#69107344Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:54 PM GMT

Nathan With much effort I forced myself off the bed and stumbled over to the showers. The cold water revived me and woke me up. (No I'm not a child of Poesidon but cold water wakes up just about everyone right?) My exhaustion started to go away so I ended my shower, brushed my teeth, and put on some clothes for the day. I looked at myself in the mirror my hair was untamed as usual and I was wearing a white t-shirt that said, "What you call attitude I call personality." I wore shorts since it was a fairly sunny day.
#69107718Saturday, June 02, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

Nam.e: Genesis Camboar Ag.e: 9 Gender: F Physical Appearance: (Height, Weight, Skin Tone, Hair Color/Style, Eye Shape/Color, Etc.) 3'2, 81 lbs, tan skin, blonde hair, blue eyes Clothing: (Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Belts, Jackets, Accessories, Etc.) A blue shirt with Cerberus on it, sweat pants, Tennis shoes, Blue hoodie, once again, with Cerberus. Patron: Hepatheus (Is that correct, its just the god of Fire and Forge.) Powers: (MAX 5) Inferno- Realeases a burst of flame Fire control- Ability to summon and control fire Other 3- not discovered Weapons: (MAX 3) Knife, Fire staff Non-Enchanted Items: (MAX 5) Random stuff Enchanted Items: (MAX 2) Fire sword Other: (OPT.) Afro circus Bio: (OPT.) She was basically brought here when she was 7, after her parents died, she has seen Cerberus, and her goal is to see him again.
#69109133Saturday, June 02, 2012 3:32 PM GMT

(@pikachucrazy1 Accepted. Also, an edit to my powers: Undead Minions: Aiden can raise a limit of four minions at a time from the Underworld. These minions are skeletons in black metallic armour with weapons ranging from sorcery to simple swords. Blood of the Martyr: Aiden can take some of his own life source and can transfer it to someone else, healing them of wounds in the process. Depending on how much of his precious life he chooses to give, he may need serious medical attention upon using this power. Horrid Wilting: Aiden can cast a spell that damages creatures via dehydration. Basically, the spell evaporates moisture from the body needed to live. Vampiric State: Aiden can enter a vampiric state, in which he is slightly stronger and faster than average. He can unbalance the two, though, depending on which is needed at the given moment. For example, if he needed to be stronger to take on large groups of enemies, he'd be less vulenerable to attacks, yet would be very slow. Or, if he needed to be quick to avoid enemies with long range weapons, he could enhance his speed, yet would be very delicate and vulnerable to attacks. Bonfire of Insanity: Aiden's most powerful spell, the bonfire of insanity, takes up nearly all of his energy, so he has to be wise when using it. First, he must construct a standard camp fire during a thunder storm. Then, he must pour death embers over it. The color of the fire should turn from the standard yellowish color to a eerie green color. After chanting in ancient greece, green rain will pour down from the sky, either raising the dead or healing all who are injured in a mile radius.)
#69109236Saturday, June 02, 2012 3:33 PM GMT

(You guys do know you have to wear the Camp Half Blood t-shirt right?)' Kassandra After a nice long shower I go to the bathroom with a fuzzy towel wrapped around me and brush my teeth and hair. I put on my clothes, regular orange Camp Half Blood t-shirt and jean cut offs, when my hair is dry. Then, I make my regular two braids on the sides of my face and smile at the mirror. I get out of the bathroom and look around. Two of my younger brothers and three of my older brothers have woken up. That just left my younger sister, Abby, and my eldest brother, Will, head of Apollo cabin. I go over to Abby and nudge her, "Wake up Abby." I whisper and smile. She gets up and rubs her eyes. I smirk and get my socks and army boots from my chest. I start to put them on.
#69113047Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:30 PM GMT

~Aiden~ I smiled as the water ran over me, relaxing me. "Ah," I say, for once at peace. I begin to bathe myself, and after a few moments, turn off the water. I reach my hand out and aimlessly grab for my towel. I find it and wrap it around my waist before stepping out. I put on some deoderant and body spray before brushing my teeth and doing my hair. Then, I put on my darkend Camp Half Blood tee and black skinny jeans. I walk out of the bathroom and see Riley still hasn't moved. I flick his forhead. He snorts in reply and mumbles something about how it was his turn to go down the slide. I smirk and put on my boots. "Fine then, miss breakfast," I say, but he springs up immdiatly. By the time I'm walking out of the door, he's ready, but looks like a wreck.
#69113311Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:34 PM GMT

Genesis I run up to Aidan," Aidan! I just need to tell you, there is a hydra near the portals!"
#69113976Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:46 PM GMT

