#69069065Friday, June 01, 2012 11:41 PM GMT

*^Ceasario^* The OOC brings back only a single file from the Soviet Empire. This is not announced to anyone except the king.
#69069361Friday, June 01, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

I wonder what is it? :P
#69069441Friday, June 01, 2012 11:47 PM GMT

(I think it's your choice of what the file is :/)
#69069634Friday, June 01, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

#69070130Friday, June 01, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

*^Ceasario^* After looking over this file, the king copies it down, and burns the original file.
#69071741Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:22 AM GMT

\✪$-~[MEC]~-✪$/ -{TOP SECRET}-Project AirWar 4/10|Project Nexus 4/10 -{Classified}-Fusion Generator Research 4/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEC Weapons Program, Already in effect. Vehicles- D-104 Superfighter: A powerful and versatile superfighter that can hold it's own against the SS-18 and the SS-27 with the right payload and weapons. Y-12B Liberator : A support tank that is equipped with a prototype guass cannon, which can penetrate armor better than traditional shells. It is also equipped with a further developed M134 Minigun. Y-12A Devastator : Ground superiority tank, armed with a guass cannon and a 30mm gatling cannon. D-105A Orbital Fighter : The D-105A is a heavily modified D-104 that can operate in space for 24 hours at a time. Weapons - GT06 Sniper Rifle - Israeli's specialty sniper rifle that uses guided bullets, It is lightweight and has low recoil despite using a 50 caliber round. H&K G39 - Lightweight, versatile assault rifle, performs better than most assault rifles in the world and is a direct competitor to the AKL-99. M87 Medusa infantry missile launcher - Heavily modified Stinger with warheads that split into smaller warheads, these can lock onto targets and have a devastating effect on armor and air targets. Equipment - {CLASSIFIED}Active camouflage: Work in progress system that 'cloaks' a soldier but not completely, however this is particularly effective in fooling infrared systems.
#69072631Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:35 AM GMT

Geko Drones are seen killing enemies in Berlin.
#69073049Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

☭^People's Republic of Cambodia^☭ The invasion forces land at Somalia. Operation SHURIKEN is launched, this operation will involve 20 MiG 27s, and 35 Phe 11s that will support Soviet forces in Germany. OPERATIONS: SHURIKEN : (1/10)
#69099348Saturday, June 02, 2012 11:01 AM GMT

Soviets destory key NATO points in Balkans.
#69099633Saturday, June 02, 2012 11:15 AM GMT

[♛♛] We stop Attacking Mali and Mauritania, but continue our attackes on West Sahara and Libya. We capture West Sahara, they barely have any resistance except for town militia armed with pistols and Sub Machine guns, we easily destroy them. EoS: 700 / 1,300 West Sahara: 2,000 / 2,000
#69099929Saturday, June 02, 2012 11:31 AM GMT

Kirov Ships Bomb Spanish Harbors, while Geko Drones jump on ships bound for EoS and destroys them.
#69100407Saturday, June 02, 2012 11:50 AM GMT

\✪$-~[MEC]~-✪$/ -{TOP SECRET}-Project AirWar 5/10|Project Nexus 5/10 -{Classified}-Fusion Generator Research 5/10 --- -The MSS Pioneer is launched into space, it successfully flies to the moon and orbits the Earth. -T-12 Air Destroyer launched, it performs successful flights. {Classified} D-105As launched from the MSS Pioneer and operate in space for multiple hours before landing on a MEC airfield.
#69102287Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:55 PM GMT

☭^People's Republic of Cambodia^☭ Somalia is captured, we prepare for attacks on Ethitopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. We begin to make our own spaceship. OPERATION: SHURIKEN : [COMPLETE] PLANS: Spaceship [Stage 1] : (1/20)
#69103216Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:18 PM GMT

\✪$-~[MEC]~-✪$/ -{TOP SECRET}-Project AirWar CANCELED|Project Nexus 5/10 -{Classified}-Fusion Generator Research 5/10 {CLASSIFIED}-The MEC launches 400 Satellites, 250 of them armed with weapons. {CLASSIFIED}-The MEC launches a starship with a semi-functional FTL drive. {CLASSIFIED}-The D-105B is created, the first dedicated starfighter. {CLASSIFIED}-Most of the MEC's aircraft are capable of combat in space. The space station Eclipse is assembled and launched. Y-12C APC created.
#69103226Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:19 PM GMT

[♛♛] Now, the emperor is mad and irritated. Very bad for the people living in Spain. [Secret] We start building a Spaceship/Shuttle in Cuba, the same place where we built the factories for nukes.
#69104795Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:56 PM GMT

\✪$-~[MEC]~-✪$/ Project Nexus Complete -{Classified}-Fusion Generator Research 6/7 -{Classified, MEC-Only Research}-Guass weapons further developed. -{Classified}-An average MEC trooper has the same training and skill as a British SAS operative. -With all of the defense networks and satellites, Missiles cannot be launched into MEC territory without being intercepted.
#69107637Saturday, June 02, 2012 3:00 PM GMT

