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#66982052Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:06 PM GMT

~The Great War~ The Austro-Hungarians and Germans have their Clankers, steam-driven iron machines loaded with guns and ammunitions. The British Darwinists employ fabricated animals as their weaponry. The Leviathan is a whale airship, and the most masterful beast in the British fleet. ______________________________________________________________________ Francis Ferdinand, an archduke that kept the fragile balance of the European countries together, had been assassinated. The Austro-Hungarians, the Germans, and the Serbians have pulled France Russia and Great Britain into the fray. It is August in 1914, two months after the war began. The United States have yet to join. Perhaps they don’t want to be involved in oversea affairs. This will be the second bloodiest war in history. There are fights all around the world. Mammothines, large mammoth-elephants, are walking the Earth. Giant steam-powered walkers are treading across Europe. How will the war turn out? Allies will be tested along with women’s rights, rebellions in the Ottoman Empire, and neutral America’s decision will tip the war. That is, if they enter the war. ______________________________________________________________________ Rules: (I know that those are a lot of rules, but they're easy to follow.) 1: Limited romance. 2: No God modding/Mary (or Gary) sues. 3: Be descriptive with your CS, make it good. 4: Don't kill other peoples' characters without the other person's permission. 5: If you are reading this put “Leviathan” in “Other” 6: My word>Your word 7: No asterisks (*'s) while in character. 8: Acceptable grammar is a MUST! 9: If you die make a new character. Act like you were there for at least most of the time. 10: "It's not in the rules" is not an excuse, it's good that you've read the rules and all, but this is not tolerated. 11: Constructive criticism is allowed, but trolling, flaming, or other sorts of hate are prohibited. 12: Use brackets ( {}, [], () ) while in OoC (Out of Character) 14: No guns on airships. Only airguns are allowed. If you shoot anything other than an airgun you will explode the entire ship. 15: You can have ONLY up to two characters. 16: More rules will be added with time. ______________________________________________________________________ If you are on an any ship (airship or naval ship) the ranking order goes from lowest to highest: -Midshipmen (Middies) -Ensign -Lieutenant -Commander -Captain -Boffins (They're like diplomats) ______________________________________________________________________ CS: Name: A.ge (at least 15 if you’re in the service): Gender: Faction (Clanker, Darwinist, or Neutral): County: Personality (Please do not make it a list of words.): Appearance (Same with personality): Bio (Highly recommended or TBR): Occupation (In the service, shopkeeper, any jobs available in 1914): If in the service, what rank? (If you are not in the service put N/A): If in the service, what ship? (Leviathan for any British. Anyone else will have to use their imagination. If you are not in the service please, once again, put N/A): Other (If I missed anything, put it here):
#66982677Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

My CS: Name: Deryn Sharp (Dylan Sharp in the service) A.ge (at least 15 if you’re in the service): barely 15 Gender: Female (posing as a male) Faction (Clanker, Darwinist, or Neutral): Darwinist County: Great Britain Personality (Please do not make it a list of words.): Deryn is strong-willed and impulsive, but very kind and caring at heart. She is capable of standing her ground in fights and arguments alike, and does not give up against obstacles. She is also very smart and a quick thinker. She is able to find solutions to most problems she faces. Appearance (Same with personality): Deryn is described as thin and tall for her age, with "fine features" and "sandy" hair. Her hair is cut short as part of her disguise. She is 4"7 with blue eyes. Bio (Highly recommended or TBR): TBR Occupation (In the service, shopkeeper, any jobs available in 1914): In the service If in the service, what rank? (If you are not in the service put N/A): Midshipman If in the service, what ship? (Leviathan for any British. Anyone else will have to use their imagination. If you are not in the service please, once again, put N/A): Leviathan Other (If I missed anything, put it here): Leviathan
#66983741Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:31 PM GMT

Her height is 5'7... not 4"7. Typo, fixed :3 Also, while I'm at it. Bumpity bump
#67008423Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:21 PM GMT

Bump Honestly, not even hate?

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