#14201092Sunday, September 13, 2009 6:43 PM GMT

Zigos:*was faking* im not useless...i control balance *flies after zokarnus* *out of atmosphere runs out of energy and plummets into a volcano making it erupt and lava hits the ground and the atmosphere is pretty cold this time of year so the lava hardens quickly after touching the ground and makes kind of a platform in one area which zigos gets out of volcano completely encased in lava but still has enough energy to fly over to the platform but as the temerature drops the lava harden and zigos turns into a rock shape of zigos and hits the platform with a crash) Zigos:*struggles* *sleeps*
#14204454Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:44 PM GMT

Firelight:Struggling to hold up his head, so weak Neglected newborn :(
#14204986Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:54 PM GMT

Zokarnus:*flies back to the resting planet* Zigos is gone! Drothus:He probably followed us Zokarnus:*flies back to planet* Drothus:*flies after zokarnus* Both:*searches planet* Zokarnus:Nothing he didnt make it here Drothus:Hes dead Zokarnus:Trapped in space forever Drothus:Beat out and without enough energy even to get to a planet to rest Drothus:Whats that *points at statue* Zokarnus:Looks like Zigos Drothus:Maybe before we were controllers he visited here and the people made a statue of him Zokarnus:Maybe
#14205516Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:03 PM GMT

MistyPelt:*takes care of firelight* MoonStar:*looks out into desert* We now live in a place of part forest and part desert and part lake.... LittleMoon:Yea DarkPaw:*hunts and catches a meercat* .... wat is this? *puts in camps food pile* IcePaw:*training* RockPaw:*training* (far far far out in the desert) DreadStar:No water for days.... Lord Blood:Dont think about it and youll be ok.... DreadStar:fine.... Lord Blood:*digs a huge underground base* DreadStar:*helps* (5 hours later) Lord Blood:We are done!! *digs a huge underground stream* DreadStar:Water!!!!!! *drinks* Lord Blood:*drinks* Name:Clouden Animal:Kamodo dragon Clan:GigaClan Rank:Warrior Gender:Male Power:7000 (5 minutes later) Clouden:*enters underground tunnels* .... Hello!! Master Lord Blood.... DreadStar:Who is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord Blood:He is one of GigaClans warriors that lived on this planet it seems.... Clouden:Yes indeed master i am.... *drinks* Lord Blood:GigaClan shall grow back into its large numbers once again!!!!!!! (10 minutes later) InfintyEvil:What!!!!!!!!!!!! Diango didnt have the power orb with him? that was why he was so weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#14205519Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:03 PM GMT

Firelight Crawls across the floor, looking for sustenance.
#14207823Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:38 PM GMT

Zokarnus:*goes to town and sees firelight sick in nursery*Firelight his time is close but i will change it *goes up to firelight* Hey kid your parents i can tell arent around you wanna become my apprentice free food and water and maybe even immortality *gives bread* even if you say no im giving you a longer life than a few hours 5 extra years added even if you dont become my apprenctice so deal you become a controllers helper?
#14214651Sunday, September 13, 2009 10:50 PM GMT

Firelight weakly nods his head (hasnt learnt to speak yet)
#14217304Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:34 PM GMT

#14219085Monday, September 14, 2009 12:02 AM GMT

Xira:*flys off into space* .... *lands on a moon* *turns into a pink wolf* hmm.... i like this form ill keep it! MoonStar:We have enemys coming!! 1000 Tusken Raiders:*charging with machine guns* 500 Tusken Snipers:*on mountains shooting at twighlight clan* DarkPaw:*fights* IcePaw:*fights* RockPaw:*fights* MoonStar:*fights* LittleMoon:*fights* Xira:*looking down from moon* hmmm.... could this be the legendary moon family? MoonStar, LittleMoon, WiseMoon, HealMoon, FlameMoon and 50,000 more....
#14219233Monday, September 14, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

All of my characters:*Fights*
#14234583Monday, September 14, 2009 5:22 PM GMT

Firelight Watches silently, nibbling on the bread.
#14235506Monday, September 14, 2009 6:34 PM GMT

Zokarnus:*joins fight but right when he touches a warrior they die so he has a real advantage*
#14235531Monday, September 14, 2009 6:35 PM GMT

