#70182372Monday, June 18, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

B. 12 Hordes of zombies cause there slow and weak. So you beat those zombies then you find out that theres a cave! What does he do? A. Leave and go home. B. Ignore it and continue your journey. C. Go inside the cave!
#70188595Monday, June 18, 2012 2:20 AM GMT

C.) I go inside the cave! I see a treasure chest! But what does the treasure chest consists of? A.) A crossbow with steel arrows, lots of gold, and some furry armor. B.) Some gold, a silver necklace, some food, and an iron mace. C.) Iron armor, a few gold, and a metal dagger. D.) A magic staff, spellbooks, and some gold.
#70199015Monday, June 18, 2012 5:15 AM GMT

A:A crossbow with steel arrows, lots of gold, and some furry armor. But the furry armor turns out to be blood thirsty rats. A.)you stab them with a steel arrow B.)you drop some gold on them C.)accept fate
#70205674Monday, June 18, 2012 10:28 AM GMT

A.) I stab them with a steel arrow. They all have died. I collect their rat poison in a jar and use it as a weapon later. I exit the cave and continue on with my journey. As you go on with your journey, a dragon lands next to you! But it is a friendly dragon. He lets you ride him. He takes you to a dungeon, then flys away. You go in the dungeon, and you see a poor man cornered with bandits around him. They are about to kill him. What do you do? A.) Help him out! B.) Ignore him. You could get killed.
#70208546Monday, June 18, 2012 1:25 PM GMT

A. You decide to help him and kill off the dumb bandits. He thanks you and runs for the exit, and he gives you some potion of some sort! You walk down the hall and then you think to yourself... A. What am I even doing? B. Is that potion sour? C. Where the heck is everybody?
#70208701Monday, June 18, 2012 1:32 PM GMT

C. Then you see this fire demon dragon that spits out fire! AND EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD EXCEPT HIM WAS IN A CAGE HE WAS GONNA SEND TO A VALCANO!! A. Go risk your life to save the world and kill the dragon B. Leave. C. Say that you need more stuff before you fight this dragon. And leaves.
#70209435Monday, June 18, 2012 1:54 PM GMT

A. You go down and then you fight a fire demon dragon What you do.... A).RUNN BOI B).Give the dragon a GREAT BIG HUG C).Poke his eye with a stick D).DO TIS RPG STYLE E).nuke it and get on with our life
#70211493Monday, June 18, 2012 2:48 PM GMT

E. But that seemed not to work any attack containing fire dosen't hurt him. You... A) Call a friendly water dragon to defeat it! B) Take a bottle of water and throw at it! C) Trick it to fall in a water pool! D) Call a friendly Air dragon to defeat it!
#70233219Monday, June 18, 2012 8:51 PM GMT

A. You call for a water dragon, but you know no kind of dragon that is made of water. (Good going dummy.) The dragon prepares to breathe its megabreath, but before it does... something falling from the sky scares the dragon and makes it fly away! You now... A. Hope the thing isn't a dangerous thing B. RUN! C. Shoot at the thing D. Attempt to eat the thing E. Use your blasted binoculars
#70235056Monday, June 18, 2012 9:19 PM GMT

C. And it dies... then you call in another water dragon! AND THE WATER DRAGON BEATS THE FIRE DRAGON! But then you notice the cage with everyone is gone... A. You just teleport yourself all the way back home!!!!!!!!!!!! B. You go and you see foot prints and you follow them. C. You ride the water dragon and follow the foot prints that are on the floor where the cage was!
#70264948Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:25 AM GMT

B.) You follow the footprints, but it disappeared after a while. You continue on your journey, and the next thing you know, an arrow hit your stomach. The arrow was a few centimeters away from your heart, and so you scurry off out of the scene. And then you realize, the arrow was poisoned. You feel woozy, and fall asleep. You awaken in a cage. You see an assassin a few steps away, holding your Blade of Light. All your weapons are gone. But you realize you know how to do magic. How do you get out of the cage? A.) By using a fireball spell to burn the cage up, destroy it, and kill the assassin. B.) By freezing the cage bars and breaking through them, also freezing the assassin. C.) By teleporting out of the cage behind the assassin, grabbing the Blade, and stabbing her back. D.) By using a hypnosis spell and by ordering the assassin to open the cage for you. E.) By freezing time and destroying the cage. F.) By shrinking and going through the cage bars. G.) By growing to break the cage as you become bigger. H.)By using a teleportation spell to teleport the Blade to you, slashing the cage bars, breaking them, and killing the assassin.
#70290205Tuesday, June 19, 2012 6:14 PM GMT

