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#665188Friday, March 28, 2008 6:34 PM GMT

5 weeks after Robloxia was struck by the meteor. We now already have a team. Heres the team: fettesben (me) spartan118 ryo nidar mason118 johnben foamythesquirrel AcMed wolfy Half demon wolfy (joins whoever wolfy joins) Enemies: Busido The Reakling Aiedall Cyborgs Teapot cyborgs. Just continue from the last part of Ruins of Robloxia I
#665634Friday, March 28, 2008 8:15 PM GMT

can i join the team please please please please
#666105Friday, March 28, 2008 9:14 PM GMT

dude, u left mr aout, man!
#666108Friday, March 28, 2008 9:15 PM GMT

#666897Friday, March 28, 2008 10:55 PM GMT

Can i join?
#667480Saturday, March 29, 2008 12:25 AM GMT

And me?
Top 100 Poster
#668962Saturday, March 29, 2008 3:50 AM GMT

I created the first Ruins of Robloxia thread, I wish to be in the 2nd one as the same character; DarkNoob, who played no part in the storyline except for finding Foamy.
#670723Saturday, March 29, 2008 3:17 PM GMT

DarthNoob7 - Ok. Joining guys - Feel free to join, just read ruins of robloxia I to get the storyline. Dudemancool - Sorry i forgot you, your in the team too.
#670760Saturday, March 29, 2008 3:24 PM GMT

Oh, i didn't mention. DarthNoob7 has complete control of this thread.
Top 100 Poster
#671568Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:51 PM GMT

You can have some control, I barely participated in Ruins of Robloxia I anyways.
#671686Saturday, March 29, 2008 6:24 PM GMT

so, since i was in the 1st one, cant i be in this one 2?
Top 25 Poster
#671724Saturday, March 29, 2008 6:30 PM GMT

FULL DEMON WOLFY Attacks: FIREY DEATH*, Lose control. Bio: the full form of wolfy's demon!!! Weakness: has VERY little health Strength: Akamaru: Woof! THIS GUYS CHAKARA IS INSANE!!!!! (*requires beniki's fullpower) beniki Bio: a furry dog. whats it to ya? Attacks: claw, fangs, fullpower. Weakness: AHEM.. a dog!!
#672547Saturday, March 29, 2008 9:06 PM GMT

name: dudemancool bio: still finding the guy who killed his parents attacks: physicic mind power, and is a tai jutsu master weakness: seeing flashbacks of his dead parents
Top 100 Poster
#672950Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:08 PM GMT

Name: DarkNoob Age: 24 Weapon: Flame Railgun (Machine gun-railgun that shoots out LAVA) Bio: A random person that survived the meteor. Weakness: Vegetables (O_o) Btw, Ruins of Robloxia 1 got kind of confusing in the end, so can someone tell me where everyone is? Also, don't you still have to save Kei and Saphira?
#673606Saturday, March 29, 2008 11:37 PM GMT

DarthNoob7 here's where we are. Location: IRAQ. What we're doing: Well, we just ended up here and, well to tell ya, The Teapot Cyborg's factory is in IRAQ. but we don't know that yet. Mission later on: Kei and Saphira are prisoner's of the Teapot Cyborg's so, we have to get them out and destroy the factory.
Top 100 Poster
#674054Sunday, March 30, 2008 1:05 AM GMT

Is the IRAQ from Earth or robloxia?...
#675970Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:25 AM GMT

Robloxia i'd say. IF WE WE'RE IN EARTH THEM PPL WOULD BE LIKE GIANT'S COMPARED TO US!!!!!!!!!! Dudemancool - Okay your in this one too. Info: When we attempt to rescue Kei and Saphira, one of us has to die, but i've chosen one of my four character's to die. You'll just hae to wait and see.
#675971Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:26 AM GMT

#676423Sunday, March 30, 2008 2:17 PM GMT

hey fettes can I join?
Top 25 Poster
#676587Sunday, March 30, 2008 2:50 PM GMT

PLEASE do remember that ninja aren't hurt by anything non-ninja
Top 100 Poster
#677411Sunday, March 30, 2008 5:32 PM GMT

DarkNoob: Lalala... nice vacation in Robloxian Iraq beach.... *bomb explodes nearby* DarkNoob: *drops his lemonade*
#677742Sunday, March 30, 2008 6:28 PM GMT

dudemancool: ahhhh! dude, the bomb is from the reakling and busido! darthwookie: really? dudemancool: ya, and by the way, there they are now! *runs after them*
Top 100 Poster
#678850Sunday, March 30, 2008 8:41 PM GMT

Oh ya, I abandoned DarthWookie (I decided to make DarkNoob instead) so my character's DarkNoob. So I guess since you're talking to me I'm where you are. DarkNoob: ??? Wait! Who's Reakling and who's Busido? *runs after dudemancool* dudemancool: Uhh... *thinks; should I tell him who they are? I have no reason not to... but...* *runs after reakling and busido* DarkNoob: WAIT!
#678861Sunday, March 30, 2008 8:42 PM GMT

Name: fettesben Bio: A teenage hero, that helps his friend called spartan118, both of them we're frozen in the year 2008. Attacks: Bobombdude's nukes, Smartness (can trick reakling) and xLEGOx's NXT GEN. weapons. Weakness: Getting through admin door's. 0_o!
#678903Sunday, March 30, 2008 8:45 PM GMT

me: ahhh! *sees flashback of my dead parents* no! *knocks 2 teeth out* darthnoob; *grabs me* get a hold of yourself*

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