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#69844092Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:03 PM GMT

In 1944, the Germans were able to mysteriously obtain nuclear technology, they did not hesitate to use it on the Americans. The Americans responded by pushing their fledging nuclear program to the limits to complete an atomic bomb and drop it on Berlin, and nuclear war insued. By 1952 Britain, France, Italy, and Russia, were anhilated, along with every other nation. The United States and Germany stood alone. The war continued and decimated both sides until, on June 27, 1957, the Second World War ended with Germany and America merging into the first global government, known as, The Order. Fast foward to 2019, Technology has advanced greatly and humans are now able to travel at the speed of light. Weapons technology, however, has remained the same since World War 2 as weapons are no longer used. A ship capable of travelling at twice the speed of light is launched, dubbed "The Tragedy" it is sent on a mission to be the first crew to land on a planet capable of sustaining life, HL-259, or "Red Sands" is so named for the red atmosphere that swirls like sand. On July 13, 2021 all communication from Earth goes silent, but the crew if The Tragedy continues. They land on July 30 and set up all the supplies they have with them. They have yet to find any lifeforms capable of intelligent thought but, after 3 weeks with no communications and no supplies The Colony must face the facts. You must decide what to do. (This is the first Roleplay I've made so please give some comments!) -----Character Sheets----- Name: A.ge (18 or up): Loyalty (The Order or The Colony): Career: Skills: Bio: Inventory: ----------------------------- (You can have any reasonable job, farmer, miner, hunter, etc. If you don't know if any part of your CS is okay just post it and I will tell you what to fix)
#69844359Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:08 PM GMT

Name: Frin Logan A.ge (18 or up): 36 Loyalty (The Order or The Colony): The Colony Career: Leader Skills: Leadership, Rifles, Swords, Electronics/Mechanics Bio: TBR (Don't feel like making one up) Inventory: Karabiner 98 w/ bayonet and scope, crude iron sword, radio, Luger pistol.
#69844445Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

Why would you have a Kar98 and a Luger in 2019?
#69844506Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

(Read the top it says "military technology has not advanced because weapons are no longer used")
#69844576Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:11 PM GMT

(For a first RP,this is good. Futre technoligy but with World War 2 weapons. I havent seen a concept like this before. There IS a few plot holes,like,how would every other county get destroyed,why did they join up in the end,how did technoligy advance so much. But the overall concept of it is good.)
#69844730Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:13 PM GMT

(the countries were destroyed by the nuclear crossfire, I forgot to say hitlor died so they joined up, and the technological advance is revealed later :) why don't you join?)
#69844842Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

(For light speed to be achieved, there needs to be advancements in flight, and when there's advancements in technology, the military would very take advantage of it.)
#69844984Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

(The world is controlled by one government so there is no military. Just small police forces. Also the ability to get to light speed is explained later on join and see.)
#69845099Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

(The police forces would take advantage of it, too.)
#69845227Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:22 PM GMT

(But the weapons are not being advanced so there is nothing to take advantage of)
#69846065Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:36 PM GMT

This is not a bump
#69846125Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

(I enjoy the concept of this futuristic society void of weaponary advancements.) Name:Dietrich Sponheim Strahl A.ge (18 or up):28 Loyalty (The Order or The Colony):The Order Career: Biologist Ph.D. Skills:Experiance in Natural Sciences, Zoological experiance, and minor experiance in Humanities. Bio:N/A (I feel in the prefference this evening of revealing biographical information as the Roleplay progresses) Inventory: Lab equipment, Textbooks on a range of subject, Classical Literature (Tale of Two Cities, Shakespearian Plays, ect.).
#69846653Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

(Accepted, I like the whole scientist idea just keep it somewhat simple)
#69846936Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:49 PM GMT

(No worries, I won't go overboard on scientific technicalities. Prehapce my character could be sort of the missions science officer considering we're colonising a new unexplored planet capable of and sustaining current life?)
#69847198Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:53 PM GMT

(In the story the colony has lost contact with earth so we wont be going to other planets, but you can be part of the exploration of this planet)
#69847544Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:57 PM GMT

(I'm not talking about other planets, I mean this one that we're stranded on. Its technicaly new considering more than 95% of it has been charted and explored.)
#69847641Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

#69850099Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

(We need three or four more people to start)
#69851468Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:51 AM GMT

(Can I be a 'guard'? Or the security sent along, with a few guns?)
#69859816Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

(Yeah thats good)
#69860023Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:39 AM GMT

Name:Jack M. A.ge (18 or up):31 Loyalty (The Order or The Colony): Colony Career: Security Skills: Weapons, limited survival. Bio: (I suck at these, N/A?) Inventory: Colt M1911, Mosin Nagant, 6 clips for Colt, 60 shots for Mosin, MREs.
#69860137Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:41 AM GMT

(K we need a few mroe people to gather food. Dakota im assuming you can do some hunting maybe?"
#69860208Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:42 AM GMT

(Not a safe idea, unknown life forms, may be poisonous. Better to eat MREs.)
#69860605Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:47 AM GMT

(We don't have infinite food though. Everyday I'm going to make a stockpile report on what we have. If you wont hunt you can help farm.)
#69861856Wednesday, June 13, 2012 3:05 AM GMT

I'll hunt be I need our scientist to evaluate the animals I kill and make sure they are ok.

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