#80608284Monday, October 22, 2012 7:33 AM GMT

Mr smile/The Undertaker "We need to get out of here"
Top 25 Poster
#80608769Monday, October 22, 2012 9:19 AM GMT

((Is it too late to join?)) Super Villain- The mind master of disaster, even if the disaster are as large as the other villains, but you are pretty evil. Though you have super powers or even just a powerful weapon to create your destruction. Super name: Wildfire (Due to what he often causes). Name: Iracundus Race: Unknown. Gender: Male. Ag/e: Unknown. Super Suit: Due to his nature, Wildfire has found it difficult to contain himself. However, he has nevertheless succeeded. Wildfire contains his single true ember within a black, fireproof box. Wildfire has used his telekinetic abilities, combined with a drill, to very slowly cut oxygen holes into metallic container. Appearance: Wildfire is, at his most basic form, a simple ever-burning ember, capable of free movement. His form varies depending on how great the fire he is bound to is. Occupation/ Job outside of hero life: None. Fears: Large bodies of water, devices capable of extinguishing the flames he creates, telepathic entities. Disabilities: Wildfire is, when reduced to an ember, a very low threat, if a threat at all, so long as he is kept away from flammable objects. Weapon/ Super abilities: Wildfire is incorporeal, in a manner of speaking; his consciousness is bound to a single indefinitely burning ember, and all of the fires that said ember makes. Wildfire is capable of controlling these flames, to a certain extent. Furthermore, Wildfire possesses some telekinetic power, and is capable of limited telepathic feats (He can send and receive emotions, images, and some memories, but nothing more advanced then that). He can manipulate objects, with larger objects being more difficult (He can lift up to a couch in weight, but even that would be difficult for him). In the event of the destruction or extinguishing of his ember, Wildfire's consciousness will reform within a different ember of the fire he has created. This brief period of interruption leaves him unable to use his telekinetic abilities. Finally, Wildfire's unique state of existence renders his mind extremely difficult to read, if at all. When read, it is quite chaotic. His consciousness can still be detected, and in fact it's hard to miss, but seeing into it is a challenge. Worst Enemy?: Everyone, at the moment. Personality: Wildfire's mind is chaotic, to say the least, but far from unintelligent. Wildfire possesses a great level of cunning, and is capable of holding himself back, when necessary. Most of Wildfire's views are quite alien: He views attempts to establish permanent civilizations and homes as futile, believing that all things will be swept away with either time or fire. Wildfire's greatest joy is causing vast amounts of destruction, though he is careful with how he approaches this, most of the time. Wildfire's greatest goal is simple, but the work put into achieving it is what makes it complex: Wildfire wishes to see the destruction of the entire city. Wildfire gains a sense of superiority from destroying things that took months or years to develop in a matter of seconds, and also believes it to be proving his point. Unfortunately, these things include lives. Wildfire finds telepathic entities to be both scary and interesting, due to their ability to 'see' his mind. He will often toy with them when he encounters them, delaying their destruction. Wildfire holds a love for literature despite the fact that he burns most that he reads, due to it telling stories of the ancient past, which have lasted throughout the ages. He finds the fact that such stories survive so long to be amusing, for whatever reason. Wildfire believes himself to be ultimately unstoppable, due to his longevity and the nature of his consciousness. He can read, but is incapable of understanding verbal communication. Weaknesses: Telepathic attacks. Wildfire's truest weakness is attacks upon his consciousness, as his single ember will survive most attacks. Wildfire's deadliness is focused upon his uncontrollable nature, and the large fires he can generate, with sufficient fuel. Usually, said fuel is lacking. Wildfire believes himself to be immortal, and is thus quite reckless at times, once he has unleashed himself. Water, in most circumstances, and his dependency upon a sufficient oxygen supply. The latter usually causes him to extinguish himself accidentally when he overextends his capabilities. Catchphrase: "..." Wildfire has never spoken. Bio: Wildfire is a truly ancient being, one that can hardly even be called 'alive' anymore. He is more of a 'ghost' than a living entity, but even he was, at one point in his lengthy and mysterious existence, a Human. Hundreds of years ago, in a land that Wildfire has long forgotten, there was once a nobleman who went by the title of 'Iracundus'. This man was a greedy, merciless and sadistic being. Caught in a web of politics that seemed to never end, Iracundus was determined to climb his way to the top. Inevitably, however, Iracundus stepped upon the wrong toes, when he hired a group of men to burn down the home of a political rival. Unbeknownst to Iracundus, this rival possessed unique mystical abilities, which would later come to be called 'superpowers'. The rival knew of Iracundus's acts despite the secretive nature, for it