hazel eyes. She has rather long eyelashes. She has a distinct mark on her right arm, it is a birthmark.She has olive skin. Today Anny wears light wash skinny jeans, a white tank top and a brown cardigan. She wears brown vintage shoes (forget the name) and a gold necklace. Personality; Anny is a a quiet person with a rather short temper. Isn't a people person and likes to keep to herself. Other; N/A Bio; ( optional) N/A Weakness: Can't swim Strength; Is a good runner.
#65640523Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

Starting when one more person joins! :D
#65700806Friday, April 06, 2012 11:31 AM GMT

CS: Name; Miah Fowler Gender; Female Appearance; Mia is pretty but she can't see it, she claims she isn't because if she was she would notice it right away, only noticing her pretty moments. She has an asymetrical hair style but she wouldn't shave the side without a bang, it's a against her she says. Her hair is naturally blonde, but she dyes it black. This time she decided to keep blonde at the tips in one place. Mia's hair is wavy. Her eyes are a dark brown with a variation of white to black makeup around them. Other than that she doesn't wear any makeup. Mia has a nose ring that's hard to see, so it was an automatic yes when she got it. She is 5'2 and weighs .... Sorry won't tell ;] She usually wears a music tee and skinny jeans with any kind of shoes, boot, cowboy boots, high tops, converses [low top], flats, even gym shoes if it moves her. She will never wear pink nail polish but wears a dark burgandy. On other occasions she dyes her hair dark lilac. The outfit she mostly wears on those occasions is a plaid red shirt and ripped jeans with dark leggings. Personality; Mia is a happy girl, even though she wants to be dark and mysterious. She has a good sense of humor, and uses it any chance she gets. She can clone herself, but she barely does because she doesn't need to. Mia is really honest and her friends wish she wasn't and she isn't invited to hang out with them as much. She spends her time looking up 3D animation and getting inspired. Other; Bio; ( optional) Weakness: Can’t run that well. Strength; Is quite strong.
#65700995Friday, April 06, 2012 11:38 AM GMT

( A bag of salt? I have a very big hunch that this is a Zombie RPG.. )
#65701456Friday, April 06, 2012 11:54 AM GMT

CS: Name; Tori Flint. Gender; Female. Appearance; Has wavy blonde hair passing just below her shoulder and dreamy, teal coloured eyes which are probably her best feature. Has a great smile and wears a black and white striped tank top and ripped jean mini shorts. Mostly wears white material shoes and sparkly diamond earrings. She has a light scar just above her left eye and often carries round a grey sidebag. Personality; Brave, adventurous and loves to explore, this can often lead to danger and life-death situations. She would most likely sacrifice or risk her life to save anothers. She is prone to laughing alot and is laid back and easy to talk to around her friends. despite this though she can be irritable and short tempered. Other: Plays the guitar and sings really well. Bio; Tori was brought up on a yacht in New Zealand by her father, after her mother left them when she was 3. She got the scar above her left eye by once not wearing a life jacket on the boat and falling off, and being pulled under the boat. She then recently moved to (Wherever we are in the story?) Where as she has never properly felt fitted in although she is popular. Weakness: Isnt particurlarly strong. Strength; Persuading people by making them fall for her. (XD)
#65702916Friday, April 06, 2012 12:37 PM GMT

Yeah.. This isn't a crap zombe roleplay. .-.
#65703229Friday, April 06, 2012 12:45 PM GMT

Lets start. I'm changing my name to Kaycee. Kaycee I woke up with a strange feeling, where was I? I rubbed my eyes so I could see properly. There were metal walls everywhere. I looked down, I'm still in my old clothes, thats good enough. I untangled myself from the thin white duvet on this hard bed. I sat up stright and scanned the room, I was the only one awake, other girls and boys were lying in their beds just like I was. I felt a bag under my duvet and pulled it from underneath onto my lap. I looked inside, useless objects. I got up and hung the bag on a rail in the left side of the room, in a corner. I paced up and down the room, dodging the beds, until I noticed a door. I ran towards it and put my hand on the handle, it was cold. I pulled the handle down, locked. Locked in a weird room with these strangers, seems weird... I sat against the door and waited a while until somebody woke up. It was dark so I couldn't see very well until a light flickered above me.
#65703306Friday, April 06, 2012 12:47 PM GMT

(Am I accepted or no... :3)
#65703515Friday, April 06, 2012 12:53 PM GMT

Sorry i forgot about that. Yes, you can join now. And your all acepted. I spelt that wrong, I know. .-.
#65703668Friday, April 06, 2012 12:57 PM GMT

Tori. I woke in a coughing and spluttering state. I jolted upwards as the last thing I remembered was slamming the door of my house in rage. I jumped off the bed and whipped my pen knife from my pocket. I spotted a bag of stuff on the end of the bed and studied it. "Hmmph" I said. I walked towards the door and tried to open it. Locked. I kicked and kicked at it, clawing it with my pen knife until I didnt have the strength any longer.
#65703948Friday, April 06, 2012 1:04 PM GMT

