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#69986740Friday, June 15, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

I'm hating how many people turn their comments off because of negative comments, advertising, or spam. The Comments should be a place where a person actually comments on their opinion about the item. I thought of this idea to help this problem. I don't intend to copy YouTube of this idea, it's a bit of a different idea anyway. ------------------------------------ There should be three different sections to the Comments. 'Liked' Section, 'Not Voted' Section, and 'Disliked' Section. We should be able to like or dislike comments. The Liked Section will have a list of comments that have been 'liked' or thumbs up'd. The Not Voted Section will have a list of comments that have not been thumbs up'd or been given a thumbs down at all. These are new comments or comments that no one has an opinion on such as liking the comment or not liking. The Disliked Section will be a list of comments that have been voted as mean, bad, negative, etc. Moderators should be recommended to look at an item's Disliked section and ban any of the players that break the rules of ROBLOX. This idea is to help Actual Comments to be shown and keep Spam, Advertising, etc. kept away while allowing players to look at new comments. These comments should be hidden under icons that are formed in rows. There are three icons. The one in the far left is the Liked Section, one in the far right is the Disliked Section, and the one in the middle is the Not Voted Section. When you click on one of the icons, the list of comments are shown. The icons should have a picture such as the Liked Section having a green Thumbs Up.
#69988821Friday, June 15, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

I don't want to budge in or anything I want pizza pllleeaassee
#69988980Friday, June 15, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

And how does this solve your issue of turned off comments? ~~ My mouse is bipolar. D: ~~
#69989064Friday, June 15, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

This would be used in unintended ways.
#70065648Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:45 AM GMT

My thread allows players to help keep off spam, advertising, etc. in one section, good and actual comments in another section, and new comments in a third section. It'll help players to actually be able to see comments about an item or a place.
#70067133Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:12 AM GMT

Good idea. If tix rewards for correct reports ever start, i will patroll the bad comment section.
#70067439Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:18 AM GMT

Its good. The only problem is: *Person 1 Makes Horrible Game* *Person 2 Points out it sucks* *Person 1's friends dislike Person 2's Comment* *Mod sees disliked comment* *Its a modbot, so person gets an auto ban* Derpa.
#70067535Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

Well I actually wanted it recommended for the Moderators to actually check the dislike section. It doesn't seem like a big deal anyway, having the negative comments in a whole different section.
#71725970Saturday, July 07, 2012 4:48 AM GMT

I'm gonna bump this and see if there's even a small chance a lot of people support this. It may be long, but I see so much spam in the comments of a lot of games and items. If you disagree, let me know why since this was a long thread and I hadn't taken that much time on it.

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