#80967480Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:38 AM GMT

(Chillin' wif Smile.)
#80967873Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:43 AM GMT

(Shouldn't you both retreat from the park.)
#80968034Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:45 AM GMT

#80968353Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:49 AM GMT

Alice A couple of tears roll down my pale cheeks as I whimper from the pain. I thought about Crow's question. I don't even remember. The last thing I really remember was feeling dizzy and walking through a foggy crowd of people. "Ahh oan't reeher" I end up saying (meaning to say I don't remember.).
#80968734Sunday, October 28, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

Crow "Can you remember anything?" I questioned.
#80969688Sunday, October 28, 2012 2:04 AM GMT

Alice Crying, I shake my head. I point to my jaw, hoping he would try to fix it.
#80970385Sunday, October 28, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

Crow It just minor damage, no problem. If she was someone else I would gruesomely and cruelly repair her jaw. But what sinner I would be harming this helpless child. I ripped part of her bottom wear with my beak and wrapped it around her jaw loosely so she was able to throw up. She would be better in probably a few weeks, her jaw just needs to be properly taken care of with the bandage wrapped around her head. "Now, can you do something for me girl?" I questioned. "Can you be my chick? My youngster?"
#80974202Sunday, October 28, 2012 3:02 AM GMT

Alice I think. "Why me?" I ask. Would it be okay if Alice was with someone and A was with another? He would just hurt me if I didn't say yes. What about Scar though?
#80974715Sunday, October 28, 2012 3:09 AM GMT

Crow "I find a spark in you," I answered as I drove my bony finger on her chest.
#80975474Sunday, October 28, 2012 3:21 AM GMT

Alice "How many days have I been past out?" I ask.
#81007342Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:07 PM GMT

Crow "Don't change the subject, let me worry about time," I hiss. "So what is the spark? What is your power?"
Top 25 Poster
#81008909Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:31 PM GMT

Ahhhhh... The pyre is growing. Already, I can feel it crumbling underneath my power. I have yet to use it to my fullest potential, unfortunately, but that takes time. Those trapped within, however, are not spared, and it is glorious. Doors are closed and locks, previous objects of safety becoming the gates to their burning tombs. The glorious heat and smoke both rise high, and the sky is blackening from the cloud it is created. Have you ever felt the sheer power of a raging fire, uncontrollable in its devastation? Have you ever tasted the burning flesh and wood, the charred stone and the weakened metal? Have you ever smelled the smoke as it rises high into the air, a monument to all that you have done? I have done all of those things. I have touched the fire, I have smelled the fire, and I have tasted the fire. I hear it crackling and roaring ferociously in my ear like the greatest beast to ever walk the earth, rising above the screams and gibberish of the lesser creatures that dared to stand so defiantly and create such a wonderful target, as they leave this world in a blaze. I am the fire.
Top 25 Poster
#81008953Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:32 PM GMT

(( Oh dear, I forgot. -Wildfire- There. ))
#81008994Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:32 PM GMT

(That's... That's pretty deep.)
#81013481Sunday, October 28, 2012 6:35 PM GMT

Alice "I don't have a power. I just happen to get in a lot of trouble," I say, making it actually sound true. It was true though, Alice didn't have any powers- A did. "And I'm wanting to know how many days I've been here. If my 'friend' really cared about me they would have already tried to save me..."
#81016475Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

