#68445143Monday, May 21, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

#68445227Monday, May 21, 2012 10:27 PM GMT

(THIRTY POSTS! don't you think that's a lot?)
#68445418Monday, May 21, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

(Yes. Yes I do.) (But honestly, do you think it took them just a couple of minutes to think of wearing the skin of a dead animal for warmth? While it seems simple to us, these people are the first humans.)
#68445453Monday, May 21, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Try to find some neanderthals to befriend so that we can share meat.
#68445996Monday, May 21, 2012 10:37 PM GMT

(well you have a point...) send out some men for food. when they return. look for any signs of nendrathals. if we find any. see if we can find out if they're friend or foe. if they're friendly see if we can share food and resources. if they're foe steer clear of them.
#68446021Monday, May 21, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

Krönos Your people search for Neanderthals, which is quite hard seeing how they are nearly extinct. Only that single tribe remained in Greenland, and they passed you a day ago. Neanderthal: These were the rejected Humans. They lived mainly in the Ice Åge, hunting Mammoths and Saber Tooths. They wore pelts and sometimes had weapons. They were about a foot taller than Humans, and had elongated foreheads. They quickly overcame pain, able to fix an arm popped out of place without a whimper. They died off due to an in ability to adapt to the receding of the Ice Åge. If they could have adapted, their would have been one more sentient species on Earth. (It has been proven that dolphins, whales, and several types of primates are sentient as well.)
#68446409Monday, May 21, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

Centurions The Appalachian Mountains left he Ice Åge long ago, which was followed by the death of the Neanderthals. Only the coldest areas of Earth hold a few of them now. As your hunters people search, the are run down by a Mammoth stampede of about six Mammoths. (They must have seen a MAMMOTH sized mouse. {Insert scientist laugh from Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs here})
#68447056Monday, May 21, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

(do you mean crushed or chased off? and how many died? its not like i sent the entire nation! XD)
#68447266Monday, May 21, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

(Crushed. And you tell me how many you sent. I won't control how many of what you send, only what gets used.)
#68447766Monday, May 21, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

(aho okay i only sent three) The hunters return with some rabbits. One of the hunters began to tell the other hunters that he killed his rabbit with a rock by throwing it. he began to show the other hunters how to do this. soon the hunters where able to take down bigger prey Research: Rock throwing
#68448097Monday, May 21, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

(You haven't invented language yet. Post not accepted.)
#68448697Monday, May 21, 2012 11:16 PM GMT

(agh, just remembered that!) research: language. While the men and women do they're things. a child starts to noise with his mouth. he continues to do this some of the others begin to mimic him. (slowly this will turn into sounds them words then a language will form call turion)
#68449367Monday, May 21, 2012 11:26 PM GMT

Centurions The child makes more and more noise. ATTENTION. RESEARCHING LANGUAGE WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR POSTS FOR FIRE. LANGUAGE TAKES FIFTY POSTS. (It took thousands of years to make up the first language, al this is actually under kill.)
#68449955Monday, May 21, 2012 11:34 PM GMT

(accept. Language will unlock many things faster and better!)
#68450518Monday, May 21, 2012 11:42 PM GMT

(And it's one of the few required techs for advancing to the stone stage.) Centurions The child makes more noise, looking all around. This noise is quite loud though, and soon, the small harmless animals run away, and the predators circle the cave, searching. Language: This is one of fifty posts for language. (Once your language is finished, you have an option of actually making an alphabet and sending it to me so I know what your people say.)
#68450691Monday, May 21, 2012 11:44 PM GMT

(No one accepted my Cs :( And the tribe leaders name is Jaguar and the tribes tries to live in harmony with the Jaguars that live in the lands. Hint, hint, they name the animal after him in their language :3)
#68451108Monday, May 21, 2012 11:51 PM GMT

(@gavin, I swear, I hadn't see it, but I looked back and found it. Your accepted. But they don't name them in their language until after they make one right?) (@jjtt, you need to readjust your C.S to that of the Skin Stage. All the things that have a certain stage next to them need to be removed.)
#68451382Monday, May 21, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

(@jjtt, also, thanks for telling me the thing about the government.)
#68451482Monday, May 21, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

(Yes. It is for future reference and Jaguars are going to be part of the religion. But in the language Jaguar will be named from him because maybe he will either have killed one in a one v one :3 He loves them or he loves them and is like them in personality. Strong and Deadly.)
#68451631Monday, May 21, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

(Well I'm ready to start! And the name Feras will change later on, it will just be the name my people will use when describing out first people :3 I couldn't think of a name since it was 3:00 AM xP And sorry if my Cs is poor quality because of the same reason I couldn't think of a name.)
#68452185Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

(Oh no no, it was certainly better than anything I would have done.) Feras The thawing forest of the Brazil area are teeming with large Jaguars and Panthers. Vines slowly climb from their ancient ice captors. Even though the Ice Ãge only just ended, it is still quite humid.
#68452285Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

(oh noes preadetors!) Everyone in the cave becomes dead silent. after awhile a hunter goes out to see if the ghost is clear. he doesn't return for thirty minutes he returns holding a big wooden stick. and one of the predators is dead. ( I know this would lead to clubs and all but first how would it take to get wooden clubs? Becuase im only one post in to language.)
#68452803Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

(Well, now that I think about it, maybe I did over do the wooden tools. Instead of sixty I'll change it to 20.)
#68453002Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

Germany declares war on Kronos. Nuclear missile heading towards cave. jkjkjk, seems like a fun game. Might join,
#68453144Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:16 AM GMT

Research Wooden Tools