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#66658698Friday, April 20, 2012 2:10 PM GMT

Endless was Metaphorical. Chapters 1- Group Features 2- Terrain Brush Features 3- Detailed Light 4- Debt System 5- Non-Abusable Away-from-keyboard Feature 6- Recording Ability [ GROUP FEATURES ] 1: Group Vault: The group vault is just like it sounds, a "Vault" inwhich members of a group may deposit and withdraw Tix/R$. A member, or non member, can donate any amount of their current Tix and R$, but would only be able to withdraw either 1% of the current vault funds, or 100R$ (or) 1,000 Tix, every 4 days; whichever is less. The group vault could serve many purposes. Firstly; remember the Group Place feature that came before Personal Servers? Well, "Buying" or "Renting" one of those, inwhich it would automatically deduct 50R$ AND 100Tix, per week from the group vault. When the vault "Runs dry" the place is autmatically made inactive, until the group vault has the funds to support it again, and the leader of the group would also have to confirm it's re-activation. The vault would also exist as a way to purchase items in bulk for members of the group. The cost of it would come from the group vault if it had the funds, if it did not have the funds, then the purchase would be unable to be completed. It can be shown in the equation P=MI, where "P" is the total price from the vault, "M" is the members who do not already own the item, and "I" is the items initial cost per unit. Limited and Limited(U) Items would not be able to be purchased with this feature, nor would items no-longer on sale. (For example, the 2008 Visor, would not be able to be bought, neither would things like the firework gear(s) of 2011 and/or earlier.) __________________________________________________________________________ 2: Separate Groups: The vault could also be used to create "Separate Groups". Sept groups would cost as much as a regular group. They would have the same shout as the main group (Similar to copy and pasting the shout and posting it, but with some MAJOR time saving with this new website.) In addition, "Separate Groups" have no Allies, Personal Servers, or Enemies. They only have "Members", but have more rank spaces. This would show up on the main group's wall under a tab called "Septs" or "Branches" Or some other word you feel like coming up with. It could be better used with larger groups, who commonly have Cadet Programs and Academies. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3: Alliances: An alliance would be a way inwhich a group can join one, and only one alliance at a time. Alliances would not show up as a group on a members profile, but would instead have it's name under the group logo in the form of a link. They would cost 75R$ per member group to form, and then 50R$ to join after it is formed. The R$ would be deducted from the group vault, not from the owners personal funds, and the Alliance would have to have ATLEAST 5 member groups pooling their money to be created. The money would not be lost, but instead would be placed inside of the Alliance Vault, basically as a "Starting fund" of atleast 375R$. The Alliance Vault would also have a deposite and withdraw feature, the currency would not go to or from the group leaders personal funds, but into, or out of, the group's vault. The possible withdraw is the same as with Group Vaults, however it has a 1 week period of waiting, instead of just 1 day before you can draw more funds. This is to avoid the collapse of the Alliance's economy/monetary system. This could help teach group leaders about how to save and spend money properly, because they may be faced with the downfall of their group if they run their group, or alliance, into the ground. Better learn fast, fellow leaders, we don't want a revolt. Alliances would have an Allies and Enemies tab, and a Member Group bar, similar to the members of a regular group, but it would list group names, and would only have 2 categories. "Founding Groups" and "Annexed Groups". Founding Groups would have a 2% withdraw limit, instead of the 1% faced by Annexed groups. The alliance would also have a Group wall and Shout. They would only be able to be accessed by the 2 highest ranks in a member group. The wall would only be viewable by the 2 highest ranks, but the Alliance Shout would be sent to all the members of all the member groups. (So useful for some very important shouts for multiple groups, is it not?) The alliance vault would also be able to purchase items in bulk, like the group vault. It would work in the same P=MI aswell. [ TERRAIN BRUSH FEATURES ] Now the Terrain Brush only adds a different texture to the terrain. With this update it would add special features. Metals will conduct Wireing without 2 Wireing Objects being Wired [ Wire FTW ] and will get Less damage from Explosions, Less than Rocks. Rock gets less damage from Explosions but still a good Amount. Plastic Melts if there is Fire in something in contact with it. [ DETAILED LIGHT ] The Lights would be an object, similiar in use to the Sparkles object. You could have more than one in a Brick at a time. Light Properties Ideas-- Light Intensity; How intense is the