#70244184Tuesday, June 19, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

(Since the Roleplay is going slow and Braden (My character) is waiting for donut's character to respond) 2nd character for me! Name: Jennifer Earnheart @ge: 21 Gender: F Appearance: White skin, Green eyes, Brown hair that goes down to lower back, Light Gray jacket w/ a Black shirt underneath, Blue pants, Echo sneakers Primary: N/A Sidearm: N/A Melee: Kitchen Knife Bio: Jennifer is Braden's girlfriend, she has been at her own house for most of Z-Day, not hearing about the outbreak. She has heard screams and groans outside and is getting frightened, worrying about what might be happening outside, she is currently in the upstairs bedroom with the door locked and she is trying to call Braden on her phone. Braden and Jennifer met in their Engineering course in College, and have been going out for the most of the year. She is better with computers than Braden is though, along with skills in engineering. Perks: Engineer, Cybernetic Brain
#70247517Tuesday, June 19, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

Jennefer I didn't know what was going on, but I was scared to go outside, another scream happens outside has I try to call my boyfriend on my cell phone. The signal is weak but its all I need. The phone started ringing and a sense of relief and fear washed over me. What if he was hurt? What if he was in danger? What if... Braden Me and the man are talking when I hear my phone ring. "Hold on I gotta take this, just who is calling me and how are they do-" I see its Jennefer calling and I get drenched with relief shes okay, I accept the call. "Jennifer, are you okay?" Jennefer What if- "Jennefer, are you okay?" I hear his voice come through the phone. "Yeah, I'm fine, but I keep hearing screams and groans coming from outside, I'm scared, can you come get me, I'm at my house" Braden "Okay, I'll get there has soon has I can, just try not to make any noise." I hang up then face back to the man, "Dude I have to go, its important." I don't even give him a chance to respond has I say "Rex lets go!" then I bolt out the store heading towards her house.
#70251314Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:51 AM GMT

I did respond!
#70251441Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

I say "HEY! Get your dog off of me! I am an officer of the Miami Police Department!"
#70251558Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

/Darrow\ I peek out my door, sweating excessively. My air conditioner was broken.. Perfect...
#70251959Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:00 AM GMT

(Acually donut, I don't see any posts where you responded, guess it got blocked or something)
#70253578Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:22 AM GMT

#70253874Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:26 AM GMT

The man is chasing after me has I run towards Jennifers house. I yell while running " Dude! Theres a God-Damn zombie apocalypse going on and your still worried about the Law ?"
#70254019Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:27 AM GMT

I continue to chase Braden :P
#70254156Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:29 AM GMT

/Darrow\ I take off my jacket and tye it around my waist. I walk out side with my rifle drawn,pistol on my left hip. My knife is strapped onto my chest. Figured I could go get stuff to fix my air conditioner. Freaking Miami heat...
#70254825Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:37 AM GMT

Braden After a few minutes of running I finally make it to the street Jennifers house is on. I quickly notice her house then run up to it, I say to the cop "Dude, just let me see if my girlfriend is okay." I kick open the door and a zombie is standing in the kitchen and hears me. It comes charging at me, so smash its head in with my shotgun then head upstairs. "Jennifer? Jennifer its me." Jennifer I sat in my room being has quiet has possible, I heard a noise downstairs then I heard steps getting closer and closer. Has each step is made I begin to get scared, wanting to scream, but remembering the advice Braden gave me, I stay quiet. "Jennifer? Jennifer its me." I hear his voice outside the door and respond "I'm in the bedroom! Just give me a moment to unlock the door." Braden I hear her say shes in the bedroom "Okay, and someone else is with me just so you know." I look at the cop then at the door has a click originates from it. Jennifer I unlocked the door then opened it up, I saw Braden standing there and jumped at him to embrace him in a hug. "I was so worried about you!" I then look at the other man. "Who's this?"
#70258417Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:26 AM GMT

I see the man with a girl at the top of the stairs. The girl asks me who I am, and I say "I am Miami Police Department Officer Dante. I am a specially trained super agent, who's job it is to deal with threats too big for the average policeman all alone. For example, these zombies would've been sent to deal with me, if the police station would simply respond to my radio!"
#70261826Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