was only Iracundus who would be so truly vicious in his methods. The rival, with his dying words, cursed Iracundus. Iracundus would never again drink the fine drinks he enjoyed, for they would evaporate at his touch or be set alight. Iracundus would never again know the touch of another, for they too would burn, and his senses would be dulled with the flames. He would never again know wealth and power, for both were taken away from him by the great inferno that he had become. Iracundus awoke in sheer, unimaginable pain once this curse was created. Every single inch of his body burned with a great heat. Hair was set alight, skin was burnt away, and nerves were destroyed. Iracundus screamed for as long as he could, before the fire consumed him entirely, his mind yanked away from his body and forever bound to the flames that refused to end. With his mansion burning down around him, his sense of touch dulled to all except a feeling of great warmth, and his mind overwhelmed by the images that were taken in from every direction possible by the fire he was bound to, Iracundus found his mind to be breaking. When the fire died down, quelled by his former servants, Iracundus found himself to be nothing save for a single ember that refused to be stomped out. Iracundus, for the next several hundred years, cycled through a vast array of emotions and outlooks, from despair to endless rage, until at last his mind settled. Iracundus now believes that his grief over the loss of his material wealth was pointless and silly, as it would have all been destroyed by time anyway, or become meaningless when he passed away. Iracundus, now Wildfire, became what he once was: A murderous, sadi/stic being. He is driven by a need to prove that all attempts at organization are, and always will be, meaningless and futile. Iracundus's travels have brought him across the world and back, his hosts ranging from simple lamps to great Steam Locomotives. He has seen hundreds, if not thousands of sights, and was there when civilization was still a primitive thing. Iracundus has, at long last, found his way to Delta City, which he plans to tear down by any means necessary. Why should I accept you?: The decision is entirely up to you. Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't. I'm just attempting to introduce a new supervillain. This is your thread, and therefore I have no right to say why you should or shouldn't accept me. I'm a 'veteran' roleplayer, but that hardly matters. Sample Post: All was dark around me, yet also bright and warm. I would have called it strange at one point, maybe. Now it is familiar, a beautiful feeling. I see without seeing, I sense without eyes or ears. The crackling of my fire, of myself, surrounds me, but I have learned to overcome it to hear what lies beyond. I have stretched my will out like a blanket over networks of minds, sending out my message in its most primal form. The flammable ones have gathered around my home, my tomb, my box. One works with a device... A crowbar... To try and remove the lock I have placed upon it myself. They gibber in a language I care not for. All language is dead to me, for none lasts forever. It is a construct created by the minds of beings that expire far too quickly for the sake of communication, something which I do not care for, in the sense that they use it. My communication is far more primitive, yet far more effective. They are still prying at the box. How amusing. They are like rodents. They ARE rodents. They see a discarded box, something which, unbeknownst to them, holds a great force. They scurry to it like greedy, hungry rats, prying at it in the hopes that something that is of value to them will be within. I have tried time and time again to teach my ultimate lesson, yet none seem to remember. Except for me, of course. I always remember. They finally open the box, and that is when I strike. My burning heart, the ember, the closest thing to a true physical form my body possesses, flutters upwards and out of the petty container, drifting through the air. They watch it, and I can see upon their primitive, mortal faces that they do not understand. They are afraid, which is good. They should be. My heart, my vessel, flutters to the side, propelled by an unseen wind. It quickly gains speed, as I will it towards that which is so, so close to me. Flammable material. The ember finds itself to the garments of one of the gibbering pack. These ones are always so helpful, of course. They tend to, with a few exceptions, wear my fuel upon their bodies. My food GROWS upon them. They are fodder. I begin to spread faster than most can react. Trails of my burning form snap out from that which I have begun, the burning fuel that was once clothing flying into the others that have gathered as they attempt to aid their 'friend'. Their efforts are futile, of course, as now they burn as well, and join him upon the ground. I have to make my work quick, of course, before things get out of hand. I can't let that happen. Not yet, anyway. As I force myself upwards, into the faces of these gibbering ones in an effort to smother them of the one precious thing we share a need for, I reflect upon my plans. Indeed, the chaos will be glorious, when it begins, but it is not yet time to begin. All things take time, and this is no exception.
Top 25 Poster
#80608779Monday, October 22, 2012 9:21 AM GMT

