#68195200Thursday, May 17, 2012 2:52 PM GMT

Joe "And that's why being an Athena is AWESOME!"
#68207262Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:25 PM GMT

Of course,one tries to run.The other shouts something in ancient greek,and the first turns back and charges me.He looks much tougher than the first...and he has a sword. I spin while ducking under his first blow,and try to hit his leg.He...Jumps?He quickly turns around and strikes me in the back. I scream in agony,and I get up,slowly and painfully.I pull out my spear.I sheath my sword,and I hold out my hand. "How much did that sword cost?" He looks confused,then answers in a gravelly voice: "About 200 drachmas,I think?" "Well,good luck buying a new one!" I launch a blast of energy from my hand,which completely obliterates the sword.He gets really mad and tries to stampede me.I duck down,and thrust out my spear.It goes through his gut,with golden blood falling over me,then he turns into sand. "Ugh,I'm gonna need a lot more than a shower for all this dirt." I stand up,still in extreme pain.I stare at the last one,as if begging him to come over. "Well?You gonna come and kill me or not?" I realize I shouldn't have said that.I feel like i'm on the verge of passing out,my head's hurting really bad. He draws a sword,a spear,and a shield. "Josh!Knife him!" I shoot the shield with a beam of energy,knocking it out of his hand.I fall down onto my knees,realizing he's coming to kill me.I can't fight back,everything's going black.
#68263935Saturday, May 19, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

Joe "I GOT THIS!!" I charge the last one and stab him in the back. He turns to sand soon after.
#68313013Saturday, May 19, 2012 7:08 PM GMT

I don't hear him,I'm out cold.But I feel strangely...aware.All the sudden,a massive and hidious-what is that,a face? appears in the darkness.It speaks in a deep,horrible and rasping voice,like he's been alive forever or something. "Go..." "G-g-go where?" I stutter,wondering what the thing is talking about.Plus this place is freezing. "Free them and I will reward you." "W-w-what?" "I will give you a spot upon my throne in the new world!All you have to do is free them..." "Who the heck are you,ugly face?" I realize I shouldn't have said that. "I BE TARTARUS!The spirit of the underworld!" I am freezing from the fear of what he can do to me. "W-w-why would I work for you?" "Well,boy...because I know what you want.Power,respect,revenge,the average goals...and I can give you all of it."
#68333926Sunday, May 20, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

Joe I start shaking Ryan, yelling "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"
#68366010Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

I know I want to accept this thing's's just so tempting. "Err....give me a little while to think about it..." "As you wish,boy." The face disappears,and my eyes open. I speak,but nothing comes out. Again. and again,I try. Nothing. I've gone mute. I take out my notepad,and write quickly. The words pop off the paper,flying around in the air.They say "I think I've gone mute somehow. Get me to the infirmary.Please." I get up off of my rump and pick up my stuff.I write again. "Let's go." I grab the words,and they disappear.I walk towards the light at the edge of the forest.
#68366358Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

Joe "Gotcha'!" I reply, helping him to the infirmary.
Top 25 Poster
#68366598Sunday, May 20, 2012 3:59 PM GMT

(bookmarking this for now...I'll think about coming back and rping here...)
#68366715Sunday, May 20, 2012 4:01 PM GMT

(I remember you from somewhere… another thread, but I forgot what one)
#68367411Sunday, May 20, 2012 4:13 PM GMT

(yay.I was beginning to get worried we'd be the only three RPing here.) I walk out of the woods,limping my way to the infirmary in the big house. The heat beats down on me,and I become dizzy.Very,very dizzy.I fall down on my knees and get back up again.I think that this will be a long,long walk.
#68367821Sunday, May 20, 2012 4:21 PM GMT

Joe "Are you okay?"
#68399508Monday, May 21, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

Joshua~ I finally arrived at the infirmary, it took awhile, since I was sleepy. They put bandages on my wounds and all that, then they put me too sleep, and my wounds started healing. I have a strange dream, it seemed like a warning, but I ignored it, and continued sleeping.
#68408746Monday, May 21, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

Joe I wait at the infirmary.
#68429140Monday, May 21, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

I finally wake up after several hours at the infirmary. More dreams,whoopdeedoo. "Have you made up your mind,child?" "No...I don't want to,either.Go away." I say it with a hint of anger in my voice. He doesn't like that at all. The face goes berserk and spasms about,shouting curse words in ancient greek. "Fine then...I'll MAKE YOU." The face charges at me,mouth open,and then the dark and allconsuming red that is him mout consumes me. I wake up,screaming.
#68447389Monday, May 21, 2012 10:57 PM GMT

Joe "Oh my gosh! What happened?" I ask, noticing him screaming.
#68449569Monday, May 21, 2012 11:29 PM GMT

"I,I don't know...wait.I'm alive?" I get off of the hospital style bed,gasping for air. "Gods,that was disturbing." (sorry for short post,I'm really tired.)
#68451485Monday, May 21, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

Joshua~ I eavesdrop on they're conversation, I didn't like doing that, but I just did. "He's in trouble alright..." I think outloud.
#68465514Tuesday, May 22, 2012 3:22 AM GMT

Joe "Explain to me these things: One, What happened? Two, What did you see when you blacked out to make you speechless?"
#68473130Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:19 PM GMT

I think a second.I take a deep breathe and walk towards the door,still limping a little.I ache in pain,but I don't care,really.I speak carefully,not trying to reveal anything. "We see the Oracle." I walk out the door,slowly,painfully.
#68483804Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:33 PM GMT

Joshua~ He passes right besides me, but luckly he didn't see me, and he didn't look so great, so I walked up to him casually. "Where are we going?" I ask, pretending to be innocent.
#68486702Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:26 PM GMT

( am i the only one that is in camp Jupiter also can i be a half son of Hades and half son of Pluto)
#68494116Tuesday, May 22, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

Joe "To the Oracle…" I day in a mysterious voice.
#68500204Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:43 PM GMT

(Hades and Pluto are the same...Er.Since you're alone at camp Jupiter,I'll make a Jupiter character later)
#68524505Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:02 AM GMT

(@Accessible, you could wander of into the forest at some point, and maybe so will we, if Historan has another dream about the face there, and it tells him to go in the forest... :3 Idk.)
#69101062Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:19 PM GMT

(Oh God!Sorry.I have been away quite some time,more pressing matters.You see,I live with my grandparents and on the 26th,which happened to be one of the best days of my life until I got home,when I was notified that my grandfather had died of a very long battle with cancer. D:) (So,er...lemme catch up.Also,I'm opening a medieval RP.)