#69343020Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:23 AM GMT

(acceppted and everybody may start with K) K i walked onto the very large plane with everybody on it and said "hello. i am K. please step off and walk into the building." I walked off with my heels clacking and lead into the silver building with lots of glass. Sonny i went into the building and saw the grey and red walls with glass tables and windows. There were 3 doors on a wall. it was solid steel.
#69343520Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

Travis I walked into the building and looked around. (Sorry not all creative at the moment :P)
#69343554Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

(Jethro did say Yolo before in one of her posts if you read them all.) Rae "Well. This isn't weird at all." I muttered sarcastically, following 'K' and Sonny, scuffing my feet slightly and shoving my hands into my pockets when we entered the room.
#69343634Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

[email protected]: Raven 'Shadow' Jameson. @.g3: 16 and 1/2. G3n.d3Я: Female. Physical Appearance: Height: [Making Shorter] 6'1. - Weight: 114 pounds. - Eye Color: Blueish-Red. -Hair Color/Length/Style: Purple black, shoulder length, straight, usually worn in a pony-tail. - Skin: Pale - Freckles: None, if not very, very few. - Scars: Theres a scar on her leg fron a cat scratch, there is also one on her neck from a cat scratch. - Clothing: A black t-shirt with gray stripes, it has no graphic designs on it, nothing. Gray skinny jeans with a hole on the left knee, only two pockets, and black and white converse, the longer kind that reaches to like the top of your ankel. Also, an oragami necklace with an oragami crane. Personality: Hot-headed, untrusting, haunted by her past. Impatient, moody, some call her emotionless. Also, easily-offended/sadened. S.G Shape-shifting, usually just to a wolf or cat, theres the occasional crane. Bio: Eh, maybe later. Other: She's afraid of spiders, other than that, [FOR THE CHARACTER] N/A, YoLo
#69343901Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

(Let me work on my CS and I'll probably have it by 10:00pm.IDK...)
#69343951Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

(now accepted) Sonny I put one hand on my pockets and adjusted my cap at the same time. K "Now, everybody has a few minutes to relax and mingle, then you will have your first test. I hope you're ready!" And i walked off.
#69344110Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

(raising sonny's height to 6 even and K's to 6'3)
#69344158Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

Rae "Relax? Is she kidding? There is no way I'm going to relax." I muttered, leaning against a wall and picking the rest of my nail varnish off my left index finger. I never like the stuff anyway.
#69344160Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

[I improved it, but if you didn't read all my posts...I swore on my life I read the entire original post] Raven I follow everyone out so I'm last out. I walk into the building and look around. I shrug and lean against a wall. Trying to stay away from everybody. That was my whole deal, that and going on wicked adventures, and beating up spiders. [LOL]
#69344169Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

Travis I walked around a bit with my hands in my pockets looking at stuff. I wasn't one to be very social. (Forgot to put that in personality sorry.)
#69344353Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

Sonny I walk around in the same pose--one hand in my pocket, other adjusting my hat--looking at stuff. [UPDATE] you hear a faint thud and the first thing you think of is going to k or doing nothing at all. K "ignore that thud!" I called out.
#69344584Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

Travis I shrugged and walked around, I kept thinking if I should go talk to someone before the test starts.
#69344596Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

Raven I nod, my eyes narrowed.
#69344787Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

Rae I sighed impatiently, glancing round at everyone else who was here. There weren't that many of us, but I wasn't that surprised by that.
#69344813Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

K i come out. "okay, so ready or not it's time. i will out you on teams. line so i can see all of you." Sonny i shrugged and walked over to K noncholantly.
#69344931Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

Travis I went over and lined up, blank expression, hands in my pockets, and trying to not think of the worse.
#69344951Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

K "okay so, there are six of you. there are three doors. so each of you will have a partner." Sonny i nod.
#69345000Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:51 AM GMT

Rae I smirked as I lined up. Ready or not. It reminded me of childhood games. I kept my hands in my pockets, uncertain of exactly what was going on but not showing it. I could bottle my poker face and sell it on the market for a fortune.
#69345104Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

K "Sonny and Rae. yes i know you're opposites." Sonny i look at rae and walk up to a door, leaning against it.
#69345231Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:54 AM GMT

Travis I waited patiently.
#69345238Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:54 AM GMT

Rae Opposites? I was thinking personality-wise, until my fingers traced over the lighter in my jeans pockets. Ah. I was fire. She must be water or ice, or something along those lines.
#69345273Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

K "next. Avery and travis" Sonny i look at rae. "so you control fire, right?"
#69345414Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

K "next, Shadow and {puppy's character who she will make in about an hour}"
#69345718Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:01 AM GMT

[email protected]: Charlotte "Charlie" Elizabeth Trimona (xD) @.g3: 16 G3n.d3Я: Female Physical Appearance: (height, weight, skin color, scars, freckles, hair color/style, eye color, Etc.) She's 5'7 and weighs the normal kind, you know. She is a light tan and has rose red eyes that glimmer a bright red in light. She has a very small nose that shines when the light hits it, which she really hates. She has little light pink lips and red and silver painted nails in a pattern. She has sunset yellow hair that curls in bundles and has few brown streaks around the back. She is a skinny girl with a bright smile and shiny white teeth. Clothing: She wears a pink skirt that puffs up and has black tights that has deep black flowers that blend into her skin. She wears high-heeled black boots with grey socks that are stuffed at the top and a white one-sleeved shirt, with black strips, with a black spaghetti strapped underneath. She wears a butterfly mood pendant with a black cloth holding it around her neck. Personality: Bubbly, kind, talks a lot, will get upset if yelled at or made fun of, sweet as chocolate (lol), and S.G (supernatural gift nothing too powerful, if it was that'd be ubering and you wouldn't be accepted) She can generate water in the palm of her hand and spray it anywhere. Bio: (optional) Too bad. Other: She thinks the work "yolo" sounds funny. :3 Sorry if thats a bit much but I just wanted a good explanation.
#69345820Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

Rae "Yeah. There has to be fire there though. I mean, I can't create it or anything like that. But I can make it grow or shrink, and my hands at least are flame resistant. I haven't tried the rest of myself though." I shrugged, then looked at Sonny. "Water or ice? Got to be one of those."