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#70494691Friday, June 22, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

basicly we all pitch in to add to a story. i'll start the story, end at a random point, and then the next person picks up with where i ended. then he'she ends and the next person picks it up from there! please try to make the story make sence! and please no 'the end' or 'that's the end' because this is ENDLESS! so i'll start and someone will pick it up. here is an example: once apon a time jack went into the woods. (that was the end of the post so now the next post could say something like this) he saw a bear the ran after him chasing him back to his house! ok get it? HERE WE GO! i'll start it! here is the begining someone pick up after then someone else then someone else! here it is and good luck: once apon a time there was a family of 3. a dad, a mom, and a 10 year old son named Dan. Dan went fishing at the pond behind his house one day when nobody was around.

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