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#69525922Friday, June 08, 2012 7:59 PM GMT

(Warning: Word Wall-ish. Pass this to get a shorter version. Though I recommend you read the long part.) What you call the sky. What you call Heaven. All stupid guesses, from people who knew, who had much imagination, imagination is the key. The Sky Kingdom, where ghosts go, when they die, they can choose to watch they're decendants, or watch the Earth turn. Forever. Now it is full, the clouds you see, that seem to be people on horses, or people fighting, they are ones who try to escape, they failed, but the magical barrier keeping away the mad spirits, the ol.dest ones, We called them Levina, before we forgot about it, in about 2000 BC, where Humans started using technology to guide them. Fools. Now it is [Vote for date down there] The barrier is weak, spirits are corrupting children, those with imagination. Then they hit the parents, more spirits take them over, it goes on like this forever. Now Humanity is almost gone. Only 7,000 or so of us live, on the West Coasts of Europe, or the Eastern Coasts of Northern America. We cannot fight them, we refuse to kill children, and this is why we are losing. It all started one day. A child, A boy named James, he was one of the first to be corrupted, by a rainy, stormy night, he was wide awake. He was scared of the dark you see, I will explain this part soon, but let me continue. A spirit came down. "I am your true ancestor. Now join me, child!' It said, the Neighbours woke up, hearing multiple screams, but it all stopped. The next day, they were gone. But they only searched the house, nowhere else. And why are children afraid of the dark you ask? They have imagination, they are scared of dreaming, beacause sometimse, they dream and the cuts or hits he gets there, he wakes up with them, now, children are capable of teleporting to the Sky Kingdom, also in a major battle. The king of the realm, Amon Kova, one of the first people on earth that died. But of course, they also modernize in the Sky Realm, he isn't a fool as you might think. Anyways, he is the only one who can stop this. Of course, nothing in the world will always be free, he wants three children, with much imagination, or friends with alot of imagination, to sacrafice infront of his throne. Puny humans, you will never be capable! Turn now before you can't! Did I mention once you get to the Sky Kingdom, you can't get out? Well, only if a soul bans himself from the world, very painful and slow for us souls, for you, you may get out. As if we were ever goign to sacrafice, but I promise you will get friends, and enemies of course, along the way. Good Luck! ___________________________________________________________________________ Short Version: (Mixed up a little, I don't care.) Sky Kingdom is where dead people go, what you might call heavan, but not very fun for dead souls. Earth is in Havoc. Three or more children must go to the Sky World to stop the havoc. They must also sacrafice. To go to the sky realm, you must dream. ___________________________________________________________________________ (Sorry for typos. English is not my native language either.) ~[Rules]~ No trolling. You will die eventually, no godmodding. Your character is a child, (7 - 12) Romance at your own risk. Roblox Rules. I allow Elf, Shadows, Spirits etc. as races, but only elves and Humans may sacrafice for the king. ___________________________________________________________________________ .:Votes:. Date: (Has to be more than 1000 AD and Less than 2100.) With or with no magic?: (Will add Magic CS if this wins) .:Cs:. N(ame): A(ge): (7 - 12) G(ender): Race: Imagination?: (Yes or does your [Imaginary] friend have some?) Items: Personality: Appearance: Bio/Family (Opt.): Place in World: (West Europe or East Northern America) Others: .:Magic Sheet:. Magic Level: (1 = Humans, 2 = Elves, 3 - 5 = Others) Magic Type: Imagination Powers: (Powers when dreaming, if your character is young and has alot of Imagination, he may use powers in the day. Rarely though.) (I may have forgotten something in the CS, if I did, please add it to "Others" in your CS and tell me what I forgot.)
#69526053Friday, June 08, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

Do not post the Magic sheet yet. Wait for the vote to be over. (I decide when its over.)
#69526630Friday, June 08, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

(I knooooww you from somewhere.) (I totally have a CS idea if the "Race" field is as lenient as I think it is.)
#69526936Friday, June 08, 2012 8:12 PM GMT

Ikr. And seriously, Idc about whatever you put in race. If its invented, you have to tell us what it is, what it looks like, etc.
#69527157Friday, June 08, 2012 8:14 PM GMT

(Oho, I can do that. I'll try to condense the descriptions, though. If I don't, this kind of thing takes me like an hour to finish and by then I've typically lost interest.)
#69528825Friday, June 08, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

Same here :P Bump. Floodcheck x1
#69529253Friday, June 08, 2012 8:43 PM GMT

(Bam) N(ame): Kyle Lavitz A(ge): 9 G(ender): Male Race: Lupan - supposed humanoid descendant of wolves. Their skin is covered in coarse fur, and their faces narrow down to a wolfish muzzle with sharp teeth, two perked, triangular ears atop their heads. A canine tail swings behind them. Natural claws tip their fingers and toes. Imagination?: Yes Items: Bag-O'-Tricks (contains any number of Kyle's TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION [read: stuff for pranks and practical jokes]), a small black notebook with "Journal of DOOM" written on the cover and skulls sketched all over it, a slingshot Personality: Brave, but mean-spirited. Somewhat of a narcissist. Appearance: Fur is a solid shade of smoky gray. Eyes are bluish-green. Wears a dirty black hoodie that's just a little too big for him with a small, white skull design drawn on the chest and angry yellow eyes drawn on the hood. Wears a pair of just slightly oversized children's jeans and a pair of faded and worn sneakers with more skull designs sketched on them. Wears a (plastic) wolf skull on his head. Bio/Family (Opt.): He couldn't place why, but Kyle always found himself rooting for the bad guy in every book he read and every TV show he watched (he couldn't be bothered with stories with no antagonist). There was something about evil he liked, and he would always get all worked up and upset when the good guy eventually won like they always do. Soon enough, all the new media got to him, and like a weird reverse Don Quixote sort of deal, he portrayed himself to the world as "the most dastardliest supervillain in the UNIVERSE!" He hasn't managed much past emptying the cookie jar behind his parents' backs and exploding dad's breakfast burrito by using his evil influence upon the microwave (setting the timer too long), but he's a determined soul, and no amount of groundings or time-outs will stop his vengeance upon all that is good! Place in World: East coast N. America (I want to say Europe, but I haven't been there yet) Others: Actually helped stop a bank robbery by pretending he was one of the robbers, confusing them long enough for police forces to arrest them.
#69530675Friday, June 08, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

