#69275482Monday, June 04, 2012 11:07 PM GMT

(ut what happens if the breeds go wrong....?)
#69275796Monday, June 04, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

(Hey what countries are the top in what?)
#69276523Monday, June 04, 2012 11:19 PM GMT

Top in Science: MEC Soviet Empire U.S.A Top in Military POWER: Soviet Empire Tie between MEC and U.S Top in Military TECHNOLOGY: MEC Soviet Empire U.S Top in Economy: Soviet Empire MEC(Bordering close) U.S Top in Military MORALE U.S Soviet Empire/MEC Top in MEDICAL STUDIES MEC Soviet Empire U.S Top in RESEARCH(Present, not counting from page 1 up to now) MEC U.S Soviet Empire Top in Military TROOPS:(Almost like PWER, but not.) Soviet Empire U.S/MEC
#69277321Monday, June 04, 2012 11:29 PM GMT

(the Companion war thread is out! Link:
#69281130Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:15 AM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: The Fusion engine is now being seriously cpnsidred for the military orbital defense platfourms. International: The U.S starts the UN Council(Post about this guys). State side: With the boost in the education requirmenst, High schools have a 99.5% graduates. Military: The U.S army conducts trials with several assault weapons, The M4 Carbine, the M16A2 rifle, the FN SCAR carbine, soviet AK-47, and HK G-36K. Classified: Moon base Griffen: 2/7. Liberty Prime: 12/15. Orbital defense platfourm: 2/8. M1000 Super rail gun(designed for the stations): 2/5. Nuclear Fision engine: 1/6.
#69281946Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:25 AM GMT

☭^People's Republic of Cambodia^☭ Several astronauts land on the moon. Rebuilding is finished.
#69282815Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: U.S astronauts begin construction of the real moonbase, most of it is located underground for meteor protection. Military: The military plans on building five orbital defense platfourms. Classified: Moon base Griffen: 3/7. Liberty Prime: 13/15. Orbital defense platfourm: 3/8. M1000 Super rail gun(designed for the stations): 3/5. Nuclear Fision engine: 2/6.
#69304923Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:14 AM GMT

/--\ Afghaistan is heavily foritfied, and underground complexes are built.
#69309792Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:58 PM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: The Nuclear fision engine is half way built. Inertnational: The U.S asks if a nuclear engine is okay in space craft. State side: Poluion clean is under way with the EPA 1/3. Military: After tests with those rifles is done, arms companies Springfield armory, Colt Firearms, Bushmaster, and Remington work to make the militarys contract. Classified: Moon base Griffen: 4/7. Liberty Prime: 14/15. Orbital defense platfourm: 4/8. M1000 Super rail gun(designed for the stations): 4/5. Nuclear Fision engine: 3/6.
#69310923Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:38 PM GMT

Scotland We build a launch pad and a complex for all of the workers on ground. (Think Houston or Cape Canaveral). We bring the Zeus I out of storage. We have few trained astronauts and offer to send some form the US or Soviet Unino on the Zeus I along with the Scottish ones.
#69313189Tuesday, June 05, 2012 3:45 PM GMT

The Irish begin to research about space travel (Might quit thread)
#69316968Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:12 PM GMT

(I don't understand how those are bigger than my economy but.. ok.) Ceasario nothing really happens, except mining increases jewelry production.
#69324864Tuesday, June 05, 2012 7:54 PM GMT

☭^People's Republic of Cambodia^☭ The spaceship heads toward Earth,
#69348406Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:39 AM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: The U.S begins training miners and engineres to work in low gravity situations. International: The U.S asks if the Nulcear fission engine is okay in space. State side: Peace resumes and america enters new golden age with new jobs and oppertunities. EPA cleanup: 2/3. Military: The U.S military begisn to decide who gets to run the new Orbital defense stations. Meanwhile the new assault rifle is still in development byt the armories contracted. Classified: Moon base Griffen: 5/7. Liberty Prime: Operational as the only mega robot in service, twice as tall as a gekko. Orbital defense platfourm: 5/8. M1000 Super rail gun(designed for the stations): Constructed and ready for testing. Nuclear Fision engine: 4/6.
#69357865Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:34 AM GMT

