#70461638Friday, June 22, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

Ensign Lisa "It's.. Lisa. I just joined the Imps, but I proved my worth in the academy. Let's get to Nar Shaddaa. Don't want to keep your Master waiting." I told Drake. Codester My parents lost. Naboo was going to be defended more. "Looks like Commander Carli is gonna be getting reinforcements - at the cost of a ton of Credits. Wait, I just got a holo message from.. Master?" I rambelled. It claimed he was on Naboo with the remaining Republic Forces. 'Apparentaly, some Dark Counciller is going to go there. Soon, this'll be a disaster. I gotta lead the Troops there!' I thought, running to the Chancellor to get permission to go to Naboo. He nodded, then I bolted into a transport.
#70461752Friday, June 22, 2012 1:33 AM GMT

Drake "Okay, Lisa. I'm Drake." I drive off to Nar Shadddaa.
#70485100Friday, June 22, 2012 10:20 AM GMT

The stupid idiotic roblox rules found some 'forbidden' word in my CS that is supposedly 'too harsh for roblox' and now they won't let me post it. They should ease up on the rules -.-. I'm gonna post the CS in parts so I apologize for the long CS. I just need to post that CS...
#70485113Friday, June 22, 2012 10:21 AM GMT

Adol Ro'hen (Darth Decimus) 72 Naboo Human Male
#70485175Friday, June 22, 2012 10:25 AM GMT

(Bio missing because there is something 'wrong' with it although I can't find a possible reason why it is inappropriate.) Due to him being a senator, he is very manipulating and skilled at lies. Nobody yet suspects him of being a Sith, yet. During combat, he usually comments about the other persons abilities, usually mocking them to get the person to show anger. He doesn't care about any other person but himself but as a senator he pretends to be a mild and kind person. Republic (Sith Empire) Senator (Sith) Senator of Naboo (Sith Lord and Dark Council member, reports Jedi plans directly from the capital to the Council) He didn't know any of his two parents. He lived in an orphanage when Darth Xedrix found him. His apprentice was killed so he took the little boy with him and trained him to serve the Sith. He quickly became powerful, jumping trough ranks at an alarming speed. Until the point when he became stronger than his master and killed him during his sleep. Throughout the years he became the member of the Dark Council when they sent him on a long mission to Coruscant to become a member of the Senate and inform the Concil of Jedi plans directly from their capital. But before that, he had to become a Senator representing a planet. After much thought he had chosen to represent Naboo. After many manipulating actions, he became the Senator of Naboo. The job he had for almost twenty years by now. During the time he was invited to the Council, he had his first apprentice. When he died on the battlefront he was left without an apprentice. Right now he looks to find a powerful Jedi and turn him to the Dark Side of the force as his new apprentice. Red lightsaber with a curve handle. Advanced knowledge in most of the Jedi arts and the Dark Side of the force. Some of his force skills include; advanced telekinesis skills, force lighting, force choke, force speed, force flight, force rage and other. He is also a master duelist with great sword skills. Nope... Because you need more major antagonists.
#70485186Friday, June 22, 2012 10:26 AM GMT

(Sorry, appearance I mean. I'll try to fix the appearance because it keeps getting rejected).
#70485356Friday, June 22, 2012 10:41 AM GMT

(This will look basic and childish. I'm sorry, it was much longer but apparently roblox hates me. Now I have to swallow my pride and make a basic, list like appearance.) Grey hair, blue eyes, senator robes, sith robes. He is 6'3 feet tall and he walks with a stick. I hate this appearance :(
#70497208Friday, June 22, 2012 4:27 PM GMT

Codester I looked at the Senator of Naboo. "Hi, sir. I'm glad your side won. I better go practice my skills if I'm gonna actually be alongside a Senator and my Master." I told the Senator on the way to Naboo.
#70498251Friday, June 22, 2012 4:44 PM GMT

(Does that mean I'm accepted?)
#70498397Friday, June 22, 2012 4:47 PM GMT

(mima you can turn Thomas into a sith if you want he isn't too powerful but he excels in the force and is a quick learner forgot to mention that in bio)
#70498538Friday, June 22, 2012 4:50 PM GMT

(M'kay. We will proceed with that in the story ;). Although I don't want to start yet because the creator didn't say if I was accepted or not... An also, can you brief me of the current situation. Whats going on in the senate and the republic generally?)
#70498644Friday, June 22, 2012 4:52 PM GMT

(well tatooine is neutral but soon it has to pick a side IDK much about the senate though oh and we are battling on Naboo I think.)
#70498697Friday, June 22, 2012 4:53 PM GMT

(Hmm. Interesting moment for my character to slow down the defense of Naboo to ensure that the Sith capture it.)
#70498889Friday, June 22, 2012 4:56 PM GMT

(i feel like the thing you turn me to the dark side is gonna be like Anakin and Palpetine.)
#70499148Friday, June 22, 2012 5:00 PM GMT

(Probably, but let's not jump to anything yet. And lets not forget Yoda and his famous quote. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” First you need ti show fear, than unleash your anger. Then you will hate which will make you suffer and ultimately turn you to the dark side of the force.)
#70499283Friday, June 22, 2012 5:02 PM GMT

(for fear ima probably find out your a sith then your probably gonna threaten me. Then im scared of you fear is checked off list. then I get mad at something after I get mad I start hating someone then you turn me into sith)
#70499492Friday, June 22, 2012 5:05 PM GMT

(Nah, I was thinking of something else. Much better, you will see. I have much time to think it through.)
#70499603Friday, June 22, 2012 5:07 PM GMT

(You're accepted. BTW, try to turn Codester to the Dark Side. It might not work, but still a good story line).
#70499709Friday, June 22, 2012 5:08 PM GMT

(Alright. You mentioned a Naboo senator in your last RP post so that's me. What I want to know now is where am I, what am I doing and why.)
#70499710Friday, June 22, 2012 5:08 PM GMT

(ok that could do something have 2 pupils one doesn't change one does that would be a good rp)
#70502083Friday, June 22, 2012 5:40 PM GMT

(Codester wouldn't fall to the Dark Side and join him. He'd stay and the Light [and not die.] Also, you are on a transoprt to Naboo, along with Codester, rendezousing with allied forces on Naboo, including Grand Master Krentos Flier and Commander Carli.)
#70502268Friday, June 22, 2012 5:43 PM GMT

(you forgot about Jedi Knight Thomas)
#70505803Friday, June 22, 2012 6:40 PM GMT

(I'm raging, because I don't know what to do.)
#70509121Friday, June 22, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

(awwwwww bye)
#70520348Friday, June 22, 2012 9:51 PM GMT

(Is this thread still going?...I was hoping to make a character...)