#99453636Friday, May 31, 2013 1:54 AM GMT

-Jason- I didn't find any information on the beast. "Dang it!"
#99454299Friday, May 31, 2013 1:59 AM GMT

Ace: "We better get to work if we don't want them to beat us." I told myself as I went to the laboratory. "How is that new armor coming?" "Like I said before, I cannot tell you any information until it is finished." The scientist replied as he vigorously worked with the others. I went back to the castle, and raised more defenses over the next day. I looked outside, and I saw the orange sphere of light out in the distance, protecting the planet. I walked to my throne, and pulled out the remote that controlled the new defense system besides the shield.
#99468238Friday, May 31, 2013 4:32 AM GMT

In the void, HARI updates herself on the events that have been happening while she was asleep. In the void, years go by, as seconds do in the real world.
#99506095Friday, May 31, 2013 5:20 PM GMT

-Jason- I teleport out of my office and into the science lab.
#99512678Friday, May 31, 2013 6:39 PM GMT

(Oh good, zombies. What next? Zombie ships from SPAZ(Space Pirates And Zombies)?) As Bastion's ship's arrive at Vex, Bastion gets a transmission from the lead Scientist. Lead Scientist:"Bastion, where were you? We were having some trouble trying to prevent riots ever since you where absent." Bastion-R3:"Sorry about that, I was Exploring a Space Station. I'll tell you what happened later." Bastion's ships is landing in the space station, The Baron.
#99527077Friday, May 31, 2013 8:43 PM GMT

-Jason- I begin inputting a security system into the armor. Now the suit scans to see if the wearer has my bio readings.
#99532311Friday, May 31, 2013 9:28 PM GMT

(Can I work for someone else?) Name: Marcus Allenger A.ge: 40 Species: Human Weapons: AR 42 with thermal sight and sawed off 1948 Shotgun Items: Hologram tablet, AI robot Description: Soldier for (Anyone's empire?) Raised in New London Personallity: Nice to you until you make him mad. Morality: Usually good but can be angered easily
#99533674Friday, May 31, 2013 9:39 PM GMT

(Your Character can DEFINITELY work for me.
#99533767Friday, May 31, 2013 9:39 PM GMT

(Okay. Do I have to be accepted? Can you give me background on all of your info?)
#99533853Friday, May 31, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

(You can CERTAINLY work for me).
#99534051Friday, May 31, 2013 9:41 PM GMT

(Yeah, you should make a Human Empire, and then Zabuza can accept you.)
#99534103Friday, May 31, 2013 9:42 PM GMT

(Then you could ally with all of our empires.)
#99535801Friday, May 31, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

(Yes, Caubble, here is The History of the Draconi Empire ever since page 1: The planet Aeronus was formed 130,000,000,000 years ago. Prehistoric Dragons were the only species on the planet, but DNA that could form intelligent life came on to the planet, and killed off most of the dragons. The dragon DNA combined with the new DNA to form Draconi. The Draconi soon formed a primitive empire, with the help of the Aeorun, a legendary species that is immensely powerful. A Strong Enemy then appeared from the future, and the Aeorun faded from existence. The Draconi then went through a time of testing out leaders. The Early Draconi Empire was a Dictatorship and was constantly attacked. Then, the Alpha Dynasty rose to power. It brought the Draconi Empire out of the rubble and into power. They soon defeated all of their enemies, and lived peacefully for 1000 years. Then, Alpha 6 (My Character) came into power. Early into his career, the Sigmaterians were discovered, when the Sigmaterians destroyed an empire similar to the Draconi. The Defense Capabilities of the Draconi Soared as The Sigmaterians closed in on Aeronus. The war reached its turning point as the Sigmaterians launched a Zerg Virus onto the planet, making Aeronus unable to support life. The entire Draconi race Evacuated onto a Massive Dreadnaught, and escaped to a New Planet similar to Aeronus called Dynamus. Reconstruction came and the Defense improved again, this time more tremendously. A Powerful evil loomed over the universe then as Alpha 6 formed an elite squad of soldiers called the DRG. The Sigmaterians as well as their ally stole the elite force, and forced Alpha 6 into letting the enemy multiply the soldiers. Alpha 6 then remained away from the distant battle as they improved their defenses more. The war then was over with the evil, and the Sigmaterians were angry that the Draconi didn't help. The Sigmaterians and the Draconi then prepared for war with each other. In the most recent post, one of the Sigmaterians captured a Draconi for research.)
#99566200Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

