#71190009Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

"I will ask in the morning then," Milo said.
#71190353Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

(I'm joining.)
#71190526Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:16 AM GMT

"You can usually find out who did what at one of the various taverns."
#71192116Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

Name: Yurian Jerald @ge: 32 Race: Human (I guess.) Magic: Holy Weapons: A Long Steel Pike that is 8 Feet in Length. The Long, Steel Head is single-bladed, with a Straight Hook Protruding From the Top of the Shaft. Armor: He is equipped lightly-armored, wearing a Leather Lamellar Cuirass with shoulder straps, stopping just below the collar. His armor is kept above a Thick Plain Tunic, dyed Red. Other Gear: His other vestments include a pair of Dark Breeches and Brown Leather Boots. The boots are well broken in, worn, yet still sturdy. Caramel splashes of dried mud permanently litter the areas near the soles and ankles. A Dark-Green Hooded Cloak often lies open at his shoulders. Appearance: Yurian is a Caucasian Man, many years of labor and work giving his skin a leathery, tan look. He has distinctive Pale Grey Eyes, with a heavy-set jaw and a a Square-shaped Face. With a Long and Wide Nose and High-Cheekbones that lie close to the eyes, he stands with a tall, lanky build and a long gait. His Long, Rough Brown Hair looks almost confused, breaking and sticking at odd angles. He has developed a Full Beard that Slants down Towards his Collar. Bio: Yurian Jerald was a native of Olrik's Point, the son of a local leather-workers son. From his meager background, he learned to make shoes and boots, which he sells to compensate along with his job as one of the town's night watch. Theme music: None. Class: Watchman. Other: None. (I know nothing about D&D, but I'll try to learn whatever I can.)
#71192185Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

(Oops, sorry.) Group: Night Watch.
#71211034Sunday, July 01, 2012 5:10 AM GMT

#71270000Monday, July 02, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

"Right now, I'm taking my deputized position seriously," Milo replied, thinking that this was probably the first thing he took serious in a long time.
#71294239Monday, July 02, 2012 6:11 AM GMT

"I mean back in their adventuring days. I know a few of the people who live around here have been to lands far and wide, maybe one of them will be able to help you."
#71332201Monday, July 02, 2012 8:07 PM GMT

"Thank you," he said, already dreaming about the Underdark and the fame and riches it might bring him.
#71336761Monday, July 02, 2012 8:57 PM GMT

"Kareg may be able to help you as well. He's the sergeant in the Eastern Gatehouse. He used to adventure himself until he lost his right eye. Then he decided it was time to choose a less risky profession."
#71349230Monday, July 02, 2012 11:34 PM GMT

Yurian paced back and forth on his patrol route on the walls of the North-west gatehouse with his pike in tow, nothing he could distinguish out in the reaches of the night. At steady intervals along his circuit he turned his head to inspect the darkness beyond the walls, shivering and wrapping his cloak tight around him as cold gales harassed the parapet.
#71366870Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

"Where does this Kareg reside?"
#71367437Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:23 AM GMT

Suddenly, Yurian heard the snapping of underbrush in the midst of a breeze. He doubled around, stooping over the logged wall, squinting in futile ability to distinguish something in the night. "Who goes there?" He bellowed warily while instinctively raising his pike. He did not hear anymore stirring beyond the torchlight of the walls. Returning to his post, he wiped the sweat off his brow, dismissing the noise as his paranoia. Instantly, almost mechanically, he returned to his routine rotation along the North-west wall.
#71369965Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

@Jinxy "If you head to the gatehouse now he's probably more than willing to talk. Not much happens at night." @Podraptor A flick of movement in the trees beyond the town catches your eye.
#71370358Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:58 AM GMT

This time, Yurian doubled around in fear. His hands white-knuckled as he gripped tight the shaft of his pike. "SHOW yourself!" He yelled hoarsely into the night as he gripped the edge of the wall, voice shaking. Perspiration poured down his face like a fast running stream. "I infect the heavens with my hubris and my false security..." He muttered, babbling in effort to calm himself down. (Are there any other guards patrolling the North-west Wall?)
#71370593Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:02 AM GMT

(there would be quite a few others, though on your section only two others.) @podraptor The old guard Byron came running over when he heard you, pike clutched with both hands "What is it lad?"
#71370930Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:06 AM GMT

Yurian did not turn to look at the guardsman before replying. "My bloody ashes! I never seen anything like it, Byron!" You exclaim at the identification of his voice, shaken. "There!" You lash you right arm forward into the night at the dense thicket of trees. "I saw something! My grandmother, you have to believe me! Something moving in the night!"
#71371203Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:09 AM GMT

"I don't see... gods above..." he turned toward to watch tower and shouted "Maribeth! Get the Sergeant!" Just coming out of the forest is a man, staggering like he was badly wounded. (It's a full moon, there is enough light to tell.)
#71371837Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:18 AM GMT

"Gods above! I knew I saw something! Ho, Traveler!" Yurian shouted with both anticipation and worry etched on his face-upon seeing the man's wounds-gripping the lip of the wall with the same gusto as his pike before.
#71371945Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

The man outside the wall made an attempt to wave back then collapsed on the ground.
#71372443Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:26 AM GMT

Before the man landed on the ground in the twilight, Yurian broke away from his station at the parapet, making a beeline to a point of exit from the wall. "A man is wounded outside the gates! he shouted in steady intervals as he made his way down.
#71372811Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:32 AM GMT

@Pod Byron was following close behind "Someone go wake the apothecary!" The two of you reached the gate quickly. Already most of the watchmen who heard had shaken off their drowsy routines and were moving peer over the wall. Someone came running from one of the watch towers, headed for the apothecary's home.
#71373692Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:47 AM GMT

Yurian shifted his feet, sliding to a halt in the dust in front of the North-West gate. "Up yonder! Open the gate!" He yelled himself hoarse with one hand cupped in front of his mouth, his other hand waving up towards the guardhouse.
#71374063Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:54 AM GMT

The gate was beginning to swing open already, Byron slipped out through the space that was already there. the gate Sergeant, a stout dwarf by the name of Giln, had come down from the gate. He shouted up "Archers at the ready, if anything comes charging out of the forest at us I want it to look like a tailor's pincushion before it makes it fifteen feet!" He turned toward Yurian "So you saw the man eh? Let's go get 'im inside."
#71424027Tuesday, July 03, 2012 9:34 PM GMT

With barely a curt nod at most, Yurian rushed off out of the gate to assist the man, trailing on Byron's heels.