Research is Complete
#69360433Wednesday, June 06, 2012 6:01 AM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: Nasa launches a rocket with the oxygen tanks for griffen station. International: The U.S ask if the MEC will sell oil to thwe U.S in exchange for cotton. State side: The EPA is able to stop alot of pollution, the enviorment is healther than ever. Military: Colt Armory wins the competition with a prototype Assault rifle, that just needs a few tweaks before entering service. Rifles name is classified until fielded. The M1000 super rail gun is tested on the White sands testing range in New Mexico, it's range three times farther than any other rail gun before it. Liberty Prime is deployed to Alaska at Fort Anchorage, one of the worlds most secure complexes. Classified: Moon base Griffen: 6/7. Orbital defense platfourm: 6/8. Nuclear Fision engine: 5/6.
#69365678Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:13 AM GMT

Soviet Moon Base Reaches a populationj of 10,000. Nuclear Warhead facilities are being made there. Nuclear: 1/4
#69371523Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:57 PM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: The U.S's first moonbase, Griffion station is complete, crew consisting of engieres, miner and military assests. Howeveer at the same time, NASA will begin construction of the first moonbase on the Darkside eof the moon. International: The U.S asks if the Soviet Union will hand over a few Gekkos to help test Liberty Prime. State side: In america, a bill is passed to limit pollution into the atmosphere. Military: The rifle is complete, Colt armorys final project is called the M5A5 New Generation Combat Rifle or NGCC, it is simply called the M5 buy soldiers. It has a small on board computer built into it, the first of it's type. It can fire multiple callibers from it's 14.5 inch barrel and with a35 round magazine, it fires mainly 5.56x45mm NATO. The barrel bother internally and can be seen externally twisted for rifleing. More rugged than an ak rifle and has four fire modes, safe, semi auto, 3 round burst, and full auto. Classified: Orbital defense platfourm: 7/8. Nuclear Fision engine: Completed and waiting the go to be used in space.
#69375125Wednesday, June 06, 2012 3:38 PM GMT

Soviets give the old Gekkos as a test, but new updates for them, such as placing homing mines, SAMS on their heads, and much more.
#69400164Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- Science: The first of the excavation cranes are sent to the moon, mining starts. The nuclear fision engine is built and brouhgt into service in the orbital stations and Griffen station. International: The U.S thanks the RDCU for the Gekkos. State side: Tourisum from other countires increases in america, the beatiful landscape is what calles them in. Military: The M5A5 carbine is adopted by the army and replacing the M4 carbine except in the national guard. Liberty prime shows it's doomminence over the gekkos in a simulations with both stats being compared, Liberty Prime being twice the size of the largest Gekkos. The first orbital defense platfourm is built and is launched into orbiut over america, Four M100 rail guns are mounted for defense, two pointing out to protect earth from above, the other two underneath for orbital strikes.
#69400348Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:46 PM GMT

(The gekkos I agve you were old.) gekkos are now secretly uploaded new tactics. New Robos that look like AT-ATs with giant artillery cannons on them are in developemtn. ST-STs:1/4
#69401724Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:04 PM GMT

☭^People's Republic of Cambodia^☭ The spaceship lands in Phenom Penh. We secretly begin making drones. PROJECTS MAKING DRONES: 0/15
#69407583Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

Scotland The agents we placed in enemy countries during the war and left there afterwards, in this case Cambodia, hears of them making drones. The agent contacts us immediately. We contact the US and RCDU with the information. We also ask the United States if they want us to send anyone to the moon on the Zeus I.
#69412915Thursday, June 07, 2012 1:49 AM GMT

--$✪United States✪$-- International: The U.S agrees and sends severage astronauts to them. Military: The U.S commisions the new orbital station as Gamma station X-ray. It is crewed by 200 and is now operational by the U.S Airforce and NORAD.
#69418118Thursday, June 07, 2012 3:14 AM GMT

Scotland We get ready to send the Zeus I. Our citizens start an unofficial national holiday for the launch of Scotland/Camaria's first space shuttle. We also contact the MEC about Cambodia's drone-building.