(Caubble is accepted, and as much as I care, if you want to be a mercenary for hire go for it as long as you can find somebody that will take you. Also Dark, we captured an entire ship full of Draconi civilians.)
#99566545Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

(??? When?? What Page?)
#99571424Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:20 AM GMT

(Page 55) The Sigmaterian scientists manage to artificially recreate the atmospheric conditions of Dynamus along with the cloud-like surface the Draconi walk upon. With this great breakthrough for the project they begin taking captured Draconi test subjects and seeing exactly how they walk upon this surface.
#99572204Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:27 AM GMT

The Captured Draconi then take their claws, and slash it into their chest, thereby killing them.
#99572917Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:33 AM GMT

Funny thing about that, do you think we are idiots and are just going to let them have claws or anything of the sort to harm themselves or Sigma personal? They were De-clawed from the start along with their fangs being laser trimmed down to stubs. If they stop breathing they will simple be put on oxygen support or whatever they breath. If they throw themselves at the wall they will be put in a padded room. Seeing a pattern here? Many of them have already been horribly experimented on and have far past given up hope. Seven of them are experiment free and the stable-test group for what we need.
#99574653Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:49 AM GMT

(Wait, you should've said that before, instead of stating that after it happened...)
#99576153Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:02 AM GMT

(I thought it would have been one of those "duh" bits of information.)
#99576466Saturday, June 01, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

(Oh, yeah. lol. I just wanted to have some suspense and not just Sigma gets whatever they want. :p The Sigma are really cool villains btw. :D)
#99586275Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:11 AM GMT

Captured Draconi Subject #4, Experiment 0093: Bottom of a room filled with powerful acid, proved capable of hurting and killing Draconi in earlier experiments. Above acid room was filled with artificial cloud-like surface Draconi hover on. Subject refused to cooperate at first until it's freedom was promised to it after the "harmless" experiment. Subject was brought into the room and when it noticed the acid it immediately tried to dash to the door, door was already sealed. Subject was then not provided any form of food, water, or rest. For 52 hours subject hovered over the cloud-like surface begging, pleading, and complaining when the experiment would be over and it could have it's freedom. Subject was ignored, being closely studied for any change. At exactly 52 hour, 31 minutes, and 17 seconds subject drifted off to sleep and began to fall through the cloud-like surface into the acid, subject immediately shrieked in pain and started hovering again. Subject lost one foot and for the rest of the experiment was in complete agony. Subject then tried to escape banging on the door and walls, both were 24in thick titanium in-forced. Subject then started shouting threats and pleads to stop the experiment. Most notable Subject claimed, "Ace will come, Ace will save us from this, Ace will kill you all." After words subject stopped talking realizing there was no hope. At 72 hours, 9 minutes, and 57 seconds subject lost the strength to keep itself hovering and plummeted into the acid. With horrible sounds of agony and terror ended abruptly the experiment was over. Beyond useful information is coming from these experiments Emperor Zabuza, but it is certain we will need more test subjects to continue the experiments. The Facility is big enough to hold such Subjects, we just need you to obtain more. ~Head Scientist Xerar
#99588312Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:51 AM GMT

Emperor Zabuza reads over the daily report, deciding how to capture more Draconi Subjects. He begins planning out a way to get a massive amount of subjects.
#99588714Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:58 AM GMT

An unknown vessel emerges from the void. It lands in the active solar system and stays in orbit, near the Sigmaterian Capital Planet.
#99612762Saturday, June 01, 2013 2:34 PM GMT

The ships land in The Baron, hanger 3. Mega Computer:"Ship's constructed, the lead scientist has also upgraded your armor while you where away. Please enter upgrade module 1 to receive upgrade." Bastion heads to Upgrade Module 1, which is above the engine control room.