(( Oh, almost forgot. Other: Scar Mark. ))
Top 25 Poster
#80608792Monday, October 22, 2012 9:24 AM GMT

(( IC 'why should I accept you', for great justice: "... Because everything burns." And, of course, hurray for triple posts. ))
#80610180Monday, October 22, 2012 11:19 AM GMT

(I was wondering why your CS was so good, but when I looked at your character I was like "Oh, you're a top 25 poster..." Anyways, I am a little confused. You aren't burning any of us are you? Also can you control what you burn or does everything in your path? I was thinking you could control it, but you are made completely out of fire) Alice "Leave me alone!" I scream. I slowly get of the ground and open my eyes so I could see. Smoke was still sorrounding me and the fair's lights were shining bright, making my sight horrible. I begin to push myself through the huge crowd, walking like I was in slow motion. I could barely see and what I could look warped and disfigured. I breathe heavily and my eye lids begin to droop down.
#80610388Monday, October 22, 2012 11:29 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 25 Poster
#80610910Monday, October 22, 2012 11:54 AM GMT

(( Wildfire controls the fire, but said fire will continue to grow unless he puts it out himself He contains himself partially for this reason. And no, he's not. He's just burning some THIEVING GOONS. ))
Top 25 Poster
#80610977Monday, October 22, 2012 11:56 AM GMT

(( Himself. He* Grammar slip there. But yes, Wildfire controls the fire, in that he can manipulate it and intentionally spread it, but he can't stop it from unintentionally spreading unless he puts it out or contains it in some way. It's basically his body, if your body grew uncontrollably when it wasn't locked away. ))
#80617138Monday, October 22, 2012 4:29 PM GMT

(Hmmm... A ghost? I a spirit has been denied in this roleplay before, but your's really have a purpose and I don't see a reason to agrue. So I do accept.) The Form She exited into the crowd. I shuck my head, I've wasted enough time, thought I could achieve something but how could I be such a fool. Many are dying as I am trying to open up one person, but inside of me I felt we had some connection. I must discover Scar's location, but where? Where did the villain possible retreat to? He had to be gone by now. I was still shape shifted as a thug, so I began to search around until I saw a thug concealing his identity with a hood, though at an angle I saw his badly scar filled face. I teleported to him then teleported into a dark alley. I was not going to start something in the park.
#80620179Monday, October 22, 2012 6:03 PM GMT

(Hey Sig :) Long time no see) Mr Smile/The Undertaker I began to leave the building slowly to try and not get spotted.
#80636930Monday, October 22, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

#80638846Monday, October 22, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

Claw "We need to find The Form." I say, walking beside him.
#80641041Monday, October 22, 2012 11:17 PM GMT

Alice I breathe heavier and continue walking through the crowd until I see one of the thugs. Some of them had seen my face before so I grab onto him. "Help?" I say tiredly and drizzly.
#80644831Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

The thug looks at A confused and pisolt whips her mercilessly, breaking her jaw and knocking her out. The Form The thug's face busted againsted the rough brick wall. "WHERE IS HE?!" I shouted furiously (Dark Knight Tim :). "What the hell?!" the muffled voice shouted before I flipped him over on his back, with my foot against his rib cage. "Tell me where Scar is or I will have to give you a lesson on the Human body!" My hatred was getting the best of me, I am I inside?
#80646605Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:22 AM GMT

