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#66972801Wednesday, April 25, 2012 8:52 PM GMT

The world is at war for a third time. Every country has men and women lined up halfway down the block to join the military. The armies are readying for the most brutal, terrifying, and violent war. However, they are not fighting against each other. They are fighting against another PLANET. You were watching TV in the living room. All of a sudden, there is a RAP RAP RAP on the front door like you'd never believe. Your parents run to the door and open it. Military figures stand calmly at the door. You wonder what is happening. Then the soilders march over to you and explain what's going on. Every child in the state is being rounded up and put into camps so that the aliens cannot kill them. You get into a heavily armored Humvee. A few minutes later, you arrive at a fancy building that is fenced with electricity. They roll to a stop and they gesture you out of the car. As they punch in a code to open a gate, you suposse, you look around. Your neighborhood looks deserted and quiet. Then you hear and see a gate swish open. And you walk into the camp. Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Personality: Appearance: Bio: (Optional) From:(place) Where/what you were doing when told to go to camp: Rules: You must be accepted. No killing other kids unless admins give you permission to. Admins are me, Angelwing1598, ROBLOEPIX, and DubstepMuffin. Anyone else who claims they are an admin is kicked out. Only admins can determine if the aliens attack. All ROBLOX rules apply. The Golden Rule applies.
#67008756Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:49 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Kade Thomas A.ge: 12 Personality: Shy, clumsy, determined Appearance: Blue tangtop, blue jean shorts, sea blue eyes, black hair, tan skin Bio: Kade was born on May 4, 2000, and his parents were Mary and George. When he was little, his grandparents kidnapped him, but luckily the police found them. They arrested the grandparents and gave Kade back to his parents. From: Utah Where/what you were doing when told to go to camp: I was writing in my journal, working on my penguin book. There was a knocking at the front door, and I sprang up from my chair to see who was there. Soilders. My parents looked at me, then sent me to go with the soilders.
#67008959Thursday, April 26, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

#67020236Thursday, April 26, 2012 8:30 PM GMT

#67036525Friday, April 27, 2012 12:27 AM GMT

Kade After being rounded up, I walk towards the excersise gate. I see a young boy about my age. I walk over, and I stare at him. His muscles bulge out, and I can see his inner strengh clearly. I smile and shake his hand. "I'm Kade," I say. "Nero," he says.
#67037064Friday, April 27, 2012 12:33 AM GMT

Name: Mike "Mako" Hunter A.ge: 10 Personality: Dillusionally enthusiastic. Appearance: Skinny build, black hair that reaches the back of his shoulders, brown eyes, and wears a black t-shirt and jeans. Bio: (If we could get powers, I would've been infused with a shark and gotten superspeed.) From: Eastvale, CA Where/what you were doing when told to go to camp: Playing Minecraft: PE.
#67039593Friday, April 27, 2012 1:04 AM GMT

#67039812Friday, April 27, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

Kade Nero continues to excersice. I walk over to a boy and ask him his name. "Mako," he says. "Well, isn't this sad that we all have to be rounded up? I'm not even allowed to be with my sister," I tell him.
#67040398Friday, April 27, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

Mako "Yeah..." I say. I decide to run a lap around the camp. "I'm gonna go for a run around the camp, see you in a bit." (Can I have my powers?)
#67058097Friday, April 27, 2012 1:04 PM GMT

(Sure) Kade "Alright, I'll talk to you later. I'm going inside." I walk inside the camp, amazed by it's beauty. I walk over to a vending machine, but there's no money slot. Just in ink pad and a white pad. I press the Twix button because it's my favorite candy bar. "Put your thumb on the ink pad, please," the machine says. I do so. "Now, stamp it on the pad." I press my inky thumb against the pad and I hear a KA-CLUNK. I reach down where the candy bars fall, and I pull out a king-sized Twix. Fingerprint vending machines?! I think. "I think I'm in heaven."
#67058751Friday, April 27, 2012 1:44 PM GMT

Name:Karen Taylor A.ge:16 Personality:Nice, frightened, prone to figet. Has a secret strength, though.Not as frightened or weak as some may think. Appearance:Short frizzy orange hair and almond eyes, in color and shape. Tall, with long fingers. Bio: (Optional) From:(place) Miami Where/what you were doing when told to go to camp: Reading a book( Myst,the book of Atrus) on my bed.
#67061414Friday, April 27, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