light. So you can make a Firefly's light different from a Search Light. It varies from 1, being just a little Spark to 100 being a Blinding Search Light. Light intensity changes colour to some Pixels to your Screen if you are facing the Light Directly, making them of the light colour. Colour; Just like the Colour for Sparkles. Should use RGB. If there are More it can Cycle, you can put it's cycle time. Direction; Should have the basic 6 directions, plus Omnidirectional and Circle, making it spin 360 Degrees in a Certain time. Length; The distance the Light can be projected at. Width; The width of the Light, Spotlights are rather Narrow (example). Style; Foggy - like a Spotlight, resembles the current Straw Hat Mesh Lights. Ambient - No 'Light Fog', just the Light you can see reflecting off surfaces. Flash Speed; 0 would mean no blinking. 1 would mean Strobe. Should have a warning for places which contain Strobe Lighting, so anybody who's Epileptic could turn it off prior to entering. Corona; Toggles the Corona of the Light, the Sprite that always faces the Camera. The light would pass in Transparent Objects and Bounce off some Objects objects but with Reduced intensity. But you can even put a Light Absorb Function to Bricks so you can make a Transparent object not let light pass through to make a spooky effect. Prompt Example-- Warning! This place contains Strobe Lighting. Do you wish to see this? (Yes) (No) ----- Some Examples of how these would work; ---------- Minigun Spitfire Intensity; 10 Colour; Bright Yellow Direction; Forward Length; 3 Studs Width; 180 Degrees Style; Foggy Flash Speed; 1 Corona; True ---------- Minigun Spitfire ---------- Alarm Intensity; 55 Colour; Bright Red Direction; OmniDirectional Length; 30 Studs Width; 360 Degrees Style; Ambient Flash Speed; 0.5 Corona; True ---------- Alarm ---------- Searchlight Intensity; 95 Colour; Really White Direction; Forward Length; 200 Studs Width; 35 Degrees Style; Foggy Flash Speed; 0 Corona; False ---------- Searchlight ---------- Flame Intensity; 5 Colour; Yellow/Red/Orange [ Cycle = True ] Direction; OmniDirectional Length; 15 Studs Width; 360 Degrees Style; Ambient Flash Speed; 0.15 Corona; True ---------- Flame [ DEBT SYSTEM ] You guys know how people are always asking for donations to buy an expensive limited? Well, now it can be official. The way debt works, is easy. On a profile, you have the option to loan money to people. This will open up into a sort of FR system. Where you can put a message and select the amount of ROBUX you want to give them. And how long you'll let them keep it. (Note: ROBUX only.) They will then either have to accept or decline. Once someone accepts, they get the money, and a message is sent to the Loaner saying Subject: "Loan Taken" [User Name] has taken [ROBUX amount] of money from your ROBUX. [User name] will soon have to repay you. Then, they will have a tab of debt by their messages, friend requests and money. If you click on this, you can see a log of your loans/debts. This way you can tell who you owe money to. They will have a set number of days to repay you. Default being 30. This will replace the button to loan money to that account. If an Account dosen't repay the debt by then they can't use their money and all the money they earn goes to the Loaner. If in 3 Months the Debt isen't Repayed, the Loaner will get the Money back Automatically and the Person that Recived the loan will have their Robux/Tix Transformed to 0 till the Robux/Tix that were Deleted sum up to the Rest of the Debt. [ NON-ABUSABLE AWAY-FROM-KEYBOARD FEATURE ] Did you ever want to keep a Place in a Game without Losing it as you have to Do a Chore in the Meantime ?? Well, if yes, this Is what you Need. The AFK Feature that many thought about was Abusable as People could Turn AFK Right in a Fight so they don't Lose it and they regain Health and then Attack... The Feature Includes a button in the In-Game Menu called Away-From-Keyboard. The Normal " Exit Game on ____ Minutes Idle " Feature Will still be on as ROBLOX Would just spend Money for Keeping people in a Server that are AFK and Don't Play, therefore making the Money spent pointlessly. When you click the Away-From-Keyboard Button in the Menu an " Are you Sure ? " Button will Appear and you can Choose " Yes " or " No ". When you choose Yes then you Die but, making it fair, you don't Gain a WO [ WipeOut ] : You die but you don't Respawn... Like when you're banned from a Ban Script or an Orb. There Will appear a GUI Button in the Middle of the Screen with a Message that says " Respawn ". When you click it you respawn Normally as if you died. To make it Non-Abusable to people that want to keep a Ratio by AFKing when their Health is Low, You gain a WO [ WipeOut ] if you have less than 100 Health. [ RECORDING ABILITY ] Would you like to make a Working Security Camera? Now you need a Person to look at it 24/7. With the Ability to Record from an Object you could see who passes in a Certain Place like if you were there but the Videos go Directly on your Computer. The Feature can be Toggled to different Times and Switched On/Off. Thanks for Reading. Signed, DΞΛΓИ
#66659139Friday, April 20, 2012 2:31 PM GMT