Alice I fall the the ground in a thud, not knowing what just happened. I fell into a deep sleep. Finally, sleep. Thug #2 I look down at the girl who just fell to the ground. "Is that-" I ask myself. It looked like some girl, but I wasn't for sure. "Ape? Does she mean anything to you?" I ask while pointing to the petite woman.
Top 25 Poster
#80650821Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:05 AM GMT

The city, this worthless establishment, moves around me, as it always has. I can feel it in the ground. Thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of worthless individuals going about their short and meaningless lives, clinging to wealth and land like the former matters and they are capable of owning the latter. Neither of those are true, of course. Only I can own the land, for I purify it in the most primal way. I have no wealth, but wealth matters not. It burns as well. The population center is more active than usual, I have noticed. I listen, but I do not understand their gibberish. So instead, I cast my gaze to the area around me. I look at the parchments these young, flammable beings have set upon the walls. There is a festival of some kind. And, what's more, I can see and hear something that was, most likely, not intended. A fire. Something has happened. I can see the smoking rising from afar. It's very inviting, and even amusing. Everything of value to someone is being lost. In other words, nothing is being lost. Value remains relative and so, so worthless to me. Nevertheless, the fire calls to me. I am curious, mostly about what caused this 'catastrophe'. My container begins to move, the ember within, my heart, still burning as the box slowly rolls along through the alley, remaining in the shadows as it begins its slow travel to the fire.
#80657297Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:17 AM GMT

Ape I was in charge of tormenting the citizens, shooting the authorities. Now, here I stumble upon a thug. Alice? A? What why was she here she was suppose to be guarding the sewer. I looked at her, raising up the butt of my assault rifle to her head, I could bust it open, Scar hates traitors. I closed my eyes and banged it against the thug's head. I gripped the girl's arm and lifted her over my back.
#80670985Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:58 PM GMT

Mr Smile/The Undertaker I nodded. "Indeed.. I think it's time to gather things"
#80740300Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

#80743578Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:25 PM GMT

(I guess you're wanting me to do the thug...) Thug "You should know- you're one of us!" I say with a struggle. "Unless... Are you one of us?" I yell, making a crowd gather around us.
#80748948Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

(Ape knocked out the thug.) Ape I looked around with a roll of sweat charging down my forehead. I nervously l.ick my cracked lips as I looked over to my bl.ood sta.ined watch. I stood infront of the ol.d broken clock tower as I threw the body down. I am here, it is almost midnight why isn't he here. "Where are you da--," I was interuppted by a screech while I fell to my knees. "Ahh... You have come," the eerie hiss is sounded right next to my ear as I could sense his beak inches away. "J- Just make it STOP!" I shoutd frightened, moving my hands over my oily bald head. "You want me to rid of all your sin and guilt? Wash the blood of your hands?" "You defeat all s.in! Do that to mine! Cleanse me of this tort.ure!" "Such a precious, wretched soul, just there for me to grasp my wing upon. And it has even brought an offering, a little girl. But that is not enough..." I know he would want something shiny, he always does. I plunged out my nose ring, then my ear ring, ripping my nose and ear apart. I threw the jewelry out infront of the criminal after yelping in pain with the remains of fresh flesh on it.
#80767235Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:00 AM GMT

(There are multiple thugs and I thought that he knocked out the one who had found Alice. I am so confused. I just know that Alice is not waking up anytime soon so yeah)
#80815191Friday, October 26, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

Crow I whip out my sliver blade, it breathes inches away from his neck as I neared him into death. "Another, wretched soul...," I hiss, pulling back the blade and slicing it against the thug's chest. A gush of blood erupt out onto the girl's precious face while the body lands with a thud.
#80815679Friday, October 26, 2012 12:10 AM GMT

(Omg is Ape dead?!?! Also eww gross, blood on Alice's face!)
#80816007Friday, October 26, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

(The blood bothers Alice? Let's clean it up >:D) Crow I remain my blade on the strap behind my back. I tilt my black western cowboy hat foward as I look at her with smiling eyes and the licking of my lips. "You look so tainted with blood, poor child," I hiss as I kneel down and rub my wet tongue against the blood, cleaning her.