(Accepted) Kade I walk to my room, munching on the Twix bar. There's a bed, a desk, a dresser, a chair, and more. I set down my luggage on the bed, and then I start to unpack. I start to put my underwear in a drawer when I see a blue beam. "That's wierd," I say out loud. Then I see a flash of green. It speeds down to where the blue beam lands. Actually, it was IN the blue beam. There is a tremendous explosion, and the fence is still intact! But then I hear it. it alarms me. The hum of the fence has stopped. The electricty is drained from the fence. I hear children screaming, and then I hear thuds. I look in horror over the railing, and I see human-like aliens apping kids. A girl, I think her name was Karen, runs up past me. Mako then runs up to me. "We gotta go!" he says. I start to follow him. And then I see it. Randy, my best friend, grab a dumbell and hurls it at the aliens. It hits two, killing one, and leaving the other dying. He fires a laser at Randy, but hits a soilder, killing him. Then it happens. One of the heavy-duty soilders, I assume, starts to fire at the defenseless kids. I count the ones that are dead. 3. Then I stare at Randy. One of the most brutal heavy-duties shoots him. He falls, not dead, but almost. Without thinking, I jump from the railing.
#67066335Friday, April 27, 2012 7:09 PM GMT

Karen I follow Kade and attack the heavy-duty soldier who killed some kids.
#67070922Friday, April 27, 2012 8:43 PM GMT

Kade "KAREN! It'S TOO DANGEROUS!" I yell. I grab her and help her back upstairs. Randy's dead. I grab her arm and pull her back onto the balcony. We jump into a jeep with Mako. We order Nero to drive off. He speeds out of the compound.
#67074478Friday, April 27, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

Karen I glare at Kade. " Nero!" i bark. I was NOT in a pleasant mood." Go to Hazard Street,we're coming up on it." I knew where I had to be, and what I had to do.
#67079514Friday, April 27, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

Mako 5 minutes later, I return to the camp. "This is a big camp..." I say to myself. I go to the vending machine and get myself Skittles and Twix.
#67098122Saturday, April 28, 2012 3:05 AM GMT

Karen I get out of the jeep, hard-faced. All fear was gone. " Thanks for the ride." I then sprint off to the building at the end of a driveway.
#67114423Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:33 PM GMT

Kade "That wasn't a RIDE. That was a mandatory evacuation," I tell her. "And if that's your house, you won't see your parents inside."
#67131026Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

(Oh, and another rule for the new RPers. Put "Alien" in the bio if you read the rules.)
#67131381Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:45 PM GMT

( I read the rules. Do i still have to put it there?) Karen "No, it isn't my house. That is the director of that camp's house. I'm going to tell him exacptly what happening." With that I continue sprinting off, unaware of the calls behind me.
#67131396Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:45 PM GMT

Kade I then realize Mako's not in the humvee. I order Nero to speed up, but the car's battery's dead. There is an explosion, and the house Karen was walking up into explodes. And then I see aircrafts piercing the sky, their blue wings glimmering in the sunlight. I try to force the door open, but it's locked. I pick up a hammer near me and I smash the window, then do the same for Nero. We crawl out the window. I grab Karen and yell. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN OUT OF THE CAR! YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!" I scream at her. I reach into the Humvee, and my hands fix on an MP40. Aliens storm down the sidewalk. I toss Karen a pistol. "Hope you like guns and blood," I say as I take out an alien.
#67131553Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:47 PM GMT

(May I Please Join?)
#67131608Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:48 PM GMT

(Sure. Just remember to put "Alien" somewhere in your bio.)
#67131771Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:51 PM GMT

Karen "YES,I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! AND< FOR WHAT'S LEFT IN THIS WORLD, THAT'S NOT A BAD THING!" I scream at him. I tackle and alien. When I'm done, I come up to Keel( or whatever his name is.:P) " And if you try to stop me, there will be conciquences." I say, my vioce like a dagger. " This is a warning, not a threat."
#67132315Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:59 PM GMT

Kade The aliens look fierce and very unafraid. I'm afraid for Mako, I'm afraid for Nero, I'm afraid for Karen... "SNAP OUT OF IT, BUSTER!" Nero's riding the streets on a motorcycle. These wierd cars without wheels have to be the Humvees of the aliens. I toss a rock at one. The windshield shatters, and then it crashes into Nero. I grab Karen's arm and sprint off. I get into a car and fumble with the key. I turn it on. Karen looks scared, and I speed off. I get the hang of it pretty quickly. I make a swift left onto Gerr Avenue and speed off. I then make a screeching right into Yankee Drive. I speed west, and then I look north over my shoulder. The aliens have made their outpost at the high school. I then turn north onto Gerr Street and I find a place to get on the sidewalk. "You're crazy! We'll get killed!" "Just unlock the door. Get ready." I unlock my door. "On three," I say. "One, two, THREE!" Me and Karen leap out of the car, away from danger. The aliens are not so lucky. The car smashes into the school, and a ball of fire erupts from the sky. I decide to go to a friend I've known for a long time.

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