#69790967Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:17 AM GMT

1. >match fixing >not relevant ... >source is an NBA ref >making it sound like it's just some homeless guy .... >texan educatoin and why would ESPN reveal these allegations? how much money do they make off of NBA on TV? 2. no, not really. it wasn't even the big point when the raiders played the patriots this year. and unlike the NBA playoffs, NFL officiating isn't a big deal every playoff
#69791242Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:22 AM GMT

@tato There is no evidence that is was fixed. >1 ref >Countless NBA refs yea there sure were alot of refs coming out. It was just some butthurt ref that was mad because David Stern fired him probably and btw, refs are humans, they make mistakes, every game isn't going to be clean. and most of the fouls they call are actually fouls. *education Don't criticize and stereotype someone when you can't even spell 'education' right. Well then why hasn't other sources such as FOX, or ABC, or NBC reported it?
#69791562Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:27 AM GMT

and it is impossible to have everyone in on a fix like this. Do those players look like they are fixing the game?
#69792004Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

there is evidence. you're just ignoring it let's imagine this is 15 years ago >1 jose canseco taking steroids >coutless baseball players god, clearly no baseball player is taking steroids, it's just canseco and no, these are obvious fouls to give another team an advantage >typo >lol u have bad spelling!!!! ur dumb!!! ignore all my logical fallacies!!!!!! 1. ABC airs NBA too 2. one of the links i provided was from fox and this isn't just about these playoffs, it's happened before
#69792440Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:41 AM GMT

@tato but that is totally different. That has been investigated and found true. Has this been found true? No. Will it? No. and baseball is irrelevant to basketball. Again, because refs are human, they make mistake ffs. They aren't perfect. 1. *claps* good job 1/3. and yet 0/3 of those have reported it 2. No it was whdh. CBS(which i found an article from CBS saying the NBA isn't rigged). Deadspin. and i find it hilarious you used 3 links to show the same story. Get it through your retarded ass mind that refs aren't perfect. They make mistakes. If it was so obvious people would be focusing more on the calls and specific calls. And the "the refs were giving the other team the calls" is the excuse for all sports. Not just the NBA.
#69792494Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:42 AM GMT

and WHDH is local news.
#69793974Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:08 AM GMT

it will be found true. people denied it for baseball. people deny it for soccer, but it will happen. i will laugh at you when the hammer falls. "Again, because refs are human, they make mistake ffs. They aren't perfect." there's making a bad call, and intentionally making a bad call "1. *claps* good job 1/3. and yet 0/3 of those have reported it" 1/3 has a vested interest in keeping the NBA's reputation intact 2/3 did report it "2. No it was whdh." an NBC affiliate "CBS(which i found an article from CBS saying the NBA isn't rigged)." which is an opinion article probably "Deadspin." more legitimate news source than any of the big ones "and i find it hilarious you used 3 links to show the same story." okay retard first you asked me if i would believe someone's word if they had no evidence this is someone's word, backed by evidence "Get it through your retarded [butt] mind that refs aren't perfect. They make mistakes. If it was so obvious people would be focusing more on the calls and specific calls." they do focus on specific calls "And the "the refs were giving the other team the calls" is the excuse for all sports. Not just the NBA." but it's more predominant and the smell of it lingers more in the NBA. people are still talking about the officiating in the boston-miami series
#69794280Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

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#69844784Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:14 PM GMT

@scar rofl you seriously think the NBA is rigged? Has it ever dawned on yall that the reason why Miami and OKC are in the Finals because they are the top 2 teams in the NBA by far? Both of them have star power. When the top 2 teams in the NBA meet in the Finals of course there is going to be a lot of storylines. @tato ignorance is bliss. meaning you shouldn't talk about something that you never watch or have knowledge about (the NBA). I know you don't watch it. If you did you would have a favorite team. Which you don't.
#69844919Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:17 PM GMT

and tato, when do you know the call is intentional and uninintional. you are mixing up NBA stars getting better protection with rigging.
#69844981Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

If the NBA was rigged LeBron would have 6 rings by now but guess what he does not. If it was rigged why would Lebron even play basket ball in the NBA. If it was rigged why would anyone who joins a team to play for championships play in the NBA. Seriously, Give me a good enticing reason the NBA is rigged
#69845346Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:24 PM GMT

#69846204Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

and tato, Deadspin doesn't have insiders. It just reports what it finds from other news sites. Usually gossip sites.
#69854180Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:27 AM GMT

