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#9374878Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:35 PM GMT

Ohforf: Whoa I haven't posted here in a while...Hmm...I think I'll siege Eddie's Castle! One hour later... Noob: Eddie! We're under attack! Eddie: What?! O_O Who's attacking us?! Noob: It's Ohforf! Eddie: Send the elite forces then! Noob: Ok.
#9374912Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:36 PM GMT

???:Hey Eddie....I Want to take out Ohforf
Top 100 Poster
#9374943Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:37 PM GMT

Silent: Hello? OSA: *starts MK DS*
Top 100 Poster
#9376137Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#9376167Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:07 PM GMT

Over Shadow Arnooba. OSA: O_O THERES NO ME?!!?!?!?! Silent: ITS MADE BY NINTENDO YOU DOOF!
#9376539Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:15 PM GMT

Joe: *Is falling down Shadow Arnooba's neck* AHHHH!!!! No wait! Good thing I brought that parachute during vaction! *Opens up parachute and gently lands*
Top 100 Poster
#9376725Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:20 PM GMT

OSA: *crushes Joe like a bug* Say What? Silent: NINTENDo, ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTACK! *nails OSA with Spikey Shells*
#9377575Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:41 PM GMT

ConMan35: I'm BACK! WOOT!* flying gunship of Epikness*
#9377641Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:43 PM GMT

ConMan: Telamon, ready the Ban-Cannon! Telamon:*readys cannon* ( ANYONE REMEMBER ME FROM THE OLD NOOB POLICES?)
#9385556Monday, June 08, 2009 1:18 AM GMT

(I do!) Lolt: Here we are! Next stop, Roblox Cloudland's Main Castle! Chris: Right! Let's go! Miki: Yoshi! Lolt + Chris: *get on Miki* Miki: *begins running towards the castle really fast*
#9396441Monday, June 08, 2009 12:40 PM GMT

Hi ConMan! Im kinda new here. I have been here for about maybe close to a yr. My name is Tal, I am the smarty pants here. I can make anything! Even related to bloxxer/noob stuff! I haven't always been a smart guyy living in a noob world fending for others. I used to be in.. A NOOB FAMILY!! (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN) But I wasn't likeing the teachers and my parents much. ;)
#9445357Tuesday, June 09, 2009 6:37 PM GMT

Lolt: We're here! (Bump.)
Top 100 Poster
#9446618Tuesday, June 09, 2009 7:07 PM GMT

Ohforf: I wonder what I'll find in Eddie's lair...
#9451600Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:04 PM GMT

Alex: Something's not right Tal, he's too confident, he's got something planned. Clavin: Your turn.
#9452524Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:27 PM GMT

Lolt: Alright! How big can this noob emergency be, anyways? Chris: I hope it's not too hard...I just got out of my arm cast. Miki: Yoshi yoshi. *RUMBLE* *RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE* Lolt: I was wrong. This will be hard. Chris: How do you know that? Lolt: That. *points* GIANT EVIL NOOB MONSTER: *BREAKS THROUGH WALL* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR!!!!!! All: Ochiz.
#9452813Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:34 PM GMT

I'll join
Top 100 Poster
#9456687Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:03 PM GMT

Ohforf: Yikes! There are cameras all over the place! I better try not to be seen...
#9464033Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

I dont know about him. But somethings fishy about that gun..... I think he might make it explode or something. Lets rig the gun. But I need time... I GOT IT! *Clavins phone rings with ringtone 'Elmos got a gun'* Clavin: Just a sec. *leaves room* PHONE CALL! Tal: *deep voice* Hello this is the vet. We found your dog. Clavin: But I dont have a dog! Tal: It said your phone number and name. Clavin: Maybe its that dog I got when I was little.... Tal: Woofy? Clavin: YES! THATS IT! Tal: Let me find those papers. Please hold. *bananaphone hold music plays* Tal: *to alex* That gun seems to be exploded by a remote. Look in his seat. *alex looks in seat* Alex: A REMOTE! *tal makes fake one* FIVE SECONDS LATER!!! *knock knock* FAKE REMOTE! Alex: *takes remote and puts remote on Clavins seat* Tal: Okay when its his turn and then its your turn, brb for me. BathRoom Break! Got it? GAME CONTINUES! Epilogue (to vet call) Tal: Yes the dog is all fine. We will send him over. Clavin: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Top 100 Poster
#9468286Wednesday, June 10, 2009 3:17 AM GMT

Ohforf: *breaks all the security cameras and sneaks past the guards* This is too eas-What the?! Frofho: Yo Ohforf! I've been sent to kill you! Frofho He's my evil twin...
#9474588Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:25 PM GMT

Bunnyhops6. If you want to join, PLEASE sign this form! Nickname: Bio: Abilities:
#9474643Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:29 PM GMT

(Tal, I thought we weren't supposed to control people and their characters.)
#9475673Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:27 PM GMT

(First of all. Irockz and I share eachother. Second of all. Would Clavin actually NOT buy a cute puppy at age 6? Third of all. Clavin would answer any phone just in case.)
#9476421Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:57 PM GMT

(Eh...Not what I meant. Nevermind.)
#9486224Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:50 PM GMT

Alex: My turn. *Spins barrel and holds gun to head* Clavin: *Pulls fake remote from under chair* Ha! You lose this time Auora *Pushes button and Rick Astley plays from the remote* What the heck? Alex: Missing something? *Waves real remote*
Top 100 Poster
#9489968Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:14 PM GMT

Frofho: *attempts to falcon punch Ohforf* Ohforf: *dodges and falcon punches Frofho in the face* Frofho: OUCH! Need to use a more accurate attack... Ohforf: *attempts to falcon punch, but Frofho counters with kamehahaha* Ohforf: D'oh! OWIE OWIE OWCHIES! Frofho: Sucker...*attempts to ready kamehahaha again* Ohforf: *falcon punches him* Frofho: OUCH! Those falcon punches hurt! LASER EYE BEAMS! Ohforf: AAH! *dodges*