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#91727820Thursday, March 14, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

HAAA BC games are back
#91731912Thursday, March 14, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

I dislike when people bring back old threads. The BC games never left from the day they were made. -_Rap.S_-
#91732981Thursday, March 14, 2013 1:39 AM GMT

>"BRING BACK BC GAMES" Let's start there. There are BC games. Idiot. Seriously, you're THAT lazy to look? >"Making no BC games on ROBLOX means less benefits, if you want to make money out of BC, you should be adding more benefits not deleting them!" "Making no BC games on ROBLOX means less benefits" True, but you can still do stuff. Seriously, you're THAT desperate to play with people who have BC? "If you want to make money out of BC, you should be adding more benefits not deleting them!" My god. It's just one benefit. There's PLENTY more. >"Without BC games only means that people who have BC HAVE to go to games WITH NBC, and some NBC might think they have BC so they call them a noob." "Without BC games only means that people who have BC HAVE to go to games WITH NBC," Let me stop you there. Really. You would DIE if you go to a sever with a NBC person? "Some NBC might think they have BC so they call them a noob." That sentence doesn't even make since. >"So I really think ROBLOX should bring back the BC games!" No.
#93007979Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

I do not support
#93008694Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:37 AM GMT

They are back.

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