#69054554Friday, June 01, 2012 7:57 PM GMT

<3 Angie <3 I rub my eyes and glare at a rat. Maybe the rats will get out but I sure won't. My head snaps up as more vampires enter the prison. I'd rather be bought than stay here...
#69073091Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

(This saddens me.)
#69076297Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:21 AM GMT

(The intro was very well done,I might never have done something like that myself.) Name:Jacob Williakia Nickname:Nightshade Gender:Male A.ge:15 (lolwut teenage vampire.) Power:Flight (he grows bat wings,sometimes.) Inventory/Items:5 Knives,a black/gold locket int he shape of a heart,with a picture of him and his family. Appearance:Black hair,blue eyes,7 ft. 5 in.,70 ibls,pale skin. Favorite blood type:To be honest,he doesn't really have one. Personality:Silent,friendly,accually cares for human beings. He only treats one who respects him with kindness with respect and kindness back. What is your opinion on humans and slavery?:Purely idiotic. Humans are living too,we're like humans with pale,white skin,powers,and a thirst for blood! What is your opinion on the rules of The Scarlet Contract?:WAY too strict,we should have a choice of a side,human freedom or human slavery. I'd declare war on current government to let at least a single human free. Other:The Scarlet Contract. Bio:Jacob is one of the few against the slavery of humans in the Night Realm. He normally says to himself "If I could,I'd go to war with our current government to set at least one single human free,I mean it.". He normally tries to avoid having a SINGLE slave,if he does have one,he hides showing respect for the humans,so he won't get killed. He thinks death isn't the awnser to respeting humans,their freedom is. (HUZZAH FOR HUMAN FREEDOM,I DECLARE WAR,oh wait,I'd instantly die....Awww.)
#69077052Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

(+7' tall, and 70 pounds?) (Dang, your character is skinny.)
#69077136Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

(So what? Maybe I wanted that. DON'T JUDGE ME,IT GIVES ME SAD FACE! :3)
#69077582Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:38 AM GMT

(You're approved, mrb, although I have to admit 7 feet and only 70 pounds is quite unrealistic.)
#69077768Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:40 AM GMT

(Ugh,fine,since everyone's bugging me about it so much...Change his weight too...100 pounds? I'm not good at making height and weight equally acurate.)
#69078532Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:52 AM GMT

Human Sheet: Name: Grace Freedom Nickname: Rain Gender: Female A.ge: 15 Inventory/Items: She has a notebook she writes poetry and draws in. Appearance: Has deep electric ocean blue eyes, long dark black midnight hair that reaches the end of her back, pale skin and pink lips. She weighs a little under 100 pounds from being underfed and she stands at 5'6. Her body is covered in bruises, scars, and bite marks. Blood type: AB+ Personality: Grace is a kind, caring, generous person. She's quite a loner, keeping to herself. She is a coward and is quite obedient to vampires mostly. She despises them, though her fear makes her obey them. She hates being unable to have freedom, because she is usually an independent person. What is your opinion on vampires?: They're scum. Enough said. Other: The Scarlet Contract Bio: Grace grew up in a life without anything handed to her. She has worked her whole life, never being happy. She was captured a y.ear ago and then she was just recently returned to the slave market because her master had been bored of her. Grace has been sold to numerous vampires, so she's used to it. She hopes to find a way to escape soon.
#69078752Saturday, June 02, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

(Alright, that's good. I think 100 pounds would be accurate enough. Shutupandlisten, accepted.)
#69079367Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:04 AM GMT

(Question,since I never noticed:Do vampires have certaint starting areas,like humans?
#69079531Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

<3 Angie <3 I blink and look up at the other vampires. I twirl my hair around my finger. (Soo bored... -passes out from boredom-)
#69079862Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:11 AM GMT

(Well, I guess they'd start out buying a slave, unless it's a vampire completely against slavery or if you don't want your character to have one.)
#69080539Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

(I'll just be in my cage....) ~~Iggy~~ I sat in my cage, just hoping to not be bought. If someone buys me, I am a slave. If I am a slave, I have to follow someones orders. Which is something I dont like to do.
#69080729Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

Grace sat in the middle of the room, not paying any attention to the other humans. She was simply too interested in the poetry she was writing. She mouthed the words as she wrote them, though did not dare speak them aloud. 'A thousand bruises. A thousand scars. Home is distant, though how far? They surrender their lives and who they are To the cold demons who bare no heart And in this world, only reality is true; If only reality were something worth living through. And to these monsters they sell their souls; And listen as the petrifying truth be told.' She shut her notebook with a small sigh escaping her lips.
#69081047Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:28 AM GMT

<3 Angie <3 I look up and glance at Grace. I want to get bought soon. Atleast it'll get me away from thia crabhole. (LOL)
#69081561Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:36 AM GMT

~~Iggy~~ I looked around at the other soon-to-be-slaves.
#69190245Sunday, June 03, 2012 5:42 PM GMT

<3 Anige <3 'Come on.. Buy me someone.. I wanna get out of here.. But then... What if my new owner is worse than here?' I think and glare at all the vampires.
#69192165Sunday, June 03, 2012 6:08 PM GMT

Name: Kumade Usoda Nickname: Kurai Gender: Female A.ge: 6 Power: Control over dolls Inventory/Items: a knife and quite the collection of dolls Appearance: Light skin (OF COURSE), scarlet eyes, long black hair and a black dress Favorite blood type: O Personality: Really really childish; she is full of curiosity and has good manners. however, she is also a bit of a psychotic, her bloodlust not held back once it is out What is your opinion on humans and slavery?: SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT SLAVERY IS. What is your opinion on the rules of The Scarlet Contract?: She still is curious on what it is Other: N/A Bio: A traumatized child, she broke to the point where she doesn't have her sanity at most points. she has a large collections of dolls, some of them look exactly like other people. they dont talk, but she pretends that they do.
#69192233Sunday, June 03, 2012 6:09 PM GMT

"Hiii everyone!~" Kurai suddenly ran in the situation, waving. in her hands were doll versions of almost everyone in the area.
#69193248Sunday, June 03, 2012 6:24 PM GMT

(You didn't read the rules,did you? You need to be approved by an admin or the owner of the thread to RP.)
#69198369Sunday, June 03, 2012 7:35 PM GMT

(Uefi, did you read the rules? You forgot something in your character sheet and your character is a bit too young.)
#69200368Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

(Uefi got pwned x2. :3)
#69200658Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

(We need to get this thread up and going again. It's going slow. I refuse to let this thread die.)
#69200738Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:06 PM GMT

(Same,I didn't get to even roleplay on this thing yet. Now...how to let this live?)
#69201204Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:12 PM GMT

Grace looked around at her surroundings, hearing a few sobs and whimpers from the new arrivals, which she was used to it, anyways. She had been sent here multiple times, returned by many different vampires, and she knew the routine. She gave each vampire that walked in her best death glare, trying to not be bought again. She wanted to escape this prison. She vowed to herself many y.e.ars ago that she would escape the Night Realm, and find her family again. Even though it was impossible.