1-support 2-support 3-support 4-support 5-No support. 6-support. My no support for 5. People could just randomly go AFK and that wouldn't be fair.
#66659258Friday, April 20, 2012 2:36 PM GMT

support on all except 5. Jacey makes a good point, people could go AFK randomly.
#66659379Friday, April 20, 2012 2:41 PM GMT

You got the vault idea from Starwars: The Old Republic Guild Bank, didnt you?
#66659740Friday, April 20, 2012 2:52 PM GMT

@Spooky : The WHAT? @AFK Non-Supporters : Read it well. It is NOT Abusble.
#66660051Friday, April 20, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

I like all of this. 1.support. 2.support. 3.support. 4.support. 5.support. 6.support. ☁ See that rock. that's my pellow.
#66660128Friday, April 20, 2012 3:05 PM GMT

Well, nvm about my previous post. 1. support 2. support 3. support 4. support 5. support 6. support
#66661645Friday, April 20, 2012 3:57 PM GMT

Seems that people like this :D
#66661875Friday, April 20, 2012 4:05 PM GMT

Er.. Roblox is gonna end up like A MMORPG. No support.
#66662090Friday, April 20, 2012 4:13 PM GMT

@Bouncin66 : It's just adding Realism.
#66662226Friday, April 20, 2012 4:18 PM GMT

Support all except 3, 4, and five. Three would LAG. Dyanmic light is very laggy, given roblox. Four would be ABUSED. Alt abuse, in other words. Force an alt to get you loaned 500 tix, and in a month, that's 500 tix. Five? What jace said. Extra points for the detail.
#66662579Friday, April 20, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

@ Frozen : Dynamic Lightning is laggy but still... Maybe make it toggle-able? The Debt Feature Not Alt-Abusable. You would have to repay the Alt :D The AFK Feature is un-abusable too if you read well. The 4th and 5th Idea had a lot of Thinking behind them and they became Nearly 100% Un-Abusable.
#66718231Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:45 PM GMT

#66718441Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:51 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#66718490Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:53 PM GMT

I like most ideas.
#66719218Saturday, April 21, 2012 1:11 PM GMT

Okay, he's started. -Actually, this was more thought through than a normal post is. Just a few things though. On five: 'To make it Non-Abusable to people that want to keep a Ratio by AFKing when their Health is Low, You gain a WO [ WipeOut ] if you have less than 100 Health.' > You just had a fight, now you need to do a chore. > You're playing a minigame place. Glitchy. > Pointless point. :3 Now, onto four. It's still abusable, with enough alts. Sure, It may be over 100 we'd be talking about, But I know a sado when I see one. (Not saying you are.) Onto three: Light mapping would be a better alternative. I'll find that post.
#66720768Saturday, April 21, 2012 1:42 PM GMT

1 is copied from jacob.....
#66720885Saturday, April 21, 2012 1:44 PM GMT

Actually steel, that very suggestion's a moderately posted post. Jacob probobly got it from someone else, who got it from someone else, who got it from someone else, who got it from someone else, who got it from someone else, etc.
#66723835Saturday, April 21, 2012 2:39 PM GMT

Support for all but 1 and 3. Strobe lighting- some people may not know what that is and have a seizure. Group features- Just another update on groups.
#66801946Sunday, April 22, 2012 3:16 PM GMT

@ Leet : They will find a way to make it Safe.
#66911488Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:26 PM GMT

#66911554Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:31 PM GMT

Number 2 is pretty much useless.
#66911675Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:45 PM GMT

@Jacey : Well it is good for adding Effects to Terrain Games. Like if you see a Metal Hill and shoot it with a Rocket it would Explode but the Metal won't Shatter.
#67059836Friday, April 27, 2012 2:36 PM GMT

#67060154Friday, April 27, 2012 2:50 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]

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