#139379205Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

also! there's this one immature moron in Build and Race (anyone remember that game?) he's not just a regular griefer, he insults and irritates people because he thinks he can. and he trolls people when they argue with him. and then i made him rage. i snuck into his base and planted a seat on his spawn location (it goes upside down so when he spawns again he sits, gets stuck, dies, repeat.) after that he raged into the chat, cussed, then everyone else abused him. i still hate his guts. i have done nothing but teleport bread for three days.
#140035234Friday, July 11, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

Zanderich Posted this just because we like different bands "honestly saronite is such a failtroll that it hurts" Not edited in any way
#140079540Saturday, July 12, 2014 9:40 AM GMT

sauce pl0x Attack the forum's weak point for massive damage (My new siggy)
#140208556Sunday, July 13, 2014 5:41 PM GMT

V3Rmillion Hacked into "Work at a pizza place" Go there, look at the comments, and you'll see what I mean.
#140320528Monday, July 14, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

Superdewl Called me an idiot as soon as I joined a game.
#140524463Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:14 PM GMT

More to Zanderich Zand said that Nightcore is for babies, repeatedly called me a troll, said I should [insert hideous phrase here], and said that my songs fail 100%. She even said that ODers are cool and epic! I disagree with that
#140534974Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

Whoa Sar, You would be a quite well fit for RT or OT
#140539827Wednesday, July 16, 2014 7:00 PM GMT

How so, Mr. BIRD MISSLE? How am I well fit for those?
#140614571Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:54 AM GMT

You are a Forum Gamer (FG'er) No RT'er or OT'er will notice you as threat Attack the forum's weak point for massive damage
#140654377Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:35 PM GMT

Well, "Listen to the song above you" is, ironically, part of the Music section of the forums. I've recently posted on it.
#140657914Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

url Please Attack the forum's weak point for massive damage
#140658606Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

#140659139Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

BTW Zand also made THIS group: How's that for proof that she likes ODers?
#140740890Friday, July 18, 2014 3:14 PM GMT

#140748979Friday, July 18, 2014 4:55 PM GMT

I hate the clanscrubs that invade every forum besides C&G, putting their little pathetic rules for their "Dominus Clan" or something like that. I can't put an exact name because.. I just can't. Let just call them the C&G bushes, shall we?
#140751887Friday, July 18, 2014 5:26 PM GMT

Everyone who forums except for a select few.
#140768034Friday, July 18, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

MiniModHalfPrint: Swearing on RT Zanderich again: Allergic to shutting up
#140866801Saturday, July 19, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

Wait you actually went to RT ATTACK THE FORUM'S WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE (idk caps)
#140868090Saturday, July 19, 2014 7:33 PM GMT

Yup. I've been there. You said I won't be a threat there. But the people there swear 100% chance.
#140872663Saturday, July 19, 2014 8:25 PM GMT

Bikerboyz Hating everyone on "Work at a Pizza Place" Everyone wanted him kicked, but what happened? HE STILL REMAINED! So everyone reported him. He's still there!
#140873958Saturday, July 19, 2014 8:39 PM GMT

Ninja604529. He told everyone I kissed a girl and murdered a girl when I'm 11. -_-.
#140879969Saturday, July 19, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

I truly hate this guy named arceusthegod123456. he just thinks he's better than everyone else and assumes everyone, except his friends, are giant noobs. You have no idea how much times he can call you with the exact same insult in one hour
#141058146Monday, July 21, 2014 2:56 PM GMT

harrtpotter234 Hates everything when they're started by me. How mature of him. -_-
#141299854Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:37 PM GMT

More to harrtpotter234: He hates EVERYBODY'S music. He thinks everybody, especially me, is a troll and that he's the normal Robloxian.
#141303132Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:12 PM GMT

When people swear on ROBLOX and all the place IDs under 1500 is on [Content Deleted]