Super Villain- The mind master of disaster, even if the disaster are as large as the other villains, but you are pretty evil. Though you have super powers or even just a powerful weapon to create your destruction. Super name: Tarmac Name: Lester Mackenzie Smalls Race: American Gender: Male 43 Super Suit: Lester wears no specific suit due to his form or indeed lack of it, and therefore this section could simply be labeled N/A. Appearance: Due to Lester's form, it is hard to explain him as anything other than a large mass of conciousness, moving through the asphalt of the city. Lester's abilities means that he is capable of taking on most basic forms, although nothing particularly delicate. His most humanoid form is a large, bulky hulk of a thing, with no particular head; just a rise between each 'shoulder', with all four limbs connected to the asphalt below him. Lester also lacks eyes, or in fact any senses whatsoever, and instead is and always will be made up of the cracking crumbling substance of the asphalt. Occupation/ Job outside of hero life: Due to Lester's alien appearance and complete incomprehension of anything but his motives, Lester is unable to have a life outside of being living asphalt. Fears: Lester does not particularly comprehend fear anymore, but fear could stem from a lack of alchohol. Disabilities: Apart from his connection to the roads of the city, Lester also suffers from crippling alchoholism, and simple mindedness. Unable to concentrate on anything other than his motive, things directly connected to it - the things connected usually being things he needs to get out of his way to get to the alchohol - his movement and his formation. He is also unable to concentrate on his thoughts, and therefore his vague and misty emotions run free into the people around his conciousness. Weapon/ Super abilities: Lester is literally part of the Tarmac. Around a 3 meter radius circle spans his overall conciousness of the asphalt of the roads, and this conciousness is free to travel over anywhere where there is tarmac, as well as morph it into any basic shape, albeit slowly depending on his concentration. He is able to move this morph, and when his conciousness leaves the area of control, due to asphalts natural state, it will stay in that position, or crumble. His conciousness is capable of 'feeling' in front of him, and due to unknown circumstances, is inexplicably drawn to alchohol - even if he is unaware of where it is being kept. Worst Enemy?: None. Personality: Lester is dumb, single and simply minded, but most of all prone to violent fits of rage to any obstacle he comes across. He is unable to understand language or negotiation, and will just keep moving till he reaches the drink. Weaknesses: Alchoholism. Catchphrase: ... Bio: Lester, in life, was a down and out hick, based in a small apartment flat who did nothing but spend his days working in a recylcling factory, and his nights spent on drink and alchohol. Eventually, he would lose his apartment, keep his job, and just use all the money for even more of his sustinence, becoming the average hobo on the streets. Overweight from a life of splendorous eating, Lester slowly became an angry, irritable drunk, shouting at everyone who went past. Taken in off the streets one day by a villainous project, unnoticed by the average society of the city, he has submitted to experiments unknown, with the only successful one leaving him one with the streets. After days of mixed confusion and lethargy, he finally concentrated enough to move, and using his inexplicable drag to the drink, he set off towards his target. Why should I accept you?: I'm a detailed, and happy roleplayer, and will try to post for as long as I am interested. Sample Post: Dark. S'always dark, innit. Not even just now. S'always been dark from day one. Every single day is dark. Just a blur. Just a nothin imprinted on your nothin life. Don't matter what you do, don't matter how energetic y'are. Y'doin the same thing. In out, in out. Y'gettin promotions to do the same thing at a higher price. S'all the same. S'all a blur. S'all dark. I know that. But that don't mean that I can't enjoy the dark. With my drink. Drink. Found it, 'ctually. Got it here. I can see it. Right there. S'mine. Gonna get it. I can see me stretchin out. Across the crosswalk - goddam crosswalks, blockin' my - glass smash. Bozo screams. Got dri-. Dropped it. S'everywhere. Huh. S'dark.
#81017292Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:27 PM GMT

((Oh, and of course, Scar Mark.))
#81019044Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:51 PM GMT

(Accepted.) Crow "Who are you really?" I asked her, ignoring her early question.
#81026273Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

Alice "Honestly? I'm just a girl trying to get through this world. I don't know who I am or who I want to be. I'm trying to figure myself out right now," I say truthfully. "My name's Alice though,"
#81026981Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:27 PM GMT

Crow "Hmmm..," I hummed, I knew she was not being honest entirely. "Girl, I see something in you. I can see inside your soul. Show me or pay."
#81027323Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

Alice "What is your power?" I ask while sitting up. "I thought you were just a crazy bird man, but you can sense something in me?"
#81028354Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:41 PM GMT

Crow "Power? If you count my senses a power you mind as well call me the crazy bird man," I hissed. "When you are so dependent on your powers, finding a person's soul can become a natural skill."
#81029025Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

Alice "Great to know, but what I am really curious about is how you look under your mask," I lean closer into him so I was looking into his dark eyes.
#81029360Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:53 PM GMT

Crow My eyes burned with angry. How dare the li'l girl be so rude! "Damn you!" I shouted. "I wear no mask! THIS IS THE FACE OF A DISGRACE!" I wrapped my tight grip around her neck.
#81037567Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:28 PM GMT

(Are you serious? He really isn't wearing a mask?) Alice I start to gag as I try to pry his fingers off my neck. "What happened?" I choke out as I run one hand down his feathery face.