"ignorance is bliss. meaning you shouldn't talk about something that you never watch or have knowledge about (the NBA)." that's not what the quote means retard. the quote means that the more you don't know, the happier you are. and you always seem like a happy person "I know you don't watch it. If you did you would have a favorite team. Which you don't." the toronto craptors "and tato, when do you know the call is intentional and uninintional. you are mixing up NBA stars getting better protection with rigging." 1. that is rigging the game. the NBA should call fouls equally on all players, and not just the stars, which the NBA knows the fans love 2. when a professional referee is equally as good as the referee in a peewee basketball game, you can tell "If the NBA was rigged LeBron would have 6 rings by now but guess what he does not. If it was rigged why would Lebron even play basket ball in the NBA. If it was rigged why would anyone who joins a team to play for championships play in the NBA. Seriously, Give me a good enticing reason the NBA is rigged" >implying the players know that there is a rig and lebron played for the cavs, who are one of the smallest basketball markets in america. to have the cavs win wouldn't bring the NBA a lot of money. now to have the lakers or the celtics win again, hohohoho "and tato, Deadspin doesn't have insiders. It just reports what it finds from other news sites. Usually gossip sites." okay retard please tell me which site originally reported brett favre's texting scandal
#69854538Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

@tato 1. They do but who would you be more concerned with losing if you were a Heat fan, LeBron James or Udonis Haslem? Exactly. The NBA cares about its star power. If you are a star the ref will show favoritism toward you. Same goes with all leagues, such as the NFL, where the QB is getting more protection, are you gonna call the NFL rigged now? 2. I haven't seen one professional ref that is as bad as a peewee basketball ref yet. 3. A blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
#69855112Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:39 AM GMT

1. so you openly admit that the NBA rigs the game so that stars are protected, giving them more money, because no one cares if there are no stars lol and your NFL argument is invalid. if it's true, then mike vick wouldn't get injured every year. peyton manning would still have been playing last season. tony romo, aaron rodgers, brett favre, matt stafford and all the other QB's in 2010 wouldn't have been injured. tom brady wouldn't have been injured in 2008. 2. then how come fouls are being called even though players aren't being touched 3. well then deadspin must be extremelly lucky, considering that they break one of those golden stories often
#69855277Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:41 AM GMT

and muffin, if you didn't become a mavericks fan last year you would know about the terrible officiating in game 5 in the 2006 finals
#69855903Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:48 AM GMT

@tato 1. and you are friggen retarded. QBs do get sacked. It happens. Injuries happen. The NFL can't 100% protect that. The NFL offers the same protection to their QBs as the NBA does to their stars. 2. Because the players flop ffs 3. 1 story they broke. 1. That isn't very impressive. and yes, I know about the terrible officiating. You get games like that and did you seriously just imply that without any evidence? Nice fail assumption. You need to quit friggen assuming stuff that your retarded ass mind can't prove. thank you. have a good day. and just so you know, I have been a Mavs' fan since the days of the Big 3 of Dirk, Nash, and Finley
#69856369Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:53 AM GMT

and why the hell can't you accept the idea that the Thunder and Heat are meeting in the Finals because they are the 2 best teams in the NBA. People were picking them to meet in the Finals before the postseason started ffs.
#69856460Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

1. no, they don't. your post said they are protected by refs. they clearly aren't if they keep getting hurt. 2. how are you supposed to flop if you aren't even touched? do you just fall down? maybe these professional refs are on par with the peewee refs, or maybe you just contradicted yourself again 3. they've broken many more. you just live under that ignorance is bliss blanket >You get games like that and did you seriously just imply that without any evidence? BHAHAHAHHAHA AHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAA HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA >MUFFIN >RETARDED >CAN'T PASS ENGLISH CLASS >GETTING EXTREMELLY MAD AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA
#69856972Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

1. What can the refs do about QBs getting hit? They can't block the linemen. All they can do is discourage it. 2. That is exactly what NBA players do. >player flopping >tato critisizes ref for the player flopping Yea that makes sence 3. Like what? And you are retarded. Let me break it down for you. (in reference to the 2006 Game 5) You get some games like that where the refs flat out suck. Just like in all leagues. And did you just accuse me of being a Mav's fan since last year without any evidence? and just so you know, I have been a fan of the Mavs since the Nowitzki-Nash-Finley Big Three.
#69857038Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

and also, I passed english class with a 90, I just don't use all my intelligence when it is not needed, such as right now.
#69857481Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

#69857838Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:11 AM GMT

1. they don't discourage it you goof. they don't throw flags on every sack. they let the players play. if they break a rule, then they break a rule 2. the players cannot be flopping that much that it constitutes an opposite problem. fans on every team are complaining about the refs, not about the flopping. and if NBA refs call flops, then the NBA has some terrible refs. let's call up a peewee ref right now 3. when one player on the heat has an equal amount of free throws as the entire other team, that is not poor officiating. it's also happened on other occasions and yes, i did accuse you of that http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=39214101 your earliest post about the mavs, and you don't even bother to put them first on the list, tsk tsk
#69857945Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:12 AM GMT

>berates me for making a typo >says that it's okay for him to not use intelligence goof