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#66542868Wednesday, April 18, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

Everybody hates a copied Ad, right? Why should they steal your work? Last time, my idea was to remove the "Save As" feature from Advertisments, yet they could just press Prnt Scrn. So this time, my idea is to have a actual filter when uploading a advertisment. It will check if that advertisment has already ben uploaded by someone else, and if it is, it will deny it. And ofcourse they could just edit it by adding a random dot on the advertisment, but this would STILL decrease the ammount of copied advertisments in Roblox because of this.Some of you may say, "Umg Roblox nuh have time and Monah for a filter!!! X3" Well, have you ever noticed when you upload a decal, if that decal has already ben uploaded and accepted by someone else, it automaticly accepts it? so it shouldn't be that expensive and difficult considering Roblox has already done this before, just with decals instead of advertisments. Don't say my idea is bad without providing a explanation, Thx.
#66543603Wednesday, April 18, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

They can't just tell if it's copied or not. Depends how it was saved.

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