I had moved from the door at this stage, I stared at the angry girl, 'What are you doing? I've tried it, won't open....' By that time I had wandered back to my bed and looked underneath it, as I saw something shiny when the lights flickered. I pulled out a small crate with my name on it. (Everybody has one of these, inside is two weapons of your choice). I pulled it open as it was loose and found a ballistic knife and a small pistol. I gasped in amazment, I've always wanted one of these knives. I stared at that girl again and said in excitment, 'Look under your bed, theres a crate, mine had weapons in!'
#65706036Friday, April 06, 2012 1:45 PM GMT

CS: Name; Joe Minsten Gender; Male Appearance; Average size, blackish-brown hair, wearing a black t-shirt and black cargo shorts. Brown eyes. Personality; Dangerous, funny, brave. Other; Served for 5 years in the Canadian Forces as a field medic, watched alot of people die, including his best friend. Bio; Joe Minsten was in the Canadian Forces for 5 years as a field medic, during a mission in Afghanistan, a road-side bomb went off. Joe's best friend was near the bomb, and he took most of the hit. Joe reacted right away and went over to his side to try and save him, but his wounds were too bad, and he died in the road-side bomb. Joe continues to grieve his friend's death today. Weakness: When someone get's hurt or dies, it causes flashbacks for Joe, which causes him to get nervous and hyper easily. Strength; When flashbacks are not triggered, Joe is a good medic, and can help others due to his training back in the Armed Forces.
#65706181Friday, April 06, 2012 1:47 PM GMT

#65706431Friday, April 06, 2012 1:52 PM GMT

Kaycee Obviosly that girl was ignoring me, probebly thought I was crazy when I was sounding all happy. My mind was going crazy though, I was gonna have a panic attack before that girl got up, I thought they were all dead. The light kept flickering on and off, it started to annoy me. I found a small ladder in the corner of the room and noticed a air vent. I slowly walked to the ladder and put it up below the air vent without hesitation. I thought I should for the others to wake up before I went through.
#65710248Friday, April 06, 2012 2:55 PM GMT

Tori. "Great idea..." I lunged under the bed and grabbed my crate. I had earlier opened it and took out the pen knife and the remaining weapon was an old pocket watch. "Seriously? A pocket watch!?" I whispered loudly to myself as I quickly tucked it in my pocket so the girl wouldnt see it. I walked towards the girl. "Tori, Tori flint" I aid to her with no emotion in my voice before she asked. "Allow me to help." I climbed boldly up the wobbling ladder and cut the vent open with my penknife and slid back down. I raised one eyebrow waiting for her to reply.
#65711560Friday, April 06, 2012 3:14 PM GMT

Miah I rubbed my head, as I slowly stepped out of the cold bed. I looked up, already two girls were awake, others asleep. I wanted to scream, where was I? I gulped and looked up at the girls. They both had something in there hands, one girl, a pistol and a ballistic knife. My eyes widened, and I stepped back. "Why have you got weapons in your hand" I said sniffing, tears wanting to roll down my eyes, I licked my lips, how I was hungry and so thirsty, I gulped, sat down back on the bed, and waited for a reply.
#65712606Friday, April 06, 2012 3:28 PM GMT

Kaycee I looked at Tori, 'I'm Kaycee. I'm going to climb in the vent when more are awake. I got a ballistic knife and a pistol, what did you get in your crate?' then I looked at the other girl, 'Huh? Oh, I found them under my bed in a crate, look under yours, we all have one.' then I stared up at the vent again, it was dark and looked kinda creepy. I glanced around the room again before stumbling over to the rail where I hung my bag, I slipped my pistol in the bag and put my knife in my back pocket.
#65713003Friday, April 06, 2012 3:34 PM GMT

Miah I smiled and looked under the bed, I pulled out this crate and looked inside. I had a key and a ninja star. "I have a key, and a ninja star, do we need the key for anything?" I said smiling, I was actually starting to like being put in this room doing nothing, it's kind of a adventure. I gulped and looked at everyone else sleeping. What if they weren't sleeping? What if they were dead? I thought to myself and shook my head.
#65715649Friday, April 06, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

I'm joining..
#65716132Friday, April 06, 2012 4:12 PM GMT

Thank you Sub.
#65729451Friday, April 06, 2012 6:44 PM GMT

Kaycee I see the look on her face, I knew what she was thinking.'They arn't dead, ya know...' After that I sat on my bed, ignoring the others and continued to sharpen my knife.
#65730473Friday, April 06, 2012 6:55 PM GMT

Tori. "Nope there not" I sit on one of the steps on the ladder and introduce myself to the newly awoken girl. "Tori.." I say, plainly and basic. "You?.." My voice trails off. I decided to keep my pocket watch for reasons not to be revealed yet...

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