C. You warp out of the cage and grab your Blade of Light! The assassain calls 2 other assassins to help him, the two other assassins appear from the ceiling and each of them draw their swords! What now? A. Duel with your Blade of Light! B. Use your Sands of Sadness to make them cry C. Ask who they are.
#70319819Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

A.) I duel with them, and I successfully have killed the 3 assassins. I resurrect them and they become my minions and follow me everywhere. I see a treasure chest next to a sleeping dragon. The treasure chest was open, and you see another Blade inside of it! The Blade of Darkness. If you combine it with your Blade of light, It will become the Blade of the Dragonborn, the strongest blade of all. What do you do? A.) Get the Blade of Darkness quietly. B.) Ignore it. You might die. C.) Order your 3 assassin minions to kill the dragon and retrieve the Blade of Darkness. D.) Use your amazing teleportation skills to teleport the chest to you, and get the Blade of Darkness. E.) FUS RO DAH the dragon to the moon and get the Blade of Darkness. F.) Go back for it later.
#70323526Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

E.) You tell your three minions to to wait for you, then you sneak up on the dragon. "FUS ROH DAH!" you scream, and the dragon is blown away to the moon, where it suffocates and dies a horrible, painful death. You now have the Blade of darkness. What do you do? A.) DUAL WIELD FOR THE WIN B.) Combine it with the Blade of light for the DragonBorn Blade
#70339223Wednesday, June 20, 2012 7:31 AM GMT

B. And so it happend you got the DragonBorn Blade! But then you hear the cave crumble! You... A) Teleport outside! B) RUN! C) Don't care.
#70344659Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:02 PM GMT

B. You run away, but sadly the cave's exit is sealed by a boulder. You are now trapped. What now? A. Try to break the boulder B. Just teleport C. Look for another exit
#70346472Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:59 PM GMT

A. After Breaking The Boulder , A Wild Vaktus Attacked You . What Will You Do ? [A] Fight Back [B]Call Some Airstrikes [C] Run Away
#70348078Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:39 PM GMT

A.) Fight back! FUS ROH DAH! I sent him flying to the moon. Weee..... So much for him. I continue on my journey. I just now realized, when I am holding the Dragonborn Blade, my shout cooldowns become 0 seconds. I see a guard about to fall of a cliff. FUS ROH DAH!!!! He was sent flying and a shark got him. I see a guy on a diving board. FUS ROH DAH!!!! His face lands on the water. Hee hee.... I see a dragon about to bite me. FUS ROH DAH!!!! My shout is so intense he explodes. :D '5 minutes later' Oh no! You got a high bounty for FUS ROH DAH'ing everybody! The guards and the villagefolk are chasing after you! What do you do now? A.) FUS ROH DAH!!!! the guards and villagefolk. :D B.) Lead them to a cliff, and just when they are about to capture you, move aside, they will all run off the cliff! :D C.) Use the Dragonborn blade and slaughter them all! Hide the bodies, or you'll get a huge bounty. o3o D.) CHARGE AT THEM!!!!
#70348242Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:42 PM GMT

A. I FUS RO DAH At Everyone , But Ezio Auditore Came And Challenged Me On a Duel , I Ran Away But Hes Chasing Me ...... I Stopped At a Clothing Shop ... Now , What Will i Buy For My Disguise ? [A] Assassins Outfit [B] Russian Mob Outfit [C] Jason Vorhess ! Ye'r Choice
#70349583Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:09 PM GMT

B.) You manage to get away without a... well nearly without a scratch... now your out in the country driving your car, all of a sudden a cop car is chasing you, you pull over still wearing your disguise when the cop discovers that you have a familiar face... you are disguised as the SAME Russian Mob member that killed his family 3 years ago... So you... A.) Punch him in the face, take his money, and run B.) Slowly move your hand to the back seat where a bat is located C.) Get out of the car with your hands up D.) Say, "They Deserved It!"
#70349757Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:12 PM GMT

(Added to the one above :3) E.) Say, "UMadBro?"
#70351721Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:47 PM GMT

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#70351769Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

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#70371912Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

A. You scream in terror, the cop recognizes you through your disguise. You end up having to pay a $600 fine, for speeding, and acting suspicious. You wasted all your money paying for the fine, and you are banned from driving for 2 years. A tow truck tows your car away, you're in a field with no way of transportation.... NOW WHAT!? A. Call for help B. Walk C. Try to figure out what you're supposed to do.
#70377963Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:12 PM GMT

B I walk, and randomly I trip into a void of VOID DRAGONS AND VOID DRAGONS AND VOID DRAGONS. What do I do, master next poster? A:Use light B:Use darkness C:Run D:TROLL THEM!!