#68938744Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

-Jake- I stood in a distance, in a dark alleyway, quietly watching the hovercars pass here and there. Everywhere, people seemed to come and go, and I was busy exploring the deeper parts of the town. So far I only got two bruises, and an untied shoe. They were dangerous- but not as dangerous as Peacekeepers. Speaking of which, I gazed my shift everywhere to check if there was any. Damn, just trying to mess with those guys would lead into destruction. I've seen a lot of friends and enemies getting vanquished by these no-hearted creatures. Such a shame they were our older brothers, created by the same man. I took my hoverboard, and, with a leap, took off into the streets, fitting in with the crowd.
#68938943Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:10 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude Crude gunfire could be heard echoing from the gun range as boredom was loaded into the partially worn out pistol that was being handled by the black-haired female. The clip is easily emptied into the target and she drops her arms a little to get a more clear view of her vicious practice. A sickeningly accurate line was placed on the black-out figure of the paper; straight down the middle of the head and torso. The female grins slyly and spins the pistol on her index finger before setting it down and sitting on the counter, yawning widely.
#68939124Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

The doctor The Doctor walked down the street when he saw civilization ahead. He continued to walk down the old street.
#68939825Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

-Jake- I hovered upon the streets, dodging incoming vehicles, and doing jumps above them from time to time. Damn, these hoverboards are one of the most legitimate creations ever, besides us. I knelt down, preparing to leap high up and jump from that rail. As I did, I stopped the board, as it revealed a small park- one among many others. I smiled, for the gentle breeze of the grass and its flatness suited my needs. I begin to do some tricks, usually also doing races with others from time to time. (Well, I gotta go. I'm leaving Bebi in charge. Bebi, you're in charge, alright?)
#68940353Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude The female stands and takes a few steps towards the door before spinning around and throwing her sword across the range, sinking the blade into her shot target. She hops over the counter and walks across the floor and tugs her sword out of the wall a good foot and a half before it slides out. The blade is sheathed and she vaults back over the counter before leaving the range to go find something else to do.
#68940800Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:42 PM GMT

The Doctor had walked into the city, getting odd looks from everyone, often a curse or two, he had an urge to pull his gun, but he shouldn't do that in public, he instead sat down on the street and looked at his gasmask.
#68941151Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:48 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude The female walks past one of the kids and plucks his hoverboard from him before slipping out the door. She'd give it back... At some point. She smirks and hops onto the board before heading off into the streets to look around. Yes, she stood out, but it never mattered to her because no one ever said anything to her. She blows her bangs out of her face before slipping on her sunglasses and ducking into the crowd.
#68941522Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:53 PM GMT

The doctor aims his gun at a poster and then lowers it, resting against the wall, one idiotic sod tossed a coin at him. The doctor put his gasmask on and rested.
#68941741Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:57 PM GMT

(I won't be too OP.) The dawn of a new day brought more pain and suffering to the people outside of the Isle of Man. If they knew that the Isle of Man was a country free of Peacekeepers and Androids, they'd surely come here. But, with a population of roughly 10,000 civilians, 1,000 of which soldiers. They could hardly defend themselves. He knew too much attention was bad, he'd learnt the hard way. He turned from the balcony, and sat down at his desk. Another hard day of work. The Manx were feeling down, he guessed due to lonliness, not to mention no contacts to the outside world, except to Wales and Ireland. He'd make a speech today, we'd get our economy sorted, everybody would be educated and have a job. We just needed a tiny push in the right direction. Help is what the Isle of Man needed.
#68941833Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:59 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude She stops on a sidewalk and leans up against a wall to watch people move past, not noticing the man to her side. The constant presence of Peacemakers annoyed her greatly, but she knew better than to suddenly go up against one by herself because of the others that would follow. She muffles a yawn with the back of her hand and shifts her shoulders to get her sword from resting on her spine.
#68941991Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:02 PM GMT

The doctor noticed the female to her side "Excuse me, miss, do you have a map I could borrow? Or direct me to a park or something?"
#68942216Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude Devora goes stiff at the direction of his voice and she looks at him without moving her head. He didn't seem like a threat... But a lot of people seemed that way these days and then they stab someone in the back. "There's a park three blocks down to your left," she replies lowly, her voice showing the natural gravely tone.
#68942326Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:07 PM GMT

"Thank you, I woke up in a hospital and these robots came up to me and tried to attack me and I attacked them but they didn't bleed they were robots! But you don't care about that." The doctor stood up, putting his handgun in his coat and began walking away.
#68942499Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:09 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude She suddenly had a spark of anger at what he said and she turns to look at him. "Did you kill them?" she asks flatly.
#68942573Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:10 PM GMT

"They had a knife to my throat."
#68942851Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude She clenches her fists and a flicker of electricity flits over her hands, but it was barely noticeable if one wasn't paying attention. 'Why would Androids be there for a human..? Must have been the patrol that we never recovered,' she thinks to herself.
#68943202Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:20 PM GMT

"All of these machines look so strange." The doctor rubbed his temple.
#68943318Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude "A bit... But so do the flesh beings," Devora replies. She wasn't exactly sure why she didn't just say humans all the time.
#68943458Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:24 PM GMT

"I believe I have been in a coma, this is all new to me."
#68943608Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:26 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude "A coma?" Devora questions, "What in bloody Hell is that?" She was intelligent, but in no means a medical genius. Devora only learned from personal experiences and so most of the world was unknown to her.
#68943780Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:29 PM GMT

"When your knocked out in a calm state, still breathing, getting nutrients from an IV." The doctor said, calmly.
#68943877Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:30 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude "Hmph. Why one earth would a flesh being enjoy doing that?" she says stubbornly, the electricity finally calming down once her fists become unclenched.
#68944272Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

"I never said I did it on purpose, I just woke up in that bed, I got out of it, began to walk out of the room and then two robots busted in aiming weapons at me."
#68944449Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:39 PM GMT

+Devora lynn Absynth Valinstraude "You were most likely in one of the buildings they acquired. Territorial thing," she responds while rolling her hand.
#68944516Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:41 PM GMT

"It was abandoned, everything was ruined, dead corpses were scattered everywhere."