(*Aiden) ~Aiden~ I see a little girl, probably eight or nine year.s o.ld, run up to me. How'd she know my nam.e? She didn't look familiar... whatever. "Thanks. I'll go check it out in a bit," I say with an unconvincing smile. "A hydra? Can I go see?" Riley asks, his curiosity getting the best of him. "No," I say sternly, "You head to the pavillion for breakfast." He sighs but runs off to the pavillion.
#69114094Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:48 PM GMT

Kassandra I finish putting on my boots and walk outside, humming an acient Greek melody. I stop and see Genesis talking frantically to Aiden. I look at the two in confusion and walk over to them, "What's wrong?" I ask Genesis.
#69114238Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:51 PM GMT

(Actually. Ignore my last post.) Kassandra I put on my boots and walk outside towards the dining pavilion, humming an ancient Greek tune.
#69116583Saturday, June 02, 2012 5:28 PM GMT

~Riley~ I sigh, as I head to the dining pavillion. Why did Aiden never trust me to do anything? ~Aiden~ I head towards the area where the portal appeared a few days ago.
#69118291Saturday, June 02, 2012 5:55 PM GMT

Genesis "I know your name because, well, I know everybody here. There is the hydra!" The Hydra sees me and hisses," Crap!"
#69124641Saturday, June 02, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

~Aiden~ I see the Hydra and reach for my scythe slowly, trying not to make my noise. When suddenly, a twig snaps. I turn and see Riley, pale as a ghost and smiling weakly. "Riley!" I whisper loudly. One of the Hydra's heads turn towards me, and suddenly the beast begins to charge. I curse in ancient greece and roll out of the way of it.
#69128925Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

I am walking,still in seething rage,when I see the melee ahead of me,which perks me up a little.Monsters are almost never around to fight for me. "Oh,yay!" I say it enthusiastically,not sarcastically.Slowly,I pull out my Ivory spear.The athenian symbols on it are all elements.I push my finger to a little snake symbol,and the tip of my spear sets ablaze. "Ok,fun time." (I want to change my enchanted items later,please.)
#69129686Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

Nam.e: Seira Cornilla > Fun Fact: Name is pronounced like 'Sarah'. Ag.e: 17 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Seira is a deathly pale girl who is 5'11" tall. She has an athletic build, despite her skin tone, and has a set of dull green eyes. It's like she isn't interested into anything you say, although when she is mad/angry these eyes have a freezing glare. Seira's black hair completes the look of a gloomy girl. Her hair falls to her mid back, and is tied in a casual bun. Her bangs are long, covering a bit of her eyes. She can still see though. A sneaky smirk is usually plays on her mouth. Clothing: Seira has despised the bright orange Camp Half Blood shirt, since it reveals who she is/where she's from, etc. Instead she wears a bleached (she attempted to have some style) Camp Half Blood shirt with navy jean shorts. As for shoes, she wears combat boots. Patron: Eris [If that's okay :3 She can be in an alone cabin or just stay in the Hermes cabin or something XD] Powers: Seira has the power to wreck havoc into someone's mind, with just one touch of a finger. Confusion is the fist step. But when she masters it, she can seize that person's mind and make it her own. However, this power rarely happens. It only happens when she's in a negative emotion (sad, angry, etcetera). Weapons: A celestial bronze sword that has a long, thin blade but is very sharp. She has called it 'Apple of Discord'. Coincidence? Non-Enchanted Items: A few drachmas, $100, and empty water bottle, and a half eaten sandwich. Reason for no cellphone: Electronics attract monsters. Enchanted Items: A canteen of nectar. Other: NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Bio: Seira was blessed with a great amount of intelligence. Really, she's like genius hacker smart. She had no idea why. The girl was attacked herself by a Lamia. She was knocked unconscious and was about to devoured by the Lamia until a satyr saved her and brought Seira to Camp Half Blood. She video called her father from there, and he told her everything, but didn't tell her her mother's name because...well, the line was cut off. It was later in a Capture the Flag game where her godly maternal parent was known. After making arrangements with her father, Seira was soon a year rounder in the camp. She soon found out about her power after an incident...which she'd rather not talk about. Soon she isolated herself from the others, so she doesn't hurt them too. Afro Circus man B) Mi amore vole fe yah!
#69130167Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:49 PM GMT

Luna : When I finished my shower I headed to the pavilion. Except, I ended up NOT going there. I see a boy fighting Hydra. I run to him and I get my sword. "Hey! Need some help?"
#69130543Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:54 PM GMT

