#70188056Monday, June 18, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

(I think some of them are on page 30 or so, one on this page, one on the last page..)
#70188065Monday, June 18, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

"More of these guys?Wait a minute..Colette I think I have an idea on what the heck is going on here."Rita said as she takes out her sword from the troll's head."This may sound crazy but...lets go into the forest Colette!"
#70188306Monday, June 18, 2012 2:16 AM GMT

@Grave "You're thinking what I'm thinking?" She says.
#70188425Monday, June 18, 2012 2:18 AM GMT

"Heck ya!Lets go!"Rita said and charged into the forest, decapitating any zombies that foolishly get in the way.
#70188552Monday, June 18, 2012 2:20 AM GMT

@Poke The now-swordsmen are almost at you.
#70188641Monday, June 18, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

@Grave "No, no!" She yells. She's right. You're getting rather tired, and you're not quite decapitating the zombies. Three converge on you, and get within reaching distance.
#70188899Monday, June 18, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

"Ah crud!"Rita curses herself for her carelessness on her condition and quickly kicks the middle zombie away,punches the right zombie but the left zombie grabs her and tries to bite her arm but her armor protects her..for now.She punches the zombie that bit her off."Do we have any more stamina potions left?"
#70189048Monday, June 18, 2012 2:26 AM GMT

@Grave "Clean out of them!" She yells. She shoots a zombie that's approaching you. "And also low on bolts!"
#70189355Monday, June 18, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

Rita curses their luck."Great just great.."Rita and Colette move through the forest at a slow pace. With Rita tired she cant decapitate them so easily now, she can only disable them or shove them aside."Man I hope we reach whoever is making these things so I can beat the crud out of them!"
#70189577Monday, June 18, 2012 2:33 AM GMT

@Grave "Wait! We have to get back!" She says. You're almost surrounded, without Colette's magic, no villagers to watch your back, and getting rather tired. "GET BACK TO THE VILLAGE. WE CAN DESTROY THE PORTAL IN THE MORNING!" She shrieks. A zombie falls out of a tree and lands on your back.
#70189793Monday, June 18, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

The impact makes Rita drop her sword."Get off me worm food!"Rita shouted and grabs a nearby rock and manages to smash its head in. She grabs her sword and rushes out of the forest with Colette."Retreat retreat!"She shouted to the villagers."Go back to the village!"
#70189806Monday, June 18, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

Character Sheet: Form 1: Physical: Name:Kato Lawson @ge:22 G3nder:Male Height/Weight/Build:6'4 weighs 228lbs, mostly muscle.A muscular build fit for battling the toughest of foes. Race:Half greater lycan half vampire(When I mean half lycan half vampire I meant the wings of a vampire and the speed and strength of a lycan, but if not accepted then just greater lycan) Appearance:A brown wolf that has dark blue eyes, he stands on his hind legs when fighting but runs on all fours when traveling.He has big black wings that give him the ability to fly(If I can be half lycan half vampire.) Warrior: Yes Magic: Yes Companion: No Form 2: Warrior: Weapon(s):His teeth and claws. Weapon Appearance:None Armor: A bulky iron chest plate with spikes on the side. Armor Appearance: (Optional) Fighting Style:Aggressive and ferocious Form 3: Magic: Specific Spells:He can shoot a red blast from his mouth, hands, or finger tips. His speed and strength increases the longer he battles. Enhanced senses-He can smell, hear, and see 10x better then a human. Specific Element/Focus:None Magic Type: Spoken Power Level: 8 Form 4: Bio: Location of Residence: In his families old house, but he fixed it up a bit and made it a little more fancier. Occupation: None Family: Moved to a different land or passed away, or at least he thinks that Affiliates: None Personality: He is aggressive and fierce when battling.He has a bad temper though, he kinda has learned to control it. When people go on his property he doesn't mind but if they get close then he will nicely say to get off his property, if you refuse, then your in big trouble.
#70190489Monday, June 18, 2012 2:47 AM GMT

Oh god, Coco. DO. NOT. ACCEPT.
#70190551Monday, June 18, 2012 2:48 AM GMT

(I kinda had to be rushed so not all that great)
#70190768Monday, June 18, 2012 2:51 AM GMT

@Coco Denied. Let me give you a list of what's wrong... And maybe how to fix it. Half Greater Lycan, Half Vampire -Greater Lycans and Vampires don't interbreed. -Vampires don't have wings. -For the effects/race you're looking for, I'd say Dragonling or Demonling. -Remember to change the appearance to match. Heavy Armor -Flying creatures generally don't wear heavy armor. It restricts flying abilities. -Lycans, as a general rule, don't wear much armor. -You can just scrap the armor idea or get light leather armor. Magic -Red blast is fine, as long as you don't make it overpowered. -Raised strength and speed is fine alone, but not with powerful spells, like the blasts. -Power Level should be much lower. Unless you're only a mage, you should limit to 5. -Lycans, in particular, have low magic levels, 0 normally, but 3 if you're really lucky. -Just get rid of the red blase, raised strength, or your strength and warrior powers. Bio -Put wanderer under occupation.
#70190835Monday, June 18, 2012 2:52 AM GMT

@Grave You rush back towards the village, and another zombie drops out of a tree.
#70190882Monday, June 18, 2012 2:52 AM GMT

@Nights (Are you going to post?)
#70190936Monday, June 18, 2012 2:53 AM GMT

(I have nothing to post. I only post when I have something to say.)
#70191107Monday, June 18, 2012 2:55 AM GMT

@Nights (Ok...) You've just bought your paints, and you're headed home. As you're walking, a man taps your shoulder. He's in an alleyway, and he's holding a knife.
#70191175Monday, June 18, 2012 2:56 AM GMT

Rita dodges the falling zombie this time."Nice try dead head!"
#70191249Monday, June 18, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

@Grave It gets up and lunges at you.
#70191269Monday, June 18, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

"Excuse me, sir? Is there something you need?" I say, turning around. A knife. Not good.
#70191340Monday, June 18, 2012 2:59 AM GMT

William I continue to charge
#70191405Monday, June 18, 2012 3:00 AM GMT

Rita sighs and slices at its head."Seriously this is staring to tick me off!"Rita, Colette and some of the villagers rush back in to the safety of the gate."C-Colette...status report..."Rita said out of breath.
#70191451Monday, June 18, 2012 3:00 AM GMT

@Nights He beckons you forward. "Excuse me, sir... But I'm rather low on money. Would you kindly like to give me a donation?" He says, rather Joker-like. He steps up to you, and gently starts pulling you into the alleyway.