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#69525691Friday, June 08, 2012 7:57 PM GMT

You wake up in a dark room, You are in a chair, that's holding you down with bolts around your wrists and knees Figditing you hear a switch being turned on, after a bit of delay the room is illuminated with temporary lights, all of them pointing at you You can can see terminals, Computers, Medical Knifes, Medical Trays, Wires, Funnels, Basicly things that look like it's out of a twisted Science novel, Freaking out you start bashing around, trying to escape the chair that imprisons you, you hear a voice, a feminine voice "Stop trying, that's bonded 3 inches of metal, not even the hulk could break out of this.." A)Demand to know where you are B)Camly ask where you are C)Continue to freak out
#69525771Friday, June 08, 2012 7:58 PM GMT

#69527363Friday, June 08, 2012 8:17 PM GMT

"Where...Where! am I?" You ask, you voice echos out, you notice the room longer than you thought it was, but the darkness consumes outside your vision "Somewhere will not cops will find you" The voice says "Ma'm the Doors, they will close soon!" A diffrent voice, sound consideratbly old by the sound of it, The woman's voice grunts and you can hear a slap, then a body hiting the ground "Look, we don't have enough time You have a specal gene, We need, that gene, it can boost my troop's strength and speed, Sadly..." The sounds of footsteps grow louding and in you're directin You see a woman, Dressed in all black and fancy, She has black hair, and blue eyes, she has a small black purse, in any other occasion you can mistake her as a person who came back from a funereal "You are only one in 6 people in the world that has it" She said, Meer inches from you're face "The other 5 are important people that will be noticed if they are gone," She said walking back into the darkness "But not you, You aren't important at all, Not many friends, and fewer that care, you're family died in plane crashs and no SO," she said, turning around and pointing at you With a snap of her fingers (And some delay) you're chair turn a 180 degrees, The woman walks next to you, She is holding a liquid in a medical syringe She injects the strang liquid into you "This should knock you out..." She said Insted you feel a strangh rush of adrenaline You break out of the clutches of the metal chair A)Run! Just Run! B)Find a weapon and defend you're self
#69528115Friday, June 08, 2012 8:27 PM GMT

A+B Run, but if there's an available weapon, such as a chair, use it to fight a bit.

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