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#69001956Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:30 PM GMT

The small car slowly drives down a deserted road. Away from the city, and heading deeper into a forest with every passing second. As it moves forward the storm gets thicker and lightning begins to flash. You get an eerie feeling as you get closer, it sends shivers down your spine. But what could you do? Nothing. You settle down in your seat, sigh, and wait to arrive at the destination. After hours of driving, the forest begins to thin out, until you reach a large clearing. In the clearing is a large building, it has few windows, and is covered in cameras. Also, what looks like the only door is surrounded by doors, and even more cameras. What is this place? Your driver pulls up by the front door and stops the car. He comes over to you, and pulls you out of the car. Then leading you over to the front door, he throws the keys to another guard, and opens the door. A wave of fumes hits your face, the overpowering smell could be nothing else but antibacterial cleaner. You walk into the room, and almost slip. 'That's why.' You think. 'It was just cleaned!' You stop walking when you almost slip, but the man behind you pushes you forward. It's suprising he was allowed a license, he looks as though he can barely speak, let alone drive. This man was and is, one of the largest you've ever seen; with arms the size of tree trunks, and making the ground shake as he walked. As you near a key door, you have to wait almost ten minutes for him to figure out how to slide the card through the slot for it to open. Yet finally, you seem to approaching your destination, and as you turn the corner you see.... a jail? What did you do against the law? The man, or brute we might as well call him, opens the door to a cell. "In. Go. Now." He grunts, cencentrating hard on his speech. When you don't move he simply picks you up, and throws you in. You hit the wall forcefully, and he laughs at the thud; while everything fades to black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Schedule~ 7:00 - Wake up 7:15 - Breakfast 8:00 - Testing 11:00 - Rest time 12:00 - Lunch 1:00 - Group test/Rest time 4:00 - Testing 7:00 - Dinner 9:00 - Lights out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Rules~ 1. No godmodding. 2. No mary sue/ gary stu. 3. Swear at your own risk. 4. Low romance. 5. Your word < Admin's word < My word 6. Use grammar. 7. Be detailed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Subject Info~ Name: (First and last.) ID: (Exp. 55632XTE783 ) RPAge: (8-21) Gender: Personality: Appearance: Items: Bio: (Atleast 1 paragraph.)
#69003210Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

#69003712Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:57 PM GMT

Hm, this sounds interesting. I might join.
#69003903Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:00 PM GMT

I'll join, just not this very moment.:P
#69006461Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

Name: Aisling Trill ID: 2891477QHE9127 RPAge: Eighteen Gender: Female Personality: Aisling often is distracted, perhaps her head is filled with daydreams more often than not. She is shy, though with warming up to someone she proves to be witty, outgoing, and cunning. Oftentimes she'll switch moods from one extreme to another, proving her to be bipolar or perhaps even schizophrenic. Appearance: Short and slender, Aisling is a petite woman with a pear-shaped silhouette. Her head sports long, sorrel locks with ivory bangs. She has an oblong face shape, with her electric blue, almond shaped eyes being her most prominent feature. Above them rest thin, sorrel eyebrows, her left containing a silver ring. Aisling's nose is long and upturned, leading into a thin philtrum that rest above her plump, diamond-shaped lips. Her clothes are nothing out of the ordinary, with her normal outfit consisting of grey corduroy flare jeans, and her top being a long graphic t-shirt, usually with a witty saying, picture, or reference. Her jewelry is sparse, the only item she wears being a small beaded bracelet on her right wrist. Her shoes are simple converse with black and white stripes, with doodles on the white toe top. Items: N/A Bio: Growing up in poverty, Aisling learned to make the best of a bad situation. though she'd few pennies to her name, Aisling's mother did her best to purchase her daughter art supplies, of which she made full use, later getting a scholarship to a large art university. Her father is unknown to her, having walked out when Aisling was only an infant, leaving behind two other siblings and her mother to suffer with barely any money and a dead-end job. Even though the situation was dire, everyone was happy together and lived in peace, until all of the children moved out, Aisling being the only one to be able to college. On her way to the college, the old, unreliable car she'd purchased with what little money she had inevitably broke down. Not knowing any better, she decided to hitchhike, getting herself into this situation.
#69011801Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:54 PM GMT

(( Accepted, and I'm not going to be a person. Except the guy who runs everything and guards and stuff. ))
#69012025Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

(I'll join soon. Seems legit.)
#69017230Friday, June 01, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

(( Okay cool. ))
#69018943Friday, June 01, 2012 1:37 AM GMT

#69019612Friday, June 01, 2012 1:48 AM GMT

#69026669Friday, June 01, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

#69026727Friday, June 01, 2012 3:35 AM GMT

( I'll start after we get a few more people, is that okay? )
#69026808Friday, June 01, 2012 3:37 AM GMT

( Yea. I just hope we get a few more people. )
#69026859Friday, June 01, 2012 3:38 AM GMT

( Me too, this sounds like fun. )
#69026910Friday, June 01, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

(hey ill join, but how would we have gotten here? did they kidnap us? I just want to know what i should put in my bio about that)
#69026970Friday, June 01, 2012 3:40 AM GMT

(( Kidnap, Volunteer, anything you can think of. ))
#69027644Friday, June 01, 2012 3:53 AM GMT

(I'll join-- but why are they kidnapping people)
#69027779Friday, June 01, 2012 3:55 AM GMT

(( For science! [Ignore ze portal reference.] and the place is run by a crazy dude. Who I accidentally cut out of the story. ))
#69028023Friday, June 01, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

Name: add later ID: Employee 122A5E0M35 RPAge: 21 Gender: Male Personality: Bill likes to spy on kidnapped people. He always reports plans to escape, and or weird behavior. He trys to upset kidnapped people normally. Appearance: Green eyes, black hair, blue jeans, black boots, green coat, white shirt Items: N/A Bio:add later
#69028150Friday, June 01, 2012 4:02 AM GMT

(( No employees sorry, =/ ))
#69028743Friday, June 01, 2012 4:15 AM GMT

I'll join tomorrow. There's been an escape method I always wanted to try.
#69028767Friday, June 01, 2012 4:16 AM GMT

N.ame: Starr King ID: 9384XX2452JK A.ge: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Starr is a pretty serious person. She hasnt joked around in a long time. She is very quiet, but very smart. Appearance: Starr has wavy, onyx black hair. She has one eye that is icey blue, while the other is a more darker blue. From far away you cant tell the colors are different. Starr has a narrow figure, and is about 5'4. Items: Lipgloss, Bobbypen, and some gum. Bio: Starr grew up in a average family. She was an only child, and her mother died when she was young. Her father had some construction workig job, and was never home. When he was home he was exhausted and one day Starr got so tired of her father that she ran away. She was 15 then. 16 now, and barely scraping by she decided to try and get some money by volentering to test toothpastes. She figured it was just flavors they were testing, and it was good pay. She was driven there and put in a cell. She is confused and doesn't know what to do.
#69028813Friday, June 01, 2012 4:16 AM GMT

( Evil toothpaste people! D: )
#69029164Friday, June 01, 2012 4:24 AM GMT

(( Accepted. ))
#69029795Friday, June 01, 2012 4:40 AM GMT

(May join. Later. It's freaking 11:40 at night here.)

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