Oke Accepted. Im multitaskign right now...So yea :/
#69531534Friday, June 08, 2012 9:13 PM GMT

.:Cs:. N(ame):Drake Underwood A(ge): 12 G(ender):M Race:Human Imagination?: (Yes Items:Ipod, phone, laptop always with him in a laptop bag, pens. and a notebook Personality:Kind to all but can be easily ticked off, cant take when is wrong. can take what is dished out. Appearance: Strong for a 12 yr old, wears a black hoddie with a skull on the back of it, black jeans wihich have red streaks down the side of it. Black jordans with a red trimming which have gum marks under left shoe. black longish hair Bio/Family: (opt.) Yea..... no Place in World: North america Others:Doesnt allow anyone to touch notebook
#69531670Friday, June 08, 2012 9:15 PM GMT

(I'm not really multitasking, I just can't minimize Roblox without forgetting about it for like half an hour)
#69531870Friday, June 08, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

(Okay, Roblox died on me for a second there, but I'm back now)
#69532260Friday, June 08, 2012 9:24 PM GMT

(im multitasking)
#69532652Friday, June 08, 2012 9:30 PM GMT

Accepted (And remember, we're only Kids/Pre-Teens. We're scared of lots of things. :P)
#69532816Friday, June 08, 2012 9:32 PM GMT

(Kyle gets a bit braver when he has his "angry-eye" hood up. This is mainly because he puts it up over his actual eyes.)
#69532977Friday, June 08, 2012 9:34 PM GMT

(got it, can we start now? if yes heres my entry) Drake I laid in the grass staring at the sky, trying to make out shapes from the clouds. I reached into my laptop bag and pulled out my notebook and a pen, i started to draw a cloud that looked like a ice cream cone.
#69533678Friday, June 08, 2012 9:45 PM GMT

Kyle jumped about under some trees, snatching leafy branches and piling them up next to a small shovel he'd left on the ground nearby.
#69533940Friday, June 08, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

Drake I stop drawing for a sec and look up, i hear rustling nearby in the woods. I advance slowly, scared to death i took off my pen cap and held it like it was a knife. "Wh-Wh-Whos out there!?" i yelled
#69534468Friday, June 08, 2012 9:57 PM GMT

"Hn?" Kyle threw the branches in his hand down onto the ground and took out his slingshot, setting a nearby pebble in the sling. "Begone, do-gooder!" he called back into the woods. "My evil scheme isn't ready for your stupid heroic face to fall for yet!"
#69535118Friday, June 08, 2012 10:06 PM GMT

(I don't have much time, So I won't post my CS. But I will post this) Zachary~ (The name I chose :P) I watched two people play around, from my house, I was safe, I already lived here. But many others didn't. I decided to go up to them. "Hello, What are you doing?" I asked, I was the youngest one I think, only 7, but I was one of the smartest in my class!
#69536928Friday, June 08, 2012 10:35 PM GMT

Drake "Do-Gooder?" i mumbled to myself, I was relived that there wasnt a monster or whatever but i was ticked off that he called me a do-gooder. I picked up a brand and threw it towards him, it hit a pile of other branches spreading them out. "DO GOODER MY BUTT!" i yelled
#69537685Friday, June 08, 2012 10:46 PM GMT

(Aww, I can't go very far without the OP along, but I'll carry on a bit longer) Kyle's ears perked. "Hey... Are you a bad guy too?" he asked his invisible adversary-slash-possible friend.
#69537824Friday, June 08, 2012 10:48 PM GMT

Drake "possibly,Why?" i stepped closer to the voice
#69538831Friday, June 08, 2012 11:03 PM GMT

Kyle growled and pounced out of the trees into Drake's field of view. "I am XAV-WAAH" - his dramatic entrance had been interrupted when his hoodie caught on a stray branch, yanking him onto his back. He stood up and dusted himself off, cursing the "stupid heroes" ruining his intros. "I am XAVIER THE EVIL, sworn to defeat the legions of good guys to avenge the death of my great grandpa at the hands of a stupid hero! Who are you, whelp?" He'd done his best to project his voice in a deep, gravelly, menacing tone, succeeding to the point an imaginative nine-year-old could manage.
#69539243Friday, June 08, 2012 11:08 PM GMT

Drake I step closer to the boy, i had to look down to see his eyes."HAHAHAHA YOUR KIDDING RIGHT HAHAHA! DUDE UR LIKE 8 IM 12!" i started to burst into tear of laughter. i sighed in ending of my laugh "i'm Drake"
#69539979Friday, June 08, 2012 11:19 PM GMT

"Hey! I'm not 8!" Kyle spat. "I'm 9..." he grumbled, tail flicking irritably. "So are you evil, too? I mean-" he cleared his throat and repeated in a more 'menacing' voice, "Are you evil like me?"

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