After searching for zombies, they could find none, so Nathan and Saki went back to a nearby food stand to grab a quick bite, both eating spicy chicken sandwiches. "Haven't seen other survivors lately Nathan, ya think we are the only ones?" "Nah, we helped some remember?" "Oh yeaaaa, good thing though....I don't wanna repopulate the entire earth...." They both laughed. "Wait, what's wrong with that?"
#70263725Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:52 AM GMT

Yosuke Kataoka The ghouls under the trees started to disperse, obviosuly looking for where the gunshot was fired. I silently walked into the path that they were moving away from. When most of the ghouls were away from the path, I started to dash away. Little did I realize that I was actually making noise as I was running, and that the ghouls were actually right behind me. The leaves I was stepping on were making quite the racket, and it didn't help that I was practically surrounded by the ghouls that didn't notice me until now.
#70265491Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:38 AM GMT

(I actually made a drawing of Saki for a completely different reason rather than Rping long ago and had a different background too....if I know how to get a pic of it and convert to a decal, I would....I was gonna RP as her first here, but I made a Male version :D) (I also should tell you that was a dirty joke on my last post...sorry.) Nathan and Saki made it back to the repair shop to see if there was any news on....nope...nothing...
#70265685Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:44 AM GMT

Erdem Guner I heard about some creatures different than zombies... Ghouls...They were only hearing not seeing... I think thouse guys dont have a radio so I will go to them... Maybe they need help...I also killed a bandit which was carrying an AK47, I have no idea how to use it but i will save it. I barricaded the light house and started to go to the repair shop. -------------------------------- I think I will make a new CS too
#70265855Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:48 AM GMT

(Just to tell you, they place has electricity...) Nathan and Saki sat on the couch trying to find a network to find. "But really Saki, wants wrong with repopulating the earth by ourselves?" "Cramps....stuff like that...OH HEY, WHY IS THE AUSTRAILIAN NEWS ON?" "REALLY?" It wasn't on....just a blank screen.
#70268242Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:07 AM GMT

Braden "Oh, a Police Officer...thats nice I guess" After that the 3 of us just sat in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. "So uhm, Dante can you watch the door for a couple of minutes." I drag Jennifer back into the bedroom and lock the door. "Jennifer...sit down, I need to tell you whats happening"
#70268298Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:10 AM GMT

/Darrow\ After a few hours of walking and avoiding things, I made it to an electronics store. I snuck inside and began looking for something to help me fix my air conditioner. It may be the apocalypse, but that doesn't mean I have to burn.
#70270528Tuesday, June 19, 2012 9:33 AM GMT

I was so enar to that place... I knocked the door and waited for someone to open
#70273945Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:11 PM GMT

Jennifer Braden was telling me all about what was currently happening. Has he kept talking I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, I mean...Zombies and all those people dying. When he was done I just sat there and said "Wow..." Braden After I was done telling her I told her to pack up any food she could and I handed her my Python and all the ammo I had for it. We both went downstairs where Dante was still standing there. I honestly don't know where to go next. Try to find a gunstore? Go to a Hardware store so we can get supplies for barricading? Do we go back to Wal-Mart to get more food? I kept thinking about what we should do has Jennifer is packing.
#70279580Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:35 PM GMT

After standing watch at the door, the couple comes back down the stairs. I say, "I suggest we visit the police station. If there are any survivors there, it'd be great to have them join us. Not to mention the armory we have there"
#70281234Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:03 PM GMT

Braden "Okay then, I guess we could go there first" I say has we both wait for Jennifer to get done packing. I pat Rex on the head a few times has we wait, he silently wags his tail back and forth.
#70281394Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

/Darrow\ I finally get the parts I need and put them in a wagon I found outside. I pulled the wagon home, just barely avoiding a pack of the iinfected. I get into my house and get to work and notice something. My air conditioner is fine. The power just got cut out for my house...
#70283334Tuesday, June 19, 2012 4:35 PM GMT

"Oh hey, someone is at the door...." Nathan walks up to te door and opens it, staring at Erdem through his welding mask. "Yes?"