~Aiden~ I didn't see that I was ontop of a hill and rolled down, breaking a rib. "I'm sorry!" Riley yells, terrified. "Get Chiron!" I yell in response, slightly pained, but get back up. ~Riley~ I turn and sprint for the pavillion, nearly knocking over a boy with a flaming spear. "Sorry, pardon me!" I yell, not slowing down. In a minute or two, I made it to the pavillion, the sound of breakfast slightly making my mouth drool. "Chiron!" I shout. He nearly spills his coffee on his "Worlds Best Satyr" shirt. "Eh?" He asks, setting the cup down.
#69130811Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:58 PM GMT

(Would I count as trusted? :3 I have this Poseidon character I wanted to use in a really old Camp Half Blood roleplay. I also have 5 powers picked out already. :3)
#69131597Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:08 PM GMT

(@ix3Candy Accepted. @gavinfirefox Sure.)
#69131821Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:11 PM GMT

(Le smily face. Brb, going to make a CS you can be proud of ;3)
#69132564Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:21 PM GMT

Nam.e: Hailey Black Ag.e: 11 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: (Height, Weight, Skin Tone, Hair Color/Style, Eye Shape/Color, Etc.) Hailey is 5' 2", tall for her age, she is very pale, straight, long blonde hair, and hazel eyes. She is very skinny and scrawny. Clothing: (Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Belts, Jackets, Accessories, Etc.) A Hunter Pence Phillies Jersey (too big for her and covered in mud), yellow basketball pants, red basketball high tops, a Phillies hat (usually backwards). Patron: Poseidon Powers: Able to use all types of water into waves/other shapes that can drown others Weapons: Long Sword, very heavy, Non-Enchanted Items: A baseball (might spike at someone if angry) Enchanted Items: Basketball shoes let her levatate a few feet off the ground. Other: None. Bio: Hailey grew up in Philly with her younger 8 year old, mortal brother, Art, and her 30 year old mom, Rose. Her best friend, Mahela realized she was a demigod, she talked to Hailey. Mahela decided to bring Hailey and Art to camp. Hailey On the way, a cyclops had attacked them. Once they arrived at the border, Hailey surprisingly was able to get into camp. Art, being a mortal, could not get in, and therefore went back to Philadelphia. This is her first year at camp, and she is on and off at camp, sparingly leaving to go to Philly Music School where she plays Alto Saxophone.
#69132682Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:23 PM GMT

Agh! Really sorry. Afro Circus at other. I forgot to add it, I was really getting into the Bio.
#69132710Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:23 PM GMT

(@thisitis1000 Please change your patron god. Also, you're missing something on your CS.)
#69135406Saturday, June 02, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

(Spine. I has idea. Me you and a Zeus boy[Maybe girl] were all born on the same day :3)
#69135446Saturday, June 02, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

Nam.e: Trevor Parkins Ag.e: 18 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: Trevor is 6'4 and is only about 120 pounds. He has an average tan. He has long brown hair, like you might see on a surfer. Trevor's eyes are a Deep blue. He has a natural muscular physique. He is attractive. Clothing: Trevor wears shorts alot and usually an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt. He wears DC skateboarding shoes and has a necklace with the tooth of a Sea Serpent. He wears a sports jacket sometimes. Patron: Poseidon Powers: Ground Shake- The ability to cause mini earthquakes. Larger the earthquake, more the energy taken away. Sea Excellence- The ability to go great depths underwater, breath underwater and navigation over land. Poseidon's Might- Gives the ability to call on the water for assistance, being able to make small amounts of water appear out of thin air, make water into things like shields. It can even make the user turn into pure water, but unable to attack in this form. The amount of energy taken depends on what is done for the power. Making a water shield takes little energy while making waves come causing more. Water Rebirth- Being in the water helps heal wounds, gives energy, and helps to think clearer. Aquamarine and Horse Communication- The ability to talk to any underwater creature, good monsters or creatures like crocodiles who can't stay out of the water for long. It also gives the ability to take to horses since they were made of sea foam. Weapons: A large Trident, a short sword only a little longer than a long dagger that has a blue hilt and a weapon yet to be given to him by his father Non-Enchanted Items: A lighter, a backpack, and random maps of places in USA (Would that count as more than 5? :P) Enchanted Items: A White and Blue Greek style helmet that increases all senses and reflexes. He may or may not be given a second item. Other: Afro something :P Mind blank Bio: I may make a Bio. [Sorry for the bad CS. I just couldn't think of much.]
#69136427Saturday, June 02, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

Kass I stop short when I hear a monster. I see a hydra and a boy on the ground strugling to get up. I run back to my cabin and snatch up Polona. I run back to the hill and towards the boy. I then kneel down next to him and sing the tune of healing, "Are you ok?" I ask him. I hear the hydra about to charge and grip my bow.