/--\ Specialization has been engaged. Private Soviet Troops have enough skill as a Captain, and a Spetsnaz has as much training as an old 101st, and the new 101st have been trained to the extreme. ----------AGENCIES AND BRANCHES-------- FSB: Secret Missions such as ass.asinations or stealing plans KGB: More secret missions, such as kidnapping, sabatoging, hacking, and extracting info. Soviet X 101st: The most elite and undercover special force in the world. History shows that they were the ones that killed John F. Kennedy, and the sabatoging of an undercover U.S launch. Soviet Space Agency (SSA) The agency involved of launchong satillites, rockets, and shuttlesto space. Russian Army (RA): The main backbone of the Russian/Soviet Army. HAas enough training to be as skilled as a Spetsnaz. Spetsnaz Alfa: The main unit of Spetsnaz. Used along side the Russian Army, or to support KGB/FSB operations. Spetsnaz Civil Military Police(SCMP):An elite police unit used to stop crime in military bases, stop terror.ism, and to kill criminals. Spetsnaz GRU: Often with KGB/FSB operations, these Spetsnaz trae intelligence and intercept communications. Spetsnaz Vynel: A spetsnaz unit used to assasinate, or kidnap targets. Often near 101st agents. Russian Navy:(RN) The Russian Navy. Newly equipped with gauss cannons, these also host airplanes, kirovs, and the U.S Marine brethren Spetsnaz. Russian Airforce: The airforce. Russian Technological Drone intelligence: Used to control drones from Spider Drones, Geko Drones, Predator Drones, and more.
#69110318Saturday, June 02, 2012 3:52 PM GMT

Soviet Virus tracts MEC blueprints, 1 blueprint obtained for a sniper rifle.
#69121826Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:53 PM GMT

#69122019Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:55 PM GMT

(is america mine?)
#69122145Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:57 PM GMT

(All yours.)
#69123424Saturday, June 02, 2012 7:17 PM GMT

Name of Country: United States of America. Location: North America, between Canada and Mexico. Population: 313,655,000 Pollitical Alligence: Democracy/Rebuplic(Like it is in rl) Good, Evil, Nuetral: Good. Ruler: President Horne (Me), Richard Cheny (Vice president), Secretray of defense Mason Johnson(Made it up), General Martin Dempsey (Military part). Flag: Old Glory, 50 stars, seven red stripes, and six white stripes. Allies: North America, central america, the Philipines, and Western Europe. Enemies: Potentialy, Eastern Europe and East Asia, except South Korea. Joined UN at start?: Yes. Military Power: Powerful. Other: 21A, declared independance from England in 1776 and has becoming an enterprising nation to this day, rivaled by the Russian Democratic-Communist Union.
#69123621Saturday, June 02, 2012 7:20 PM GMT

Accepted. Here is the list of wars: /----Spanish-Soviet War-------\ Balkan Wars (Soviet Empire Versus NATO) European Conquest
#69123754Saturday, June 02, 2012 7:22 PM GMT

I suggest you quickly scan the thread, and start your conquest!
#69125390Saturday, June 02, 2012 7:45 PM GMT

My Military Info. Strength: 2,500,000 service men/reserves. United States Army: The main branch of the military with the most units, highly trained and is responsible for all major land battles. United States Air Force: The main airial branch of the military that is responisble for a majority of air battles. United States Navy: The naval force of the U.S with more aircraft carriers than other nations, responible for all sea battles. United States Marine Corp: The main amphibouse branch of america that attacks from the sea. They are responisble for a majority of invasions and are the only branch to be deployed during peace time. United States Coast Guard: The naval branch that specificly guards the coastal waters of america and is mainly defensive. They are mainly resposible for maritime law and resque of stranded people. United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM): the Special forces of the U.S military of all branches trained in covert ops, striking at points, search and destroy, and training foriegion gurrilla fighters or weak armys. Centeral Inteligece Agency special activitys division: Doing the majority of covert spying and intel gathering deep with in hostile territory. Weaponry: M4 Carbine(Army/Airforce), M16A4(marine Corp), M4 CQB(Navy/Coast Guard), M4 Colt Commando carbine(Special forces.) M249 SAW(All branches LMG), M240 Bravo(General pupose machine gun), M2. 50 cal HMG, Dillion area minigun(special weapon). M24 sniper rifle(Army/ Airforce), M40A5 sniper rifle(marines/navy/Coast guard). Berreta M9 pistol sidarm.(All branches) Benelli M1014 shotgun(All branches), Mossberg 590(all branches), Remington 870 MCS(SOCOM only.) Veichles: Helicopters: UH-1 Huey(National Guard/ Marine corp.) UH-60 Black Hawk(Rest of branches), V-22 Ospery VTOL(SOCOM/marines), AH-64 Apache attack helicopter,(All branches.) IFV: M2 Brandly APC, IAV Stryker APC, M1117 HMMWV. Tanks: M1A2 Abrams Main battle Tank. Jets: Fighters: F-15C Eagle(AF), F-16 Fighting Falcon(AF), F-18 Hornet(USN). Ground attack: A-10 Warthog(Air force), Corrsair II(Navy). Bombers: B-1B Lancer, B-52 Startofortress, B2 Stealth bomber.