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#71201175Sunday, July 01, 2012 2:43 AM GMT

I'm new, I heard the 2006-2010 year was amazing, can you tell me how it was amazing? Like what happened?
#71205206Sunday, July 01, 2012 3:40 AM GMT

Let me start off by saying : WELCOME ! ! For one , ROBLOX was released . Back then , there were no "packages" everyone had the classic ROBLOX block look . Many people say it was amazing back then because it was just so new and different , it was when many famous people were around , for an example , one of ROBLOX's most popular female designers ; Mericats . Back then the way she made her clothes was really cool , she quit , and doesn't exist anymore . There wasn't allot of ODing back then , since the game was new , and most of the teenagers that play now are from 2006-2010 . Since they played when they were younger , they kept playing to the present . If you didn't get to play back then , it's a little harder to understand why it was so amazing . I guess that fact that the game was so new and had so much raw material , and now seeing how different it is makes us all miss the old days . If you want to see a little more of the old ROBLOX , you could go to Youtube and look up old videos . Zombie games were the best back then , they were classic . Try playing a few of the older games . Then you'll understand why older ROBLOXians miss those days so much ! But , good luck , ROBLOX is a fun game , I'm sure you'll love it , just as much as I did . ( :
#71205466Sunday, July 01, 2012 3:44 AM GMT

I agree with Bwee, the Zombie games were the best back then. It was really different from what it's like now. There was no TBC or OBC, there were no fancy hair hats or sk8r hats, people weren't as judgemental as they are now. But there was still allot of ODing, every single game there was people there who were dating. It was really annoying and the only thing I miss is the fact I thought ODing would stop by this year, but it never did. If you really want to know more you could google or go on youtube and look up old videos and play old games like bwee said. I always do that when I want to remember the good ol' days.
#71228260Sunday, July 01, 2012 1:59 PM GMT

If you think that's WAY too long, search history of roblox, and click.
#71277340Monday, July 02, 2012 1:47 AM GMT

@above: Agree,
#71305169Monday, July 02, 2012 1:28 PM GMT

#71310205Monday, July 02, 2012 3:07 PM GMT

It was more primitive back then, I believe, and simple. Now, there are many more cool features. I heard that the early years of Roblox were very pleasent.
#71311440Monday, July 02, 2012 3:27 PM GMT

It was amazing cause there were no spammers, scammers, or trolls.
#71341379Monday, July 02, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

idk much bout back in '06, but i DO know that its a fasinating history, and everyone was NBC..... and it must've been good back then.....
#71349934Monday, July 02, 2012 11:44 PM GMT

I loved the old ROBLOX...Don't be a noob and say "lolz u iz not frum teh ould d@yz bacuz u are nuut" Because I had a wonderful account back in 06...Good times...
#71353703Tuesday, July 03, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

Back then I remember almost everyone being nice, and there was practically no noobs. It was easy to have a cool character apperance because there wasn't so many different choices. I also remember my first ever place, I was experimenting and I just added a bunch of free models and thought it was totally epic. Now that I look back I relize how lame it was. I miss those days, I wish I had joined earlier so I only had a bit of the awesomeness. One specific night I played until 3:00am and it was a school night (my parents accidentally fell asleep) it was one of the first times I played and I totally lost track of time.
#73558761Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

I've been playing since 2008 on my old account that I forgot my user name. I think 2008 was one of the more greater years of ROBLOX history. ROBLOX was a great community back then, and it was easy to talk to people. There were barely any exploiters and I believe BC had just came out. There were a lot of classy games, My favorite games were the zombie games and explosion games. But these past years, ROBLOX has gone downhill. Trolls and scammers started evolving. In 2010, that's when the noobs came. They were messing up other people's stuff in building games and kept killing people. One of the most ANNOYING things was that OBC people kept abusing their OBC and started calling people noobs. But most of the time, they were the noobs because of the fact that they didn't know that a noob was a new person. ROBLOX was very fun back then, but I hope that ROBLOX makes a great comeback. :)
#73608448Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:37 AM GMT

I know a little. 2009 Where people were friendly and at least there is way less spam than now. Where people are nice,and ROBLOX is kid friendly. When there is no people cursing you to have cancer. When there is no tough teens who type annoying stuff like "But you fail! XD" 2010 Still good,but many and many spam come 2010 end BC ONLY GAME 2011 It is not longer fun 2012 FULL OF SPAM THAT IS "EPICPRICE",GOODBYE OLD ROBLOX
#73814349Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:35 AM GMT

It was amazing because loads of famous people were around.There were no OD'ers (Online Daters) and there were not much spammers and scammers,I think 2010 was the best year.I also played as a guest for about 8-10 months.
#73814409Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:37 AM GMT

better times
#73814466Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:38 AM GMT

@Above! You wern't even playing back then. I've been playing since 2008-2009.I made a account in 2010

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