Firelight wishes he could join the fight, but hasnt even learnt to speak. Firelight finishes the bread and yaps at Zokarnus for more
#14235816Monday, September 14, 2009 6:49 PM GMT

Zokarnus*after taking out a few returns to firelight*Firelight i need to take care of something so i will be back *leaves and heads towards shadowclan base* ShadowStar:Welcome zokarnus Zokarnus:You have defied the rules of death Zigos almost died bringing these zombies back to life but i dont care they should have already all died so im sorry to have to do this but im ending all of their lives ShadowStar:No!Wait! Zokarnus:What! ShadowStar:Don't kill them! Zokarnus:Starclan told me that its very nice wherever they are ShadowStar:Fine...i guess its time we joined the large group of starclan once and for all... Zokarnus:Ok im casting the spell *starts to wave his fingers* ShadowStar:*blasts him with a shadowball and pts his claws to zokarnuses neck*you think id let them go without a fight Zokarnus:Silly shadowStar they arent who im after *touches shadowstars shoulder* ShadowStar:a trick...well played zokarnus*dies* Zokarnus:*finishes casting spell and all zombies fade away*ShadowClan is officially dead! Lilclaw:Zokarnus! Lilfang:How could you! LilTail:We tout u was nice! Zokarnus:huh? why arent you gone!? Lilclaw:We survived the mountain crash Lilfang:Yeah! Zokarnus:Sorry kids but its my job
#14235833Monday, September 14, 2009 6:50 PM GMT

Firelight lowers his head forlornly.
#14235857Monday, September 14, 2009 6:51 PM GMT

Zokarnus:*runs up to firelight* more bread im guessing hmm...come with me kid *goes into his house with a fridge stocked with food and shelves filled with it* eat up since im a controller i dont need any of this
#14235898Monday, September 14, 2009 6:52 PM GMT

*after 5 minutes firelight barely made a dent in the fridge but hes so full hes chubby now*
#14235925Monday, September 14, 2009 6:54 PM GMT

Drothus:*walks up to lilclaw and the others* why so sad kids? Lilclaw:Zokarnus killed our daddy cuz he broke the laws of death Lilfang:And wiped out all the others because he used the spell on him Drothus:Kids im sorry but its his job do you want to work for me for a little lilclaw your the oldest Lilclaw:Ok but what about my brothers! Drothus:Well they can stay at my place until you become old enough to take care of them on your own Lilclaw:Ok! LilFang:Ok! Liltail:okey dokey!
#14235945Monday, September 14, 2009 6:55 PM GMT

Firelight is on the floor breathing heavily
#14236049Monday, September 14, 2009 7:00 PM GMT

Zokarnus:Whoa your a fast eater and a controllers assistant needs to be in shape so maybe *magically makes firelights stomach a bottomless pit* *and decreases weight to the average weight of a wolf his age* We need to get you suited in some armour hmm... maybe my armour in a size 1 *magically makes the armour on firelight* perfect fit! now for a weapon *turns tail armour into a sword and claw armour into daggers* there! now you can fight all you want and are pretty much completely safe except for one weak spot the hips so you can go out and fight for excersice if you want oh and aboutthe speaking thing youll have to wait to learn that
#14236079Monday, September 14, 2009 7:01 PM GMT

Firelight looks at his armor, grins, and runs outside, running around the woods yapping and exercising.
#14236233Monday, September 14, 2009 7:09 PM GMT

Zokarnus:heh heh by 13 he'll be a warrior of death and by 18 he'll be a minor controller of death and by 30 he will be a controller of destruction
#14236333Monday, September 14, 2009 7:13 PM GMT

Firelight is getting lean and minorly muscled-
#14236828Monday, September 14, 2009 7:34 PM GMT

Drothus:*teaching lilclaw the ways of peace* *fits peaceful armour on lilclaw* Lilclaw:So peace can sometimes come with violence Drothus:Yup thats why your armour can deflect bullets lasers swords and everything else and has a sword tail Lilclaw:ok but my uncle found a bunch of visors can i hook them up Drothus:Sure Lilcalw:*hooks up visors*
#14237777Monday, September 14, 2009 8:03 PM GMT

Firelight